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Two explosions close to Vodafone Arena in Istanbul

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Too many traitors roam this site nowadays.
Respect the majority of Turks or you are free to live outside.

T-123456 i remember how you supported the 15 July coup attempt. You have no right to call AKP traitors, they represent about half of Turkey

Trmhmt i know you live in Thailand and i know you are Kurdish. Not that i dislike Kurds, but your types only attempt to create rift in Turkey. Keep on living with your boys over there.

There is only ONE responsible and that is PKK and its umbrella organisations. The government's responsibility lies in not being able to sufficiently protect. Your ideas and thoughts disgust me.

Sunlarin sacmaliklarina daha ne kadar izin verilecek?
Really,after all that has happened,you still dare to open your mouth in this way?
Hicmi utanma yok?
You fvcked up the country,when are you going to admit it?
The AKP doesnt represent half the population,you got the ''swing voters'' due to the lack of real opposition,the next election will show us what your support will be.
''Sacmalik'' is blind support for those who destroyed my country in any fvcking way possible.
We have become the laughing stock of the world,thanks to your AKP.
That was not a coup,that were some amateurs trying something impossible,a real coup would have been different so,dont call it a coup.
Killing our own soldiers who only followed orders of their superiors and being hailed as fvcking heros,i call it a disgrace.
Calling me a traitor,dont let me laugh.
I swear I'm going to go crazy. How can some people be do brainwashed and retarded. Its like showing someone a video footage and the person claiming its montage.

Ülkenin içine etti hain şerefsizler hala savunanlar var aklım almıyor. Adamlar pkk yi azdirdi silah doldurdular sonra başımıza milliyetçi kesildiler. Adamlar Salih Müslim ile kanka idi bi ara, adamlar sinir boyunca Heryeri ele geçirdi, adamlar feto ile kanki idi adamlar ülkeyi ele geçiriyordu. Bukadarina da pes. Ustalık dönemi diyordu, ülkenin başına çocuk koy bundan daha iyi yönetir.
Yes bro very easy. Only the matter of MACARONI and COAL. Decorate it with Islamic speech...
Dont forget pirinc.

This is not the thread to engage you in this discussion hence I am responding last time to you on this we can carry on the counter argument about patriotism somewhere else. Whoever you are it does not matter to me neither I have an issue if you are patriotic or not nor I called you one.

All I said History of your comments on PDF shows few tendencies which include your bias against Islam and Pakistan too.

with apology to our Turk brothers here for discussing off topic.
No need to apologize for anything sister,dont worry about it.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilyhi rajion, our dua with the victims and their family. May Allah accept them among shaheed.
Too many traitors roam this site nowadays.
Respect the majority of Turks or you are free to live outside.

T-123456 i remember how you supported the 15 July coup attempt. You have no right to call AKP traitors, they represent about half of Turkey

Trmhmt i know you live in Thailand and i know you are Kurdish. Not that i dislike Kurds, but your types only attempt to create rift in Turkey. Keep on living with your boys over there.

There is only ONE responsible and that is PKK and its umbrella organisations. The government's responsibility lies in not being able to sufficiently protect. Your ideas and thoughts disgust me.

Sunlarin sacmaliklarina daha ne kadar izin verilecek?
Dont declare people traitors just because they dont love your party.
Really,after all that has happened,you still dare to open your mouth in this way?
Hicmi utanma yok?
You fvcked up the country,when are you going to admit it?
The AKP doesnt represent half the population,you got the ''swing voters'' due to the lack of real opposition,the next election will show us what your support will be.
''Sacmalik'' is blind support for those who destroyed my country in any fvcking way possible.
We have become the laughing stock of the world,thanks to your AKP.
That was not a coup,that were some amateurs trying something impossible,a real coup would have been different so,dont call it a coup.
Killing our own soldiers who only followed orders of their superiors and being hailed as fvcking heros,i call it a disgrace.
Calling me a traitor,dont let me laugh.
The moment you supported an illegitimate putsch your entire credibility went down the drain mister. AKP represents half of the nation as long as they have the backing of half. It's ok for military personnel whose job is protecting its civillians to kill them, but the repercussions (some of them extreme) are non-tolerable. nice thought process

In which way has the government destroyed Turkey? I remember the fairy-like days of coalition governments when we were begging the entire world for money and when there were kilometers of lines for buying bread for a few cent cheaper, and when every street stank like a shithole.
If by destruction you mean doubling the amount of infrastructure (Airports, highways, bridges etc) then you are in dire need of check-up. Give me some substantial valid points in which the government has utterly failed compared to its predecessors. It can be anything from health service to education to the price of disposable income. If you there is substance in your arguements im more than willing to admit. That's the fault in your petty argumentative style "hahah they buy votes with coal and rice". You put the average Turkish citizen in the lowest imaginable state.

