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Type 071 for Russia?


Oct 2, 2013
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What do you think? Should Russia buy 1 and reverse engineer? :p: Seems to me it can fulfill Russia's amphibious warfare needs. Can carry 4 hovercrafts and 6 landing helicopters.

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What do you think? Should Russia buy 1 and reverse engineer? :p: Seems to me it can fulfill Russia's amphibious warfare needs. Can carry 4 hovercrafts and 4 landing helicopters.

It is not as best as Mistral.
6 landing helicopters. 4 in hanger, 2 on deck. Armament is much better than Mistral. 1 76 mm gun, 4 30 mm CIWS, decoy launcher.

Lol,you really think that russian army will buy something from china ?

Why not? China is a superpower. France is not. :-) China is 17 times the size of France.

UNdata | country profile | China

UNdata | country profile | France

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the type 071 and the mistral are two different classes.....

While the type 071 is a Amphibious transport dock,the Mistral is a Landing helicopter dock.


I don't get why some people want to compare them....

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the type 071 and the mistral are two different classes.....

While the type 071 is a Amphibious transport dock,the Mistral is a Landing helicopter dock.


I don't get why some people want to compare them....


Those that do is cuz they dont know the difference bros. Il ne faut pas te gêner avec des gens comme eux mon ami.:enjoy:
En passant, T'es d'ou toi? tu viens de quelle ville en france?:-)

We're not a superpower.

We're still a developing country.

Just allow him to keep boasting my friend.:-)

Lol,you really think that russian army will buy something from china ?

This is something they dont understand about Russia.lool I said this in another thread related to the Mistral. Russia will never, i repeat NEVER buy sophisticated/complete weapons systems from China. Maybe little parts, but not sophisticated weapons systems. Doesnt matter whether the Chinese weapons system in question is superior to what Russia will rather buy from us in the west/Israel/U.S. Russia wont simply buy from them, why? because they have too much pride, since they will never accept to buy from a country they consider to be superior to for most part of history and who has been their junior partner for a long time in the past. So to buy such weapons systems from China will be a huge embarassement to them. So they will rather buy from us despite/irregardless of threat of sanctions.:lol::rofl: That shows just how much they think about the Chinese.:lol: Its not just the Chinese though, Russia will never buy from India as well, even if India could produce similar weapons systems in future(which we all know wont happen for a longgg time.lol). So there they go as far as their friendship with Russia is concern. Moscow couldnt care less as far as they buy weapons/engines from them, and that's it.:lol: So talk of being best buddies/friends like some Indians, Chinese, and Vietnamese members on here keep saying about their romance with Russia is all but laughable to be honest.:omghaha:
Those that do is cuz they dont know the difference bros. Il ne faut pas te gêner avec des gens comme eux mon ami.:enjoy:
En passant, T'es d'ou toi? tu viens de quelle ville en france?:-)

Just allow him to keep boasting my friend.:-)

This is something they dont understand about Russia.lool I said this in another thread related to the Mistral. Russia will never, i repeat NEVER buy sophisticated/complete weapons systems from China. Maybe little parts, but not sophisticated weapons systems. Doesnt matter whether the Chinese weapons system in question is superior to what Russia will rather buy from us in the west/Israel/U.S. Russia wont simply buy from them, why? because they have too much pride, since they will never accept to buy from a country they consider to be superior to for most part of history and who has been their junior partner for a long time in the past. So to buy such weapons systems from China will be a huge embarassement to them. So they will rather buy from us despite/irregardless of threat of sanctions.:lol::rofl: That shows just how much they think about the Chinese.:lol: Its not just the Chinese though, Russia will never buy from India as well, even if India could produce similar weapons systems in future(which we all know wont happen for a longgg time.lol). So there they go as far as their friendship with Russia is concern. Moscow couldnt care less as far as they buy weapons/engines from them, and that's it.:lol: So talk of being best buddies/friends like some Indians, Chinese, and Vietnamese members on here keep saying about their romance with Russia is all but laughable to be honest.:omghaha:

It's simply a fact that we are still a developing country.

I don't think Russia thinks of us in the way you are saying. The Cold War is long over, after the Western sanctions they came to us first for help.

Also Russian polls consistently list China as their number 1 strategic partner.

Our strategic relationship with Russia is solid, it's much more than just the recent $800 billion gas deal. We even veto resolutions together in the UN security council.

Given the current geopolitics of the world, this trend looks set to continue for quite a while.
They are not two different classes. They both carry hovercrafts and landing helicopters and used for amphibious assault. They serve the same role, despite one classed as LPD and the other classed as LHD. Horizon is classed as a frigate, but it's the same size and serve the same role as Type 052D which is classed as a destroyer.

Horizon-class frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Type 052D destroyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I see from the picture Mistral has 6 helicopter pads on the deck. Without much difficulty, Type 071's deck can be enlarged to contain 4 helicopter pads rather than the current 2 helicopter pads.
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They are not two different classes. They both carry hovercrafts and landing helicopters and used for amphibious assault. They serve the same role, despite one classed as LPD and the other classed as LHD. Horizon is classed as a frigate, but it's the same size and serve the same role as Type 052D which is classed as a destroyer.

Horizon-class frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Type 052D destroyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I see from the picture Mistral has 6 helicopter pads on the deck. Without much difficulty, Type 071's deck can be enlarged to contain 4 helicopter pads rather than the current 2 helicopter pads.

They are different. For example the San Antonio class cannot carry and launch STOVL aircraft.

While the Wasp class can.


Since Russia wants something like the LHD like the Mistal and not the Type 071. They will not buy that. Unless China creates something like the Mistral or something similar.
Why Type 071 LPD?Why not Type 07X LHD?

Designs completed,systems in place,it is 100% ready for construction if and when the money is available。
Those that do is cuz they dont know the difference bros. Il ne faut pas te gêner avec des gens comme eux mon ami.:enjoy:
En passant, T'es d'ou toi? tu viens de quelle ville en france?:-)

Just allow him to keep boasting my friend.:-)

This is something they dont understand about Russia.lool I said this in another thread related to the Mistral. Russia will never, i repeat NEVER buy sophisticated/complete weapons systems from China. Maybe little parts, but not sophisticated weapons systems. Doesnt matter whether the Chinese weapons system in question is superior to what Russia will rather buy from us in the west/Israel/U.S. Russia wont simply buy from them, why? because they have too much pride, since they will never accept to buy from a country they consider to be superior to for most part of history and who has been their junior partner for a long time in the past. So to buy such weapons systems from China will be a huge embarassement to them. So they will rather buy from us despite/irregardless of threat of sanctions.:lol::rofl: That shows just how much they think about the Chinese.:lol: Its not just the Chinese though, Russia will never buy from India as well, even if India could produce similar weapons systems in future(which we all know wont happen for a longgg time.lol). So there they go as far as their friendship with Russia is concern. Moscow couldnt care less as far as they buy weapons/engines from them, and that's it.:lol: So talk of being best buddies/friends like some Indians, Chinese, and Vietnamese members on here keep saying about their romance with Russia is all but laughable to be honest.:omghaha:

We are already building a Aircraft Carrier ourselves I don't think building a smaller LHD will be a problem
On the pride thing you are right though
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