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Two Taiwanese men arrested for trying to sell F-22 secrets to China

One of the reason why India fell behind is China is the lack of unity and patriotism on part of Indian.
Chinese are no better than Indians in that regards.

As Mainland China grows stronger, many Taiwanese will identify with their brothers across the sea.
It's going the other way around, more and more Taiwanese and Hong Kongese identify themselves as Taiwanese and Hong Kongese and abandon "Chinese" completely.

That is why US doesn't give Taiwan their most sophisticate tech.
This is because Taiwan being a Sinitic country, there are few patriots.

After a century of blunder and slavery by the British and white man, India still stuck behind the notion of fairness that the Western society does not abide by.
And Hong Kongese still dream of the day they revert back to British rule.

while China are busy getting everything whereever it maybe.
There is a US and EU arms embargo against China.
There is a US and EU arms embargo against China.
We should make a deal with China about that, let them inspect our new toys for something in return. But if the Americans found out we will get an embargo as well.:D
Buddy, you are way off base. We are not talking about individuals who may have accomplished singular great things. We are talking about acceptance of people of diverse ethnicities into one's society and made them citizens IN SPITE OF existing prejudices. The easiest thing to do is to simply not accept anyone at all. Not only was Gordon Chung Hoon honored for his bravery in combat, those of his ethnic background are equally honored in many ways, such as General Eric Shinseki or astronaut Ellison S. Onizuka. Now do not be petty and nit pick about Onizuka. The point is clear enough that we are far more racially tolerant a society than your China.

Further, it is known -- but kept quiet -- among world leaders, from one regime change to the next, that China have an active program of trying to recruit Chinese of all citizenships to be traitors to their countries of residences and citizenship and that recruitment is based upon emotional appeals to a racial bond.

the fact of USA appears to be more racially acceptable to other racial groups are based on several factors ( compariing with China):
1. it's home grown pool of people cannot sustain its development and its ambition to maintain its worldwide hegemony
2. it has richer resources, a big land mass and much less people
3. the rise of China and other Asian countries (esp E Asians)l and the blacks has made the white man (being the dominant ethnic group) recognise the presence of other non white races
4. historical civil right movements, racial violence and massacres left as numerous scars on the American psche
5. legislations which force the white men to submit

Go to Detroit and see how the stigma of racial intolerance still lives on more than 4 decades after the riot. Downtown Detroit is half dead. It is a 'dont ask dont tell" behavour which is still prevalent across America. What is the language that you have on you bank notes? We dont have Detroit. Our bank notes are printed with Chinese and other minority languages. Instruction boards in our trains / buses, appropriate road signs are printed with minority languages. Do you have Spanish on any of your public signs, let alone Chinese, Pakistani ...?

We cannot accept a more wide open immigration policy because it is not our priority now. China and USA are in different phases of progression it is totally absurd to cast your opinion over us saying yours are better!

That statement is simply BS!
1. Traitors should be hanged. No mercy.

2. When china claims it have its own 5th gen plane and claim all of its copied stuff as best in the world then why steal??????????

3. It proves chinese are very insecure and they have not changed and still stealing and coping from all over the world.
Chinese are no better than Indians in that regards.

It's going the other way around, more and more Taiwanese and Hong Kongese identify themselves as Taiwanese and Hong Kongese and abandon "Chinese" completely.

This is because Taiwan being a Sinitic country, there are few patriots.

And Hong Kongese still dream of the day they revert back to British rule.

There is a US and EU arms embargo against China.

There is no official report comparing the patriotism between the 2 countries. It's only based on subjective personal opinion.

Here I can see you are one of these demoralizing and hateful hk right wings hidden behind a false flag! the dpp and hk right wings like you are free to leave our territories

There are more HKers who apply for HKSAR passport than BNO (British Nation Object) passport.

Can someone find the statistics showing the vast no of Brits leaving UK for migration to other countries? Scotland is breaking away from UK for independence; and Northern Ireland will be next in line.

A blessing in disguise. We have developed an advanced and comprehensive weaponry industry largely on our own whereas india is the serial champions of arms importers
1. Traitors should be hanged. No mercy.

2. When china claims it have its own 5th gen plane and claim all of its copied stuff as best in the world then why steal??????????

3. It proves chinese are very insecure and they have not changed and still stealing and coping from all over the world.

What is your opinion about Mr. Gowadia? :coffee:

Noshir Gowadia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He was indeed doing the good for China, but it cannot say for these two Taiwanese, since they are only considered as the suspects yet.
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