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Type 071 for Russia?

They even put down their pride to buy France military product, That is unthinkable in Cold war times. Why do you think they would not even go a step further in buying Chinese weapon products? Russia needs rapid naval modernisation at lower cost. They is not better way than buying Chinese naval product.

lool You seem not to understand that China is different from France/any western country. In that we in the west/france have been advanced/industrialize for a very longg time way way before China even knew/embraced industrilization/open up. Moreover we had empires/colonies that stretched the globe. So we had been world powers for a veryyy long time. The Russians (despite resenting us) admire us. They admire/respect strong advanced countries. So its easier for them to buy high tech weapons systems from us, since we are more developed/advanced than them, than buying from China who they still consider to be superior to, and have been for most past of this century. The day Russia buys high tech wespons systems from China, you will see how mahy Russians/and their newspapers being angry/embarassed about this, than they buying from us in the west/U.S/israel (which they have been doing for a long time now, wihtout much fanfare).:D So you can't compare France with China, since Russia has been selling weapons/technology to China for a long time and considered it a junior partner for much of the past decades during the cold war until recently, meanwhile they have never had that relationship with France(or any developed western country for that matter), since France doesnt need anything from them(in fact France is more advance/developed than them in most military fields/living standards etc), so its less embarassing for them to buy from us in the west than from CHINA or any other developing country for that matter. So there you go.:cheers:

You contradict yourself. You say Russians only deign to accept billions of dollars worth of lowly Chinese goods because the US cut them off. My question is - why doesn't Russia have the manufacturing base to produce these "unsophisticated parts"? If Russia has such low regard for Chinese components, you'd think the first thing they'd do is set up their own assembly lines rather than spend *billions* on Chinese goods? After all that french guy said Russia would never buy anything military related from China. Yet he's been proven wrong. Who knows what the future holds?

On a side note who would have guessed that a giant Chinese crane would be responsible for building the pride of her majesty's navy? China has come a long way. :lol: I think you may see cows fly in your lifetime. :rofl:

UK's Biggest Crane Passes Under Forth Bridges | Forth Road Bridge

You seem not to have red my comment/post correctly bros. did i say Russia wont ever buy military products from China? i said hight tech/sophisticated weapons systems like drones/LHP/fighter jets, armoured vehicles (they bought from Italy.lol), defense technologies from Israel. etc . You should ask yourself why didnt/dont they buy these from their 'friend/ally' China?:cheesy:

Moreover China indeed has a far larger manufacturing base than Russia obviously, but then again Russia is more advanced in military tech than China. So its a non starter for moscow to procure sophisticated defence products from China apart from components/parts which most countries do.
Huh.........i really dont understand why you bring in cranes into the discussion bros. Are cranes a military/defence products?o_O:o:.......:what: So i wont even answer/waste time on this one, since its a non starter.:cheers:
.........hmmmmmm......well if i recall well, according to the Indians its is(so the Indians might agree with you, but not me.).lol Ban on ZPMC cranes to hurt Indian ports - Livemint

Talk of paranoia.:lol::D:P
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LHD is different from building an aircraft carrier bro. Moreover you indeed are building an aircraft carrier but still with Russia cooperation. Though to be honest, Moscow has indeed been of great help to India, since most of your critical weapons systems are from Russia, from which you have learned a lot. Did I say help? Hmmm...more like they got huge returns/ cash from selling you their weapons.
As for pride thing. Its more than true. I can't ever imagine Russia buying weapons from China, much less from India. That will be like believing cows can fly.:p:
Although our Military Industrial Complex has still not matured completely that doesn't mean that Russians wont buy a good product from us due to some ego problem.
Russian firm to buy HAL radar computers worth Rs 65 cr | Business Line
We also have a lot of joint multi billion joint venture between them and even Israelis for joint research & production of weapon system.
Chinese technology is certainly better than EU technology. China has J-20 fifth generation fighter jet. The EU has no planned fifth generation fighter jet.
Flawed logic: just because you - for whatever reason - choose not to develop something doesn't mean you can't.

The only currently combat-ready fifth-generation fighter is the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II, Sukhoi T-50, Chengdu J-20 and Shenyang J-31 are currently under various stages of testing and development.

Replica was a design study for a British military aircraft with stealth capabilities, developed by BAE Systems. It was associated with the Royal Air Force's now cancelled Future Offensive Air System. The Replica project is known to have run from 1994 to 1999 building a full size model and subjected to a rigorous test regime to determine its radar cross section. It is widely believed that Replica may have been intended to replace the Panavia Tornado from 2017 onwards. Experience from the program was later rolled into the Joint Strike Fighter program, which essentially replaced Replica.

