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Two Great Pakistani


Apr 4, 2009
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Up to 1930 Muslims of British India were like grains of sand that every gust of wind would scatter about, and any breaker would wash away. They were like a camel without a nose string and the convoy without a destination or guide and leader. Their endeavors were as ephemeral as a gust of wind or a splash of sea water. In the midst of this disorder and turmoil, rose a man, whom Allah Almighty’s bounty had gifted not only with sound reason but also with vision. He beckoned the scattered multitudes to their true destiny, predetermined for them by Quran and pointed out the way to achieve their goals in context of the state of affairs then obtaining in India. He analyzed the situation surrounding them. In the city of Allah Almighty abad, he pronounced in clear terms the prediction that an Islamic state was ordained for the Muslims in North West of India.

His far reaching vision put him in quest of a person of perception and sincerity, a person who would wage a fight for retrieval of lost possessions of the Muslim nation and not short sell them on the way to victory. He succeeded in his search and in 1938 he made over his brief to an advocate who was endowed with integrity and sincerity as well as the vital experience for the mission. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was his name, the Muslim nation conferred upon him the title ofQuaid-e-Azam or the Great Leader. The frail but wise leader contested the suit entrusted to him with such good judgment, integrity and devotion that the courts of the world were wonder struck with his performance. His sincerity of purpose was rewarded by a triumphal conclusion of his fight for independence of his nation. The grateful Muslim nation feels pride in offering its tributes to both the Great Thinker Allama Iqbal and the Great Leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Pakistan Ideology
Why the Hell do guys like you always say that the creation of Pakistan was inevitable due to the Qu'ran? You shame Jinnah's name, and everything he did for us, when you say that. Idiots.... :hitwall:
Why the Hell do guys like you always say that the creation of Pakistan was inevitable due to the Qu'ran? You shame Jinnah's name, and everything he did for us, when you say that. Idiots.... :hitwall:

Sorry cant agree with you..
The grateful Muslim nation feels pride in offering its tributes to both the Great Thinker Allama Iqbal and the Great Leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Pakistan Ideology

Two questions;

1. Were Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam aiming for the same objectives?

2. Isn’t Pakistan Ideology (Nazriyya-e-Pakistan) a later day invention by General Sher Ali (allegedly a Jammat Islami sympathiser) under auspices of Yahya Khan in 1971?
Sorry cant agree with you..

Oh really?? So you're telling me that Pakistan did not need Jinnah, because it's creation was inevitable? So all of Jinnah's effort was completely useless? Who the Hell do you think you are shaming Jinnah's name like that?
Oh really?? So you're telling me that Pakistan did not need Jinnah, because it's creation was inevitable? So all of Jinnah's effort was completely useless? Who the Hell do you think you are shaming Jinnah's name like that?

sorry mate, miracles don't happen no more and this world is known as Dar-ul-Asbab!, so Jinnah and Iqbal were the 2 sabab's that were needed to create Pakistan, Iqbal was a mystic along with being a philosopher and a writer, so he had guidance from the creator of the universe, so creation of Pakistan was inevitable and so was the dream of Iqbal and the birth of Jinnah!.
I would like to see a discussion on the direct relation of Iqbal and the creation of Pakistan. Iqbal passed away in 1938 and a lot was done after his demise. He is credited with putting forward basis for “nazriyya-e-Pakistan” but a lot of other people had ideas similar to his and for a long time; one being Ch Rehmat Ali who coined the phrase “Pakistan”, and was obviously fairly clear on what portions of India should constitute future Pakistan. I would love some clarity on this issue from someone who is more aware of the events in pre-partition times.

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