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Two more shipyards to be built in southern Pakistan

I think India should develope deeper relationship with US in tearms of military and economicaly because we both have same goal, to limit the chinese.Russia has developed good stratigic relationship with china and i dont think that it is going to change in future.US and India both are democratic countries so we can find some synegy as far as the ralationship has concerned.Russia is no longer a democracy and we are surrounded by the countries ruled by the dictators eg.china,pakistan,burma and bangladesh.china is actully developing good relationship with these countries or already have with some of them to limit India.In such cases we must develope long term stratigic relationship with the US.As far as the type of relationship has concerned wether it is cozy or true it doesent matter as long as both side are getting fruits from it.Every one knows why USSR signed a 20years friendship trity with India in 1971 and if someone suggest that becouse the USSR wanted true friendship and it fall in love with India it is laughable, It was signed becuse the US had secretly [or i should mantion that with the help of pakistan] joined the hand with the chinese to counter the USSR(sino-soviate split).
I think India should develope deeper relationship with US in tearms of military and economicaly because we both have same goal, to limit the chinese.Russia has developed good stratigic relationship with china and i dont think that it is going to change in future.US and India both are democratic countries so we can find some synegy as far as the ralationship has concerned.Russia is no longer a democracy and we are surrounded by the countries ruled by the dictators eg.china,pakistan,burma and bangladesh.china is actully developing good relationship with these countries or already have with some of them to limit India.In such cases we must develope long term stratigic relationship with the US.As far as the type of relationship has concerned wether it is cozy or true it doesent matter as long as both side are getting fruits from it.Every one knows why USSR signed a 20years friendship trity with India in 1971 and if someone suggest that becouse the USSR wanted true friendship and it fall in love with India it is laughable, It was signed becuse the US had secretly [or i should mantion that with the help of pakistan] joined the hand with the chinese to counter the USSR(sino-soviate split).

marshal my friend.
This is what I think is happenning. India at the moment is playing the right game. It knows well that the American interest in India is only to contain China. There is also a basic mistrust of the chinese due to the long history of animosity between the two countries. However, while india realizes its bread and butter at the moment lies in the hands of the west, its long term interests lie in the east. This is where all the energy resources of the world
are and nearly half the world population resides. India also realizes that while its interests are allied with the Americans, the Americans will sell it everything within reason, but ditch it as soon as their interests are served. We have been on the receiving end of this treachery many a times. So while India is getting the most out of this while the party is going on, it is also building a relationship with China and pakistan. The need of the hour is to get the most benefit out of the American without giving in too much. It might even rattle the sabres a bit with China to appease the west without getting into a fight. However, in the long run it wont let the Americans get what they want as doing that would tentamount to suicide. The Americans will then get tired and either do something stupid or try to destabilize the region again. At this stage India, China ,Pakistan ,and possibly Russia will give the Americans a joint F*** off :chilli: :taz:and walk away.
well thats the problem here Araz that Pakistan has enjoyed a good relationship with US but then US is tired and showing its back right now to Pakistan...........................WHY????Because Pakistan has failed to take advantage of the US.US is giving lot of aid to pakistan and it has been doing it whenever it needed pakistan but pakistan has failed to capitalise on those financial aid.
I believe this is the point were the Democracy is importent.Each and Every general who ruled pakistan had enjoyed the US aid but Instead using the aid to develope the social educational and industrial structure the generals spent them to military.because the generals are not answerable to the people of pakistan they spent it on military and not wisely.In democracy the Govt is answerable to the people,if they dont deliver as per the expectation of the people they wont be in the power for next term.
South koria, Japan,and other europian countries were destroyed during the world war but with the financial help of the US they have developed a lot by using those aid in right way(marshal plan).Why US helped them cuz US wanted to counter USSR.similarly pakistan had also enjoyed USaid but it could not capitalise it.
If pakistan had used this aid in right way then pakistan could be a big consumer market for the US componies just like the other US allies.but right now pakistan is not all that developed and becouse pakistan's geopolitical place is importent in war time only otherwise pakistan no longer remain impotent to US. This is also a reason why your democratic govt does not sustain for long time becouse whenever your civilian gvt came into the power the region is very much in peace.Like 73to76 and then 88 to 99 at these time US showed back to Pakistan. the civillian gvt never recieved financial aid during these times from US becouse US had no interest during this time and becouse the generals had wasted the money and then civillian govt had to do every thing from begining and if they failed to deliver as per the people's expectation then people gets frustrated with the govt and the general will take the benifit of the people's sentiment and they toupeled the civillian govt.

As far as India has concerend It is already a very attractive market for the US economy becouse of the 500 millions strong middle class consumer ready to spend money and In 2003 the world bank and goldman sach predict that India will be 3rd largest economy by 2035 at the GDP rate of 6% only.India right now growing at 9.6% annualy(06\07 finanicial year).
the civillian govt.
As for Pakistan the current situation is already tense becuse of Extrimism.
Any topic of shipyard is likely to involve Gwadar port!!