As of March 2014, the Replica testbed is back on its infamous radar testing plinth at BAE Warton but now in its new paint scheme



lool You seem not to understand that China is different from France/any western country. In that we in the west/france have been advanced/industrialize for a very longg time way way before China even knew/embraced industrilization/open up. Moreover we had empires/colonies that stretched the globe. So we had been world powers for a veryyy long time. The Russians (despite resenting us) admire us. They admire/respect strong advanced countries. So its easier for them to buy high tech weapons systems from us, since we are more developed/advanced than them, than buying from China who they still consider to be superior to, and have been for most past of this century. The day Russia buys high tech wespons systems from China, you will see how mahy Russians/and their newspapers being angry/embarassed about this, than they buying from us in the west/U.S/israel (which they have been doing for a long time now, wihtout much fanfare).:D So you can't compare France with China, since Russia has been selling weapons/technology to China for a long time and considered it a junior partner for much of the past decades during the cold war until recently, meanwhile they have never had that relationship with France(or any developed western country for that matter), since France doesnt need anything from them(in fact France is more advance/developed than them in most military fields/living standards etc), so its less embarassing for them to buy from us in the west than from CHINA or any other developing country for that matter. So there you go.:cheers:

You seem not to have red my comment/post correctly bros. did i say Russia wont ever buy military products from China? i said hight tech/sophisticated weapons systems like drones/LHP/fighter jets, armoured vehicles (they bought from Italy.lol), defense technologies from Israel. etc . You should ask yourself why didnt/dont they buy these from their 'friend/ally' China?:cheesy:

Moreover China indeed has a far larger manufacturing base than Russia obviously, but then again Russia is more advanced in military tech than China. So its a non starter for moscow to procure sophisticated defence products from China apart from components/parts which most countries do.
Huh.........i really dont understand why you bring in cranes into the discussion bros. Are cranes a military/defence products?o_O:o:.......:what: So i wont even answer/waste time on this one, since its a non starter.:cheers:
.........hmmmmmm......well if i recall well, according to the Indians its not(so the Indians might agree with you, but not me.).lol Ban on ZPMC cranes to hurt Indian ports - Livemint

I'm not disputing that Russia is ahead of China in military technology. I'm merely saying that it's not impossible for China to be exporting full weapons systems to Russia one day.

You say it *is* impossible. And then I go on to point out a lot of "impossible" things that have happened within the last decade that would have been imaginable two decades ago. For instance, Russia purchasing something as significant as LHDs from France or the UK using Chinese cranes to build her aircraft carrier. By the way, I bring in cranes because it is the cornerstone of a strategic project for the UK. It's very much military related and it's quite obvious. I'm confused as to why you don't get it?
Anyways, once again, we're talking past each other. :cheers:

Chinese technology is certainly better than EU technology. China has J-20 fifth generation fighter jet. The EU has no planned fifth generation fighter jet. Not to mention, J-10B is superior to any existing EU fighter jet due to DSI. 8-)

The EU is way more technologically advanced than China. You use the J-20 (that relies on Russian engines) and the J-10B's DSI as evidence? You're obviously trolling. And I've reported you for it. :agree:

Flawed logic: just because you - for whatever reason - choose not to develop something doesn't mean you can't.

The only currently combat-ready fifth-generation fighter is the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II, Sukhoi T-50, Chengdu J-20 and Shenyang J-31 are currently under various stages of testing and development.

Replica was a design study for a British military aircraft with stealth capabilities, developed by BAE Systems. It was associated with the Royal Air Force's now cancelled Future Offensive Air System. The Replica project is known to have run from 1994 to 1999 building a full size model and subjected to a rigorous test regime to determine its radar cross section. It is widely believed that Replica may have been intended to replace the Panavia Tornado from 2017 onwards. Experience from the program was later rolled into the Joint Strike Fighter program, which essentially replaced Replica.


He's trolling you. Don't feed the troll.
Read my comemnt again. I said sophisticated weapons sytems, not small components/unsophisticated parts which even the U.S/west sources from China due to cost. However thats because Russia doesnt have much choice than to source those from China(and even with that, its just recently when we imposed sanctions on them that they decided to source those from China, so says alot about how Russia regards China. lol) , which to be honest is not really high tech stuffs. The day i see Russia buying high tech weapons systems from China, i think cows might indeed fly.:lol:

You are understimating Russian pride, they indeed have alot of it. We in europe know them better than you do. To be honest, i believe its easier to believe even Britain can buy sophisticated weapons systems from China than Russia.:agree:

But Russia wont, for the reasons i mentioned above.
By the way im sure my Russian frioends in this forum can attest to that. where are they all? they seem to have gone in hiding....its the Chinese and Indians who seem to be defending them on many topics on here recently. That's really strange....:lol:
Chinese technology is certainly better than EU technology. China has J-20 fifth generation fighter jet. The EU has no planned fifth generation fighter jet. Not to mention, J-10B is superior to any existing EU fighter jet due to DSI. 8-)

