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Two Lashkar Terrorists Arrested In Punjab


May 9, 2019
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United States
The Punjab Police arrested two Jammu & Kashmir based Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists on Thursday.

An AK-47 rifle with two magazines, ten hand grenades and 60 live cartridges have also been seized from LeT terrorists. They were identified as 26-year-old Aamir Hussain Wani and 27-year-old Wasim Hasan Wani. both are residents of Shopian, J&K.

Pathankot police caught both these terrorists after they intercepted a truck at the Amritsar-Jammu highway which was active in the task of transporting automatic weapons and grenades from Punjab to the Kashmir Valley. The terrorists were going to the Kashmir Valley from Punjab.

According to Punjab Police, Both terrorist were instructed to collect weapons consignment from Punjab by Ishfaq Ahmed Dar alias Bashir Ahmed Khan, a former J&K constable now Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist.

During interrogation, Arrested terrorist Aamir Hussain Wani revealed that he had collected more than Rs 20 lakhs of hawala money on his earlier trips to Punjab in his truck.

According to Punjab Police, these terrorists had ferried two Hizbul Mujahideen and Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists from Punjab to the Kashmir valley, both the terrorists are now dead.

Can moderators do something about this poster.... he is running his own RSS anti Pakistani fake news propaganda site .... keeps posting such ridiculous fake news.... may be we should have a separate section for RSS inbreds.
I have lost the count Pakistani brothers is it 7th or 8th attempt by India to divert the attention of her domestic population towards Pakistan ..... ????

what is the latest Indo-China situation ......... anyone ..... ???
I have lost the count Pakistani brothers is it 7th or 8th attempt by India to divert the attention of her domestic population towards Pakistan ..... ????

what is the latest Indo-China situation ......... anyone ..... ???
Waiting for a False Flag.....
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