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Two more dead bodies of Pakistani prisoners arrive from India

Let's wait for the autopsy.

I couldn't agree more. :agree:

If there is a foul play involved, Pakistan should lodge a complain with UN or Human rights commision and also that take this matter to the straight to the Indian PM and President.
BTW, what happened to our POWs from the 1971 war?

We did not get them back even after returning 93000 Pakistani POWs.

Even the recent movie "1971" "proves" that they were held by Pakistan while denying it at the same time.

How shameful is that?
BTW, what happened to our POWs from the 1971 war?

We did not get them back even after returning 93000 Pakistani POWs.

Even the recent movie "1971" "proves" that they were held by Pakistan while denying it at the same time.

How shameful is that?

It is shamful to justify the killings of Pakistanis in Indian jails by drawing parallel to PoW.

And above all, All the Pakistani jails were opened to delagtes from India who's members searched these but did not find any Indian PoW.

And one wonders at the time when India was 'returning' our PoW what was your government doing at that time? wasnt it the easiest for the Indians to demand their Indian PoW in exchange for ours ???

What do you think why India did not ask for that at that time??

Only two reasons

1. Either there were no Indian PoWs
2. Or The Indian Government shying away from committing that its soldiers were also captured by Pakistan.

In both cases the falks should been drawn over Indian government.
It is shamful to justify the killings of Pakistanis in Indian jails by drawing parallel to PoW.

I did no such thing. Check my post again.

As of now the report doesn't even say that they were "killed". So stop imagining things and wait for more details.

I hope this is not how you write your "news reports".

And above all, All the Pakistani jails were opened to delagtes from India who's members searched these but did not find any Indian PoW.

And one wonders at the time when India was 'returning' our PoW what was your government doing at that time? wasnt it the easiest for the Indians to demand their Indian PoW in exchange for ours ???

What do you think why India did not ask for that at that time??

Only two reasons

1. Either there were no Indian PoWs
2. Or The Indian Government shying away from committing that its soldiers were also captured by Pakistan.

In both cases the falks should been drawn over Indian government.

And how difficult was it to hide the POWs in a country as large as Pakistan if they really wanted to?

I am no expert on this subject but the reports about the POWs in Pakistan keep surfacing and if Pakistan is really doing such a thing, it is shameful. Especially after the return by India of Pakistani POWs.
I did no such thing. Check my post again.

As of now the report doesn't even say that they were "killed". So stop imagining things and wait for more details.

I hope this is not how you write your "news reports".

Yes you did vinod by all counts as PoWs have nothing to do with this issue.
As far as using word kill do you think the Indian media will ever use that word. NO it wont beacuse they know it will expose India.

And how difficult was it to hide the POWs in a country as large as Pakistan if they really wanted to?

I am no expert on this subject but the reports about the POWs in Pakistan keep surfacing and if Pakistan is really doing such a thing, it is shameful. Especially after the return by India of Pakistani POWs.

I am asking you once again the same Point why Indian Government did not accept in 1971 that Its soldiers were captured as PoWs by Pakistan???
When india was holding "thousands" of Pakistani soldiers in 1971 Why your Government did not bargained for their release ??????????????????????????????????????

i would once again post my querries which you shyed away from answering.

And above all, All the Pakistani jails were opened to delagtes from India who's members searched these but did not find any Indian PoW.

And one wonders at the time when India was 'returning' our PoW what was your government doing at that time? wasnt it the easiest for the Indians to demand their Indian PoW in exchange for ours ???

What do you think why India did not ask for that at that time??

Only two reasons

1. Either there were no Indian PoWs
2. Or The Indian Government shying away from committing that its soldiers were also captured by Pakistan.

In both cases the falks should been drawn over Indian government.
Yes you did vinod by all counts as PoWs have nothing to do with this issue.
As far as using word kill do you think the Indian media will ever use that word. NO it wont beacuse they know it will expose India.

I am asking you once again the same Point why Indian Government did not accept in 1971 that Its soldiers were captured as PoWs by Pakistan???
When india was holding "thousands" of Pakistani soldiers in 1971 Why your Government did not bargained for their release ??????????????????????????????????????

i would once again post my querries which you shyed away from answering.

And above all, All the Pakistani jails were opened to delagtes from India who's members searched these but did not find any Indian PoW.

And one wonders at the time when India was 'returning' our PoW what was your government doing at that time? wasnt it the easiest for the Indians to demand their Indian PoW in exchange for ours ???

What do you think why India did not ask for that at that time??

Only two reasons

1. Either there were no Indian PoWs
2. Or The Indian Government shying away from committing that its soldiers were also captured by Pakistan.

In both cases the falks should been drawn over Indian government.

The reports claim about 80 Indian POWs with Pakistan.

May be the Indian government bungled or they were not aware of the POWs and it became known only later. I am not sure. May be someone who knows better can answer this.

The Jail opening thing that you mention doesn't mean anything. If Pakistan wanted to (as they apparently did), its not too difficult to hide away 80 odd people in a country the size of Pakistan.
The reports claim about 80 Indian POWs with Pakistan.

