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Two Taiwanese men arrested for trying to sell F-22 secrets to China


Jul 25, 2011
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Taiwanese Nationals Charged in Military Technology Plot - Bloomberg

Taiwanese Nationals Charged in Military Technology Plot
By David Voreacos - Apr 25, 2012 5:13 PM ET

Two Taiwanese nationals already accused of trying to smuggle drugs through a New Jersey port were charged today with plotting to export sensitive U.S. military technology to benefit the Chinese government.

Hui Sheng Shen, 45, and Huan Ling Chang, 41, who were arrested in February and are being held without bail, appeared before a judge today in Newark, New Jersey. They are accused of conspiring to buy unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, as well as E-2C Hawkeye surveillance airplanes and stealth technology related to F-22 fighter planes.

Shen and Chang “purportedly acted on behalf of agents of the People’s Republic of China and sought to acquire assets and information which, in their words, ‘would hurt America,’” according to an amended criminal complaint. Agents posing as crooked importers recorded the pair, U.S. authorities said.
Oh, they were already arrested for counterfeiting operation and are now charged with a conspiracy to sell US military secrets to China.
What about Pakistan? I am sure Chinese engineers already had a teardown examination of Pakistan's F-16s, no?

That's a DIFFERENT story.

We are talking about individuals stealing secret and selling to foreign countries.
Its natural for taiwanese to feel patriotic towards their mainland. This ROC and PRC division defies
all logic. Taiwanese are han chinese who are majority in PRC, they speak chinese and have the
same culture and were historically one country. The difference was due capitalist and communist
ideological divide but now even CCP are defacto capitalist and both the taiwanese and PRC are
economically well off and rich. It is not like east and west germany or north and south korea.
I don't know on what moral ground our Korean friend here wishes the PRC and ROC divide to
I disagree, the people's republic is the real China. Taiwan is just the Republic of Taiwan now.

But they call themselves republic of China.:P
You just can't trust India or Indians.
And why is that???
Just based on the actions of one fool, you are going to stereotype all Indians??
That sure shows your "seniority" in such matters.....:rolleyes:

That's low, stealing from a friend.

Because of the unjustified sanctions by the 'white men' China has the right to get military technologies anyway she can. Otherwise who's going to standup for the 'non whites", certainly not the wannabes.
You call condemning someone rolling tanks on unarmed civlians protesting peacefully, unjustified??
Are you trying to be sarcastic??:frown:
Its natural for taiwanese to feel patriotic towards their mainland.
Not all. But the Chinese do have a racialist based active plan to appeal to all overseas Chinese to act for the interests of motherland China.
J-20 is not so stealthy it seems.

BS report, it has nothing to do with China, maybe these two guys could work for India, who knows?

Last time an Indian-American scientist sold the blue print of B2 spirit to China, maybe this time the Taiwanese-Americans could return the favor to India. :coffee:
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