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Two front war | Which nation will ally with India against SinoPak ?

Which state/states will join India in combat in a war against SinoPak ?

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May 3, 2009
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This thread is hypothetical.

The question i am interested in is that || 'Which regional state/states in your opinion will join India in an 'active combat' scenario if India finds itself in a FULL SCALE 2 front war against China and Pakistan' ?

I am not talking about diplomatic/economic support, but the state/states that might fight alongside India in this scenario.

The multiple choice option is available.

Best Regards.
In my opinion no one would actually directly help in combat, maybe indirectly Iran. Rest of the world will just call for peace. There is no country near India which it has a border with that can actually help India in direct combat, Countries like Israel Afghanistan and Iran that have ties with India will help them maybe indirectly. All the other Major powers in the world USA, Europe, Russia etc would just try and end the war.
The nations which assisted India in 1962 war - Bhutan and USA.

Nation which assisted India in 1971 war - Soviet Union.

Nation which assisted India in 1999 - Israel.

In a conflict with Sino-Pak, USA will be the major external player for India and maybe the Russians too.

Only USA will and can mobilize military assets in event of Indian request of assistance.
None of those nations would send their military to fight alongside India against China.

Apart from the war we fought previously, there have been a lot of so-called "Chinese incursions" deep into Indian territory, and not one single nation in the entire world even gave a statement of support to India.

Not even a statement.

If they won't even give a statement in all these incidents of Chinese soldiers going deep into Indian territory, then how can they be expected to send soldiers to war over it?

Let them first make a statement of support to one side over the other regarding the recent incursions.
In my opinion no one would actually directly help in combat, maybe indirectly Iran. Rest of the world will just call for peace. There is no country near India which it has a border with that can actually help India in direct combat, Countries like Israel Afghanistan and Iran that have ties with India will help them maybe indirectly. All the other Major powers in the world USA, Europe, Russia etc would just try and end the war.

Do you think Iran will join India in war against Pakistan and China ? - What makes you think so?
Well why would these countries will risk their ties with one country for another. So in my opinion, they all will play neutral. India would rather seek help from other countries like Japan ,US, Russia(will help both or none), S. Korea etc. Anyway such hypothetical situation can be possible before 2025 but not beyond that.
Why would a third party send their troops? That too small nations in the region??? What is the premise of such a scenario? Does India have that kind of strategic understanding with any of them? Does India have such an expectation? Then who came in whose dream to come up with this idea?

Is this some kind of bashing thread not so cleverly disguised?
Do you think Iran will join India in war against Pakistan and China ? - What makes you think so?

No way.

India just cut off ALL their oil imports from Iran in July. After which Iran detained an Indian vessel.

Now India is going back to Iranian oil for one reason only, the Rupee is collapsing and they can buy Iranian oil with Rupees instead of dollars. Which will ease their enormous current account deficit.

And even if Iran decided to do that, we have no land border with Iran, and it would be impractical for them to send their troops to the Kashmir region or the AP region.

No country in the world would send in their own troops to fight on behalf of India against China and Pakistan. Hell, no country in the world will even make a simple "statement of support" to India against China, and that is the least they could have done during the recent incursions.
The nations which assisted India in 1962 war - Bhutan and USA.

Nation which assisted India in 1971 war - Soviet Union.

Nation which assisted India in 1999 - Israel.

In a conflict with Sino-Pak, USA will be the major external player for India and maybe the Russians too.

Russia won't help India IF China is involved. Because unless Russia can somehow repair relationship with US, Russia involvement will at least mean Russia will lose China as an Ally. As of this moment, China is far more important than India in Russia's fight against US.

US also won't, China is sort of leaning towards Russia, but won't go as far as war for Russia. Looking at this G20 meeting, China is also priority number 1 for US as is US for China. US might be forced to go to war if it's Japan, but not India. Especially just that little dispute land.

Bhutan, come on let's be real.

Israel, go to war against China? Sure, it'll only take them a few weeks to reach the front, by the time the war would have been long over.

And any neighbor countries won't go to war against China.

So India is very much alone in any war against China and Pakistan.

Though I doubt it will happen.
No way.

India just cut off ALL their oil imports from Iran in July. After which Iran detained an Indian vessel.

Now India is going back to Iranian oil for one reason only, the Rupee is collapsing and they can buy Iranian oil with Rupees instead of dollars. Which will ease their enormous current account deficit.

And even if Iran decided to do that, we have no land border with Iran, and it would be impractical for them to send their troops to the Kashmir region or the AP region.

Why would ANY country join another country's war??? This is just plain stupid. China never joined Pakistans wars in the past, now people are fantasizing that a big strong nation like china will do the dirty work of a small nation in trouble.

Yes, that's how it works :P infact that's written on the UFO parked next to my house.
None of the countries mentioned will involve in active support for India.It will be more accurate to be said that most likely they will chose to be neutral.The only country would play a decisive role will be USA and New Delhi will breath a sigh of relief.
Why would ANY country join another country's war??? This is just plain stupid. China never joined Pakistans wars in the past, now people are fantasizing that a big strong nation like china will do the dirty work of a small nation in trouble.

Yes, that's how it works :P

Indian superpower/regional ambitions call for 'creating allies' - A power without allies never becomes a superpower.

Just look at WWII history, if something like that was to happen in S.Asia, its worth nothing for India as to who is going to stand up against a China Pakistan alliance.

None of the countries mentioned will involve in active support for India.It will be more accurate to be said that most likely they will chose to be neutral.The only country would play a decisive role will be USA and New Delhi will breath a sigh of relief.

Same country that dispatched a nuclear carrier battle group in towards your waters in 1971?
None of the countries mentioned will involve in active support for India.It will be more accurate to be said that most likely they will chose to be neutral.The only country would play a decisive role will be USA and New Delhi will breath a sigh of relief.

The USA would play a decisive role? :lol:

They wouldn't even make a simple "statement of support" to India over the recent Chinese incursions. Not even a simple statement.

Hell, the USA wouldn't even help their close ally South Korea, when North Korea was bombing them and sinking their ships (with hundreds of sailors on board) just a few years ago. And the USA has a mutual defence pact with South Korea!

Though of course I welcome any Indian who believes that the USA would save them from China (America's biggest trading partner and largest creditor) and Pakistan (the USA's major non-NATO ally).

All in order to help India who stubbornly wants to be non-aligned and even goes against America on issues like Iran. :P That sounds plausible.
First of all i doubt the Pakistan and china will fight a two front war together. there have been no indications that china has ever supported Pakistan in the past 4 war , i seriously doubt they will in the future.
the Chinese and Indian leadership have a very mature outlook towards their future growth and war does not figure in it .
Indian superpower/regional ambitions call for 'creating allies' - A power without allies never becomes a superpower.

Just look at WWII history, if something like that was to happen in S.Asia, its worth nothing for India as to who is going to stand up against a China Pakistan alliance.

Indian superpower/regional ambitions call for 'creating allies'

you are creating hypothetical scenarios based on assumption you make up as you go. What answers do you seek when you know more than anyone else??? Or as I suspected all along, you are not seeking any answers but telling us something.

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