Dont declare people traitors just because they dont love your party.
He just deleted his post wherein he declared the entire AKP and MHP traitors. A man who declares half of Turkey traitor is a traitor in my eyes
. .
He just deleted his post wherein he declared the entire AKP and MHP traitors. A man who declares half of Turkey traitor is a traitor in my eye
The problem is you guys dont hold AKP in any way responsible for what is happening, they are ruling the country for more than 15 years and the result is very grim but somehow around 15-20 entities are responsible but not the sole ruling party and if someone dares to say this he becomes a traitor.
You guys have to accept that the huge part of the responsibility for the situation we are in right now goes into AKP's account.
The problem is you guys dont hold AKP in any way responsible for what is happening, they are ruling the country for more than 15 years and the result is very grim but somehow around 15-20 entities are responsible but not the sole ruling party and if someone dares to say this he becomes a traitor.
You guys have to accept that the huge part of the responsibility for the situation we are in right now goes into AKP's account.
I'm amazed. He has the right to call AKP voters traitors, yet when it goes the opposite direction its suddenly incomprehensible. The problem with "you guys" is that you don't understand "us guys" critisize AKP as much as the average Joe, we are just not happy with inconsistent myths that have no substance.

PKK terror is not a manifestation of the AKP government. It traces its roots decades back, the AKP attempted several tactics, herein diplomacy which kept up relative peace for some years until it exploded. PKK has been targetting both civillians and non-civillians, their methods haven't changed. And the outcome remains the same.

Again come with some valid points and arguments that make sense. Example, "compared to previous governments, the AKP has failed in dealing with PKK, this is hugely due to blablabla"

The fact remains that no government succeeded in ending this disease, for this reason you can't point to AKP and claim the situation has far worsened under their rule, it hasn't, that's the harsh reality
People are talking trash, so before Akp was Turkey a super country:-). Akp destroyed Turkey.
The moment you supported an illegitimate putsch your entire credibility went down the drain mister
My credibility doesnt depend on your opinion.
As for the rest of your post,

Zero problem policy.
Acilim policy.
Economic downfall.
EU policy.
The whole foreign policy(US/EU/Russia/Israel/Iran/Iraq/Syria/Cyprus/Egypt/choosing Hamas as an ally etc)
Military projects(Milgem project/Altay project/TF 2000/I class projects etc).
Shoe box cases.
You wont get a job if you dont belong to the AKP gang or be a sympathizer.
Causing a divide in the population(us versus them).
Nothing to do with AKP. According to your likes, anything from cars not starting to lack of hay in the stables is the fault of AKP. I have hardships believing you can do well in real life with such hatred-based delusional mindset, anything is blame-able to AKP.

If you had a little more knowledge about PKK/PYD terrorism, you'd know that the attackers were from PYD area in Syria. Is it also AKP's fault that PYD exists today? According to you, I'm sure the answer is yes - because you will somehow derive to AKP using conspiracy theories and your healthy logic.

Evet PYD bugün AKP'nin sayesinde hayatta ve bütün sınırımızı kontrol ediyor, 2014'te Kobani olayları yüzünden toprağımızdan geçirdiğimiz peşmergeler orayı kurtarmaya gitti ve o gün dönüm noktası oldu onlar için çünkü bütün avrupa destek vermeye başladı. ABD hunharca bombardıman yaptı oraları kurtarmak için. Şuanki sınır bölgesi ortada zaten.

Burada kimin hayalci olduğunu tartışmaya gerek yok galiba.

AKP'den öncede terör var diye bu durumu savunan arkadaşlar çok merak ediyorum Ankara, lzmir ve lstanbul gibi şehirlerde o zamanlarda bu kadar büyüklük ve sıklıkta kaç saldırı gördünüz? Hala fütursuzca savunuyorsunuz ya aklım almıyor.
My credibility doesnt depend on your opinion.
As for the rest of your post,

Zero problem policy.
Acilim policy.
Economic downfall.
EU policy.
The whole foreign policy(US/EU/Russia/Israel/Iran/Iraq/Syria/Cyprus/Egypt/choosing Hamas as an ally etc)
Military projects(Milgem project/Altay project/TF 2000/I class projects etc).
Shoe box cases.
You wont get a job if you dont belong to the AKP gang or be a sympathizer.