May be the Indian government bungled or they were not aware of the POWs and it became known only later. I am not sure. May be someone who knows better can answer this..

Vinod i am again asking what is and was the Official stance of the Indian government. Why it did not claim that after passage of many years.

How much time the Indian government needed to know if its soldiers were missing or not As IF I AM NOT WRONG, every soldier is alloted an army number right? and their their track is maintained systematicaly.

The Jail opening thing that you mention doesn't mean anything. If Pakistan wanted to (as they apparently did), its not too difficult to hide away 80 odd people in a country the size of Pakistan.

vinod it is more easy to hide such things in much bigger country like India so why on earth the Indian jails were not opened for tracing the Pakistanis??
Atleast we had the courage to open these for you and BTW what holds India back to not allow Ansar Burney beacause he was this time going to questiuon the illegal and burtal killing of Pakistani prisoners in Indian jails.
I am no expert on why the Indian government behaves the way it does and I am not here to defend everything they do.

I just said that if the POWs were there with Pakistan it is a shameful act. If Indian government did not do all it could to secure their release, shame on them. It does not absolve those in Pakistan in any way who were responsible for this atrocity.
this is deja vu from a few weeks back
i sa payback in the same coin
Bodies over the border

Monday, June 16, 2008
Two more bodies of Pakistani prisoners who died in Indian jails, have been handed back across the Wagah border. This brings to four the number of Pakistanis who have returned in this unfortunate fashion. One of the latest victims was an elderly woman. Rashida Bibi, 60, from Wazirabad, is reported to have experienced chest pains while being taken for a routine court hearing from Amritsar Jail. She was held, in 2005, along with her two daughters and another female relative while travelling to India aboard the Samjhota Express and charged with smuggling drugs. The other victim, Abdul Aleem, 28, is said to have accidentally crossed the border from Sindh in 2001. His family discovered he was in a Rajasthan jail in 2003. The reasons for his death are unknown but he too was arrested by the Indian police and his relatives now claim that he wrote to them from the jail complaining that he had been tortured after being accused of spying for Pakistan. The unusual number of deaths of Pakistani prisoners in Indian jails in recent months obviously gives rise to the perception among many on this side of the border that something is perhaps fundamentally crooked in the way Indian jail authorities seem to be treating prisoners from Pakistan. And this at a time when not only a convicted spy, Kashmir Singh, was released but also when Islamabad was playing host to a delegation of retired Indian judges visiting various Pakistani jails to meet and assess the condition of Indian inmates.

Pakistan has, with good cause, lodged a strongly worded protest with the Indian High Commission. It has demanded consular access, timely information about prisoners, humane treatment and early repatriation of those who have completed their sentences. All of these issues have been raised before and have also featured during ongoing talks on prisoner exchange and related issues. The need now is to move beyond talks and turn such provisions for the safety of prisoners into reality. Already, too many prisoners have needlessly lost their lives. Some among them have suffered torture or severe brutality, This cycle must end before others fall victim to similar atrocities and die so far from home and from loved ones who often have not seen them for years.
Bodies over the border
Jail systems are corrupt they do not differentiate between their country's national and other countries here is glaring example.

Pak detains 2 of its nationals as "Indians" for a decade

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani authorities had mistakenly jailed two of its nationals for a decade, suspecting them to be "Indians", a visiting Indian judicial delegation found on Thursday.

This was discovered when a four-member Indian team of the bilateral Judicial Committee on Prisoners visited Indian fishermen held in the Youthful Offenders' Industrial School or juvenile jail in the port city of Karachi.

During their interviews of Indian prisoners, the delegation realised that the two prisoners were actually Pakistani nationals, retired justice Nagendra Rai, the leader of the Indian delegation said.

"This was brought to the notice of Pakistani officials who said they would be released, Rai said.

Rai also said that 34 Indian fishermen, all teenagers, are likely to be released by Pakistan.

Pak detains 2 of its nationals as "Indians" for a decade-Pakistan-World-The Times of India
Indian prisoner dies in Pak jail, Burney demands probe

ISLAMABAD: An Indian prisoner died of an electric shock in a jail in the Pakistani port city of Karachi on Monday, prompting a leading human rights activist to demand an inquiry into his death.

Fisherman Bhagwan Das, who was being held in Landhi Jail in Karachi, died of an electric shock, officials said.

Das had gone along with other prisoners to a section of the jail to wash clothes on Monday morning when he suffered an electric shock, TV news channels reported.

Rights activist and former human rights minister Ansar Burney said he had asked authorities to conduct a probe as Das had died in "mysterious circumstances".

"This man was a prisoner and it is a bit hard to believe that a prisoner can die of an electric shock. It is not as if he was at home or at his workplace and could have been exposed to electrical equipment that could have caused his death," Burney said.

"I have asked authorities to ensure that Das' death is investigated to find out what exactly happened," he said.

It was not immediately clear as to when Das had been arrested. Scores of Indian fishermen arrested for illegally fishing in Pakistani waters are being held in Landhi Jail.

Indian prisoner dies in Pak jail, Burney demands probe-Pakistan-World-The Times of India
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