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Typhoon MMRCA woes

Last year UK had to renew its commitment for developing countries and to hammer out their international developmental budget (aid). There was a hue and cry in Britain over providing aid to India. Mr.Mukherjee in parliament was asked about it, he said India operates its own budget for development, any foreign assistance to India is peanuts relative to it, not pointing to any specific country. He said all the foreign aid combined is less than 0.4% of the GDP. He also said India would gladly renege the aid if Britain so decide. But Britain decided to extend the aid until 2015.

Okay now when you say Boorish behavior, how did you come about it? Did someone from GOI say something rude? It was Indian public reaction to arrogant British pricks who are commenting at the story. "Begged to accept it" quote was an over the top indulgence by British media. No one in their right mind would say that to a donor country. Yet no self respecting country should sit calm at the aspersions that seems to coming along with the aid.

Fair point. I was pointing to behaviour of Indian posters who are dismissive of the aid that is being given. 'Boorish' was used with reference to them. I did use an "if" with the FM remark of peanuts but it still is an unfortunate choice of words, even if no country was singled out. The government must now move to end this aid, especially considering how terribly this is playing out. Even if the U.K. government is not involved, this is turning out to be a PR disaster. We must act & quickly.
DFID - UK aid from the Department for International Development (DFID)

Universal Elementary Education (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan II) [114487]

Improve the quality of elementary education for all children.



Reproductive and Child Health Programme Phase II [107908]

Disparities in access and use of essential reproductive and child health services reduced.



Sector Wide Approach to Strengthening Health (SWASTH) in Bihar [114506]

Increased access to better quality health, nutrition and water and sanitation services for underserved groups



MP Health sector support [113707]

Increased use of quality health, nutrition and sanitation services by the poor



National AIDS Control Programme III [107859]

To achieve the National AIDS Control Programme's strategic objective of, achieving behaviour change through scaling up the prevention of new infections in high risk groups (HRG) and general population; and increased care, support and treatment of people living with HIV.



West Bengal - Health Sector Support [107906]

Enhanced and equitable utilisation of quality health services by the poorest and those in great need.



West Bengal : Kolkata Urban Services for the Poor [107891]

Improved quality of life and opportunity for 2.4 million poor people in the Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA)



Orissa Health Sector Support [113963]

Increased use of quality health, nutrition and sanitation services by the poor



DFID UNICEF Strategic Partnership in India [108000]




Poorest States Inclusive Growth Programme [114293]

Increased access of poor, espicially women, to financial services. Enhanced economic value generated as increased employment incomes by investments in enterprises. Enhanced decision making power of women

This is some of the programs the money is used for
Okay, that was kind of a joke, but oh well. Besides what was arrogant about that?? Oh wait, you are generalizing the entire UK population.
Way to go man!
PS Speaking of arrogance, your location 'the superpower'?

I don't think that counts as arrogance, but the comments (almost 80-90%) from our dear britishers speaks volumes of the general mentality of a UK person, not only that, I know, these things can't be used to generalize the entire popuation, but what about the articles that are being written on similar lines?? and what would you call a the type of reaction from the general UK person?? Is it justified?? Is it even sane to say something like that?? and if your aid is given to change/bribe your way into our policies, then, what do you expect an average Indian to say?? Should we start asking the same question?

My friend, this is IMO nothing but the british pride that has been falsely instigated into your veins by your forefathers, sure an average british today has a far better life than us, but an average britisher's forefather looted many countries and continents some which are still not independent. I don't think your comments even justify anything, if you think you are so great then good for you and your national pride, but for your information, your country is in heavy debt and will soon sink to the deepest ocean, so my best wishes to you and your great britan

Jai Hind :toast_sign:
Yes, yes it is bribery and I said that tied aid is illegal and wrong. The jets should be selected on merit alone. But generalizing all Brits as being arrogant, simply because our government was is silly.
I dont think it will be right to suggest that all brits are arrogant.
People make this observation based on media and comment on newspaper, I have the advantage of being in UK, so if personal experience counts anything, I can say it is not true.

But when I see QT or even BBC coverage, nobody seems to point out the competition, in which french won because they are cheaper.
Everybody is out to bash GoI.
British people are very generous and they should continue to donate for the cause they support, but it seems British Govt aid comes openly as bribe to subvert Indian democratic process, and I am really not sure if it is right in long run for India's poor.

I dont have any false pride and I think GoI should accept the Aid. But british people like you should force your govt to stop it.
Why would UK begg India to take aid money ? lolz UK it self is pretty much broke.
Daily mail is a low class paper which caters for how can i say rather racist people i much rather read the Times or the Economist
I don't think that counts as arrogance, but the comments (almost 80-90%) from our dear britishers speaks volumes of the general mentality of a UK person, not only that, I know, these things can't be used to generalize the entire popuation, but what about the articles that are being written on similar lines?? and what would you call a the type of reaction from the general UK person?? Is it justified?? Is it even sane to say something like that?? and if your aid is given to change/bribe your way into our policies, then, what do you expect an average Indian to say?? Should we start asking the same question?

My friend, this is IMO nothing but the british pride that has been falsely instigated into your veins by your forefathers, sure an average british today has a far better life than us, but an average britisher's forefather looted many countries and continents some which are still not independent. I don't think your comments even justify anything, if you think you are so great then good for you and your national pride, but for your information, your country is in heavy debt and will soon sink to the deepest ocean, so my best wishes to you and your great britan

Jai Hind :toast_sign:
My point is: Just because our government or a few commenters have acted arrogantly, that does not mean that the entire UK pop. acts/thinks the same way.
When did I say I thought we were great? Stop putting words into my mouth.
So much for good Indo/Anglo relations. I hope you sink to the bottom of the ocean too. :rolleyes:
The same article in the Telegraph is reposted in the Daily Mail lol don't go by the comments most people in UK are generous heck even Lakshmi Mittal donated £1 million just for children in need.

Let's not seem to proud we do still need help as we have millions of poor people this is a fact and until the Indian goverment do something to reduce it we can't complain.

The only thing that winds me up is this bullshit talk about India having a space program do they even know how it helps us? and generates revenue, stupid media talking out their backside

dude i dont know but after listening to those comments if we continue to take their aid i think it will be shameless . Apart from this i don't think the aid reaches the needy people anyway .
Fair point. I was pointing to behaviour of Indian posters who are dismissive of the aid that is being given. 'Boorish' was used with reference to them. I did use an "if" with the FM remark of peanuts but it still is an unfortunate choice of words, even if no country was singled out. The government must now move to end this aid, especially considering how terribly this is playing out. Even if the U.K. government is not involved, this is turning out to be a PR disaster. We must act & quickly.

Britan is making unneccessary mess out of this deal, it would not have happened in the first place if the aid wasn't brought in between, if anything this is the incompetence of the british govt that it gave aid to poor India, when poor britan itself needs it, IMO , it was a wise defence deal, and britan should not drag India in it's personal affairs, it's the fault of UK's politicians not India and the aid wasn't given to ensure the success of EFT in the deal
India needs to set its priorities right. The difference between a select few and the rest of the nation is staggering.
. .
dude i dont know but after listening to those comments if we continue to take their aid i think it will be shameless . Apart from this i don't think the aid reaches the needy people anyway .

Yaar look at how the paisa is being used for, you can see the diffrent programs on the website and how it is helping the poor don't go by silly comments on there most of those people posting are living on state handouts.

Bottom line is we accepted the money we never rejected it, if we didnt want it in the first place we could have said no but we didn't so the fault lies with us how can we turn around and say now we don't want the money when already we taken it?
India needs to set its priorities right. The difference between a select few and the rest of the nation is staggering.
Well that was always the case and more people have come out of poverty than ever before.
Your observation will be right if Indians were rich before, but poor getting poorer everyday.

I cannot find fault in India's overall budget, can you point out?
^^^ we already rejected it, that's what the thread is about inferior Indian...
Somehow this business of buying weapons has damaged us more than doing good. I hope the GOI finds the right balance.

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