LOOL you seem to be the only member(chinese?lol:what:) with whom its diffifult to have a meaningful/contructive discussion with on here bro. I recommend you tone down your rheteric bros and be more realistic/level headed in your posts/comments. I'm sure most members on here will agree with me.:cheers:
LOOL you seem to be the only member(chinese?lol:what:) with whom its diffifult to have a meaningful/contructive discussion with on here bro. I recommend you tone down your rheteric bros and be more realistic/level headed in your posts/comments. I'm sure most members on here will agree with me.:cheers:

Don't blame him,he's just 13 years old.
Chinese technology is certainly better than EU technology. China has J-20 fifth generation fighter jet. The EU has no planned fifth generation fighter jet. Not to mention, J-10B is superior to any existing EU fighter jet due to DSI. 8-)

Are you being serious?
Chinese technology is certainly better than EU technology. China has J-20 fifth generation fighter jet. The EU has no planned fifth generation fighter jet. Not to mention, J-10B is superior to any existing EU fighter jet due to DSI. 8-)

No hard feelings man but my friend (who thinks that isreal is a superpower) even knows that European Weapons are better than Chinese/Russian weapons :)
If Western weapons better then why Britain ceded Hong Kong to China ah ha ha? :laugh:
If Western weapons better then why Britain ceded Hong Kong to China ah ha ha? :laugh:

You are one of the most intriguing/funniest member on here that i have come across. guess you can be a good friend of mine, since your posts do make me laugh and happy.:lol:
keep it up bros. :cheers::D
lool You seem not to understand that China is different from France/any western country. In that we in the west/france have been advanced/industrialize for a very longg time way way before China even knew/embraced industrilization/open up. Moreover we had empires/colonies that stretched the globe. So we had been world powers for a veryyy long time. The Russians (despite resenting us) admire us. They admire/respect strong advanced countries. So its easier for them to buy high tech weapons systems from us, since we are more developed/advanced than them, than buying from China who they still consider to be superior to, and have been for most past of this century. The day Russia buys high tech wespons systems from China, you will see how mahy Russians/and their newspapers being angry/embarassed about this, than they buying from us in the west/U.S/israel (which they have been doing for a long time now, wihtout much fanfare).:D So you can't compare France with China, since Russia has been selling weapons/technology to China for a long time and considered it a junior partner for much of the past decades during the cold war until recently, meanwhile they have never had that relationship with France(or any developed western country for that matter), since France doesnt need anything from them(in fact France is more advance/developed than them in most military fields/living standards etc), so its less embarassing for them to buy from us in the west than from CHINA or any other developing country for that matter. So there you go.:cheers:

You seem not to have red my comment/post correctly bros. did i say Russia wont ever buy military products from China? i said hight tech/sophisticated weapons systems like drones/LHP/fighter jets, armoured vehicles (they bought from Italy.lol), defense technologies from Israel. etc . You should ask yourself why didnt/dont they buy these from their 'friend/ally' China?:cheesy:

Moreover China indeed has a far larger manufacturing base than Russia obviously, but then again Russia is more advanced in military tech than China. So its a non starter for moscow to procure sophisticated defence products from China apart from components/parts which most countries do.
Huh.........i really dont understand why you bring in cranes into the discussion bros. Are cranes a military/defence products?o_O:o:.......:what: So i wont even answer/waste time on this one, since its a non starter.:cheers:
.........hmmmmmm......well if i recall well, according to the Indians its is(so the Indians might agree with you, but not me.).lol Ban on ZPMC cranes to hurt Indian ports - Livemint

Talk of paranoia.:lol::D:P

Mike, cut the crap about colonies power and stupid old stupid Europe story. We are living in the 21th century, practical survival is more important than clinging into history and still think you got the nose up there.

Perception is only superficial when enemies start attacking Russia allies and they don't even have the basic weapons to defend their core interest. That will be more humiliating. Already Russian stance has softening, there is even an article talking about buying Chinese type 054A frigate and ToT to rapidly modernize Russian navy. That will be unthinkable in last 10 years time.

If you are talking about branded goods like fashion, yes you are very right , China will lack behind Europe, western for many decades. But when comes to weaponry. There is no wrong in using something less expensive , workable and reliable with the level of sophistication.

Putin is a very practical person. He knows what is essential. If not, he would not alliance with Chinese to do what's best for his country. He will also buy what's best suit weaponry for his country.

No hard feelings man but my friend (who thinks that isreal is a superpower) even knows that European Weapons are better than Chinese/Russian weapons :)
That is not truth, Chinese has catch up with the best for some weaponry. Weapon is not branded good. You don't buy something just becos of its brand and show off. For example, in artillery system and rockery. I seriously do not see any advantage of Europe over Chinese ones.
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