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Two jawans killed as army tank sinks in pond

Crappy Russian tank.

That's what happens when you eat kickbacks and induct foreign crap.

Home-made Arjun MBT would have saved their lives.

Arjun is a very advanced tank to build.

Build a locally made light tank for beginners.

RIP. Really sad accident. I think T-55 are not operational now. What they were doing with T-55?

If I am not mistaken, T-55 is still active in IA service.

Seriously, R&D and build a local light tank.
what an odd thing to say......i suppose it would still be better than a Pakistani soldier fighting their own people and allowing drone strikes on its own tribals.....

You see, now you are talking. So who trained these people, financed them and provide them arms and ammunitions, that our soldiers have to fight against them? And if we say it is RAW/CIA/Mossad nexus working in Pakistan you blow your tops.
Proves it then who are the real terrorists and killers in this world.
some tank accident pics:



Last time an indian tank fell in a ditch while trianing- this time in a pond- wth :what: increase the standard of training and emphasis on safety first- RIP
You cannot train if you fear your existence, The training is to the core challenging and Designed to meet real life scenarios... Accidents are a part of there curriculum... It sank in an Artificial Pond, where the Mechanized Infantry trains there amphibious skills.... And Its not a Tank which Drowned , It must be an ICV ....

R.I.P... Indian Army must liberalize on its training, so that such accidents dont happen any more.... Make a Simulated safe environment before exposing them to challenging terrains
Gruesome death RIP :cry:

Those killed were because the tank turned over...no tanks worldwide are built to be used in water upside down. Please read the explanations before jumping to conclusions or finding fault. Any tank can be turned over by several means, starting with a land mine or a bazooka shot...as well as due to natural obstacles that can turn a tank over. Sad news and we all should offer prayers of our various faiths, mine is Christian, for the families of the killed and for the killed.

In this instance careful reading of the article tells us all the tank became upside down in an "artificial pond." To me that says in a "training pond" whose constuction as an artificial pond could well have created the physical reason the tank was turned over to begin with.

A bazooka can overturn a tank? :eek:
Assuming they were under basic training, it was probably a T-55.

It was reported 3 were driving in the tank, which rules out the T-55 and makes it T-72 or T-90. MBTs can only forde ("wade") to about 1.2m without preparation or to 5m with preparation (with OPVT snorkel fitted) . If you're deep fording to 5m, the tank is fully submerged and must therefore be sealed. Any attempt to open any hatch would allow water or mud to rush in.

If the MBT overturned in or into the pond, then it probably flooded quite rapidly and left the crew little possibility or opportinuty for escape. That does not have much to do with 'ability to survive a pond'. Not sure whether a German style large-diameter fording tube would have offered better chances for the crew.
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