Can anyone give the names of private companies who are capable of making good ships in pakistan?do they collaborate with chinese company?

In india essar,coachin shipyard,bharti shipping and L&T make ships!!!

Your basic comparisons of Pakistan with South Korea, Japan and other European countries is incorrect. The manner of US aid to Pakistan was almost always primarily military, therefore it is incorrect to argue that the "aid was wasted" - it went where it was supposed to. Secondly, while Japan and the European nations could be argued to have come out of the war without an enemy, Pakistan's "war" started after independence with a much stronger enemy right next door and territorial disputes with it. Therefore you cannot compare the models of development of the countries mentioned with Pakistan.

This is not to say that flawed policies were not pursued, they were - successive governments never invested in social development like they should have, but this is a problem experienced by a lot of developing nations, including India.

The Generals are not solely to blame - there was a curious mix of internal and external issues since Independence and plenty of screw ups by civilian politicians. For setting Pakistan's economic development back no one can be blamed more than ZA Bhutto, IMO, with his program of nationalization.

But his is getting off topic - so back to shipyards!

Python: In Pakistan Karachi Shipyards and Engineering Works is involved in manufacturing Ships - There are some private companies that are involved in manufacturing smaller systems for ships as well as smaller platforms, but nothing so far in building major vessels that I know off. The shipyard in Gwadar is reportedly going to be operated by a Singaporean or Korean company, so that would be another private manufacturer if the deal comes through.
The problems with pakistan are varied and explanations require a lot of time that I do not have at the moment . Suffice it to say that our Politicians right from Liaquat Ali Khan down to Nawaz Sharif have generally been disappointing in the extreme. But basically the mentality of the Pak beaurocrats has been self serving rather than nation serving. This has/is and contiues to haunt pakistan. We have spent 60 yrs hoping for someone to come from above and sort our problems out with a magic wand. It is only now that people are realizing that this will take a lot of effort and personal discipline which we as a nation do not have. How we proceed is a mystery to me as well as a lot of intrepid Observers.
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Government of Pakistan has approved a plan to establish two new large sized shipyards at Gwadar in Balochistan Province (”Gwadar Shipyard”) and Port Qasim near Karachi in Sindh Province (”Qasim Shipyard”) on a fast track basis.

The Gwadar Shipyard is planned to be established at Gwadar East Bay (Shamba Ismail area), on an area of approximately 500 acres (2 sq. kilometers approx). Initially planned to carry out ship repairs, it shall lead to ship building of up to Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) and Ultra large Crude Carrier (ULCC) size and will have at least two dry docks of approximately 600,000 DWT.

The Qasim Shipyard is planned to be developed adjacent to Korangi Fish Harbour (Port Qasim Area), on an area of 500 acres (2 Sq. kilometers approx) with at least two dry docks of 600,000 DWT. Main function of this shipyard will be building of large ships up to VLCC/ULCC size and construction of Offshore / Onshore Oil Rigs. It will also have ship repair facilities.

The Shipyards are to be developed with minimum financial support from the Government of Pakistan. The projects are conceived in a manner, whereby the private sector will be responsible for designing, financing, building, operating and maintaining the Shipyards.

On behalf of the Government of Pakistan, Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Limited is seeking advisory services from internationally qualified and experienced advisory firms ideally led by a reputable international financial institution / investment bank and comprising of requisite technical, legal and other consultants to assist the Government of Pakistan in planning, development and implementation of these projects.

Proposals for advisory services for both projects separately are solicited from internationally qualified and experienced advisory firms with demonstrable experience in structuring world class shipyard development related transactions.

Pakistan’s 214 Submarines made in Karachi with German help RUPEE NEWS: Recording History, Narrating Archives, Strategic Intellibrief Analysis: Noticias de Rupia | Nouvelles de Roupie | Rupiennachrichten | ??????? ????? | ???
The Request for Proposal (RFP) package including the Terms of Reference (TOR) and other relevant information can be downloaded from the following websites:

(i) Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works’ Official website

(ii) Planning Commission’s official website

(iii) Infrastructure Project Development Facility’s official website

(iv) Public Procurement Regulatory Authority’s official website
thats a gud news. hope we see this happenin as well. top priority should be given to the one at gwadar.
Yap gawader is the main route to central asia. During USSR invasion in afgha the main purpose was to reach hot waters. means our oceans. At that time russia had the policy now which we have.
Gawader is important for naval purposes too.............
India is in no position to cut don our sea way.
and Many trade throgh this city will make less burden on karachi and our main logistoic tranport could be balanced.
Gawader would be potent 4 ship manufacturia
Gawader earned alot in when industry would be devoloped here
we need shipyards for navy but buy building them we need more naval war ships to station there
I think we should focus on the future of Pakistan in terms of business and social development rather than more useless naval vessels to catch indian fishermen. This is a good investment if it actually stays within the country.
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