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Two policemen killed in militant attack in Srinagar


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
Suspected militants have shot dead two constables of the Jammu and Kashmir Police in a broad daylight at Hari Singh High Street in uptown here on Saturday, raising tension among the authorities ahead of the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit.

Senior Superintendent of Police Srinagar Syed Ashiq Hussain Bukhari told The Hindu that one or two suspected militants fired pistol shots on constables Mohammad Maqbool and Nazir Ahmed when they were on duty at the crowded business centre of Hari Singh High Street at 2.20 p.m.

One constable died on the spot and another succumbed to gunshot wounds at a hospital. Both were targeted and shot in point blank range.

A young women, Ishrat, daughter of Ghulam Rasool Magray of Ganderbal sustained gunshot wounds in her arm. Doctors described her as "out of danger".

Saturday's shootout, which took place just three days ahead of the Prime Minister's visit to the State, has raised tension in the security circles.

Though no militant outfit had immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, the Hizbul Mujahideen's role in the attack is suspected.

Two policemen killed in militant attack in Srinagar - The Hindu
Two more kashmiris killed by tafkiris. Their sacrifice for their ancient motherland will not go waste. Kashmiri police is known for exacting heavy revenge from foreign paid terrorists and sympathizers, I hope they do this quick and sharp.
USA is running but soon indians would face the Taliban really very soon

It's your country that's currently facing the taliban. USA is going when their interests are over. Your taliban will first have to burn your country before reaching India.

Taliban, hizbul mujahideen, lashkar e toiba - send your worst. They will all die at the hands of Indian security forces, mostly before even entering India.
It's your country that's currently facing the taliban. USA is going when their interests are over. Your taliban will first have to burn your country before reaching India.

Taliban, hizbul mujahideen, lashkar e toiba - send your worst. They will all die at the hands of Indian security forces, mostly before even entering India.
yes yes soon you would face them the guys we are facing would be taken out the day USA leaves and than all attention will be given to India
yes yes soon you would face them the guys we are facing would be taken out the day USA leaves and than all attention will be given to India

Where were they before USA came? Fighting India, or their own people?

Anyway, as I said, send your worst. All the lashkars and mujahideens and talibs and other primitive lunatics will be sent to the same unmarked graves that their predecessors went to. India will not tolerate their nonsense, because they won't find sympathisers in india, like they do in pak (you, for example).

The pak army itself, with all its tanks and artillery and air support and tanks cannot challenge India's might. Your bearded gunmen cannot do much either. I know it hurts to hear this, but it is true. Just because they have a beard and a kalashnikov and a medeival ideology, does not mean that they can do jack against a stable, pluralistic nation like India with a professional military and police.

Even your pak army cannot dream to take anything from India, so your bearded lunatics won't dream to dream. "Let america leave, then we will declare vctory and conquer India" might be the latest motivational pamplets the talibs distribute, while hiding in their caves until america leaves. Such threats may scare a rabbit.

"Come one, come all, this rock may fly
From its firm base, as soon as I." :

Response of a common Indian armyman or Kashmiri policeman, to threats of talibs and lashkis and mujjus.
Rest In Peace , brave sons of India ....
The quicker we move to a resolution on kashmir the better.
At the end there is going to have to be a political solution.
Two more kashmiris killed by tafkiris. Their sacrifice for their ancient motherland will not go waste. Kashmiri police is known for exacting heavy revenge from foreign paid terrorists and sympathizers, I hope they do this quick and sharp.

Yup, all Indian troubles are foreign created and Mr Nobel must be turning in his grave, do you Indians ever listen to yourself.

Blaming Pakistan for India Violence Easy Way Out - India Real Time - WSJ

It's your country that's currently facing the taliban. USA is going when their interests are over. Your taliban will first have to burn your country before reaching India.

Taliban, hizbul mujahideen, lashkar e toiba - send your worst. They will all die at the hands of Indian security forces, mostly before even entering India.

The above link is also addressed to you, nonetheless the response to your rant is since India claims there are just few hundred freedom fighters and if they are all entering from Pakistan than it's safe to conclude that your half million security force in IOK even with all the assistance from Israelis, are as good as a chocolate fireplace.....!!!
Under the circumstances, you may have to deploy another few hundred thousand troops to counter few hundred additional freedom fighters.
Yup, all Indian troubles are foreign created and Mr Nobel must be turning in his grave, do you Indians ever listen to yourself.

Blaming Pakistan for India Violence Easy Way Out - India Real Time - WSJ

The above link is also addressed to you, nonetheless the response to your rant is since India claims there are just few hundred freedom fighters and if they are all entering from Pakistan than it's safe to conclude that your half million security force in IOK even with all the assistance from Israelis, are as good as a chocolate fireplace.....!!!
Under the circumstances, you may have to deploy another few hundred thousand troops to counter few hundred additional freedom fighters.

It was your countryman, @Zarvan who threatened us that after USA withdraws, taliban will be sent to fight India. Maybe you should direct your rant at him, and try to convince him that the kashmir violence is all native, and that foreigners have nothing ti do with it.

It's funny - on the same thread, one pakistani threatens us that soon his favorite bearded lunatics will come to fight India, and then another pakistani keeps telling us that it is all indegenous, and that pakistanis and other foreigners are not involved. The same duplicity that pakistan as a nation has been trying to pull off for decades, and failing.

About the rest of your post: As I said, send your worst. One million or ten million - India will do what it needs to keep her territory, and will do so. Neither pak army, nor its silly lashkars and mujahideens and talibs and other fanatics can do aything about it. Indian kashmir rahega Indian.
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