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Two Iranian Revolutionary Guards killed in clash with militants in northwest Iran

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Two Iran Revolutionary Guards killed in clash with militants

AUGUST 7, 2019

DUBAI (Reuters) - Two members of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards have been killed in clashes with militants in a northwestern region near the border with Turkey, Iranian state television reported on Wednesday.

“The governor of Maku said two Guards were martyred in a clash with terrorists while defending the fatherland,” the television reported.

It gave no further details. There are frequent clashes in western Iran between the Islamic Republic’s security forces and

Iranian Kurdish militant groups mostly based in neighboring Iraq, including the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK), accused by Tehran of links to Kurdish PKK insurgents in Turkey.

Well new opportunity to test the newer bombs we unveiled recently.
These guys don't let each day we could hit them more effectively and harder and for cheaper
2 things to note -
1. Iran is called Fatherland, which is a bit funny.
2. Iran has problems in NW too which is surprising as that is bordering Turkey and Azerbaijan. Iran now had problem with turkey and Azerbaijan?
2 things to note -
1. Iran is called Fatherland, which is a bit funny.
2. Iran has problems in NW too which is surprising as that is bordering Turkey and Azerbaijan. Iran now had problem with turkey and Azerbaijan?
No, problems only with fringe Kurdish terrorist group PJAK. Iranian version of PKK.

In fact, Iran and Turkey are united over military operations against these common enemies.
Kurds are Persians, they are our blood relatives and It is always a sad event to see conflict between us even when it is a small stuberne group such as the PJAK...Kurds are Iranian highlanders ..brave, beautiful and intelligent....lets hope Islamic Republic can achieve another long term peace treaty with this PJAK group...the last treaty worked for many years and then the Saudi ,Israeli and US money and treachery started the conflict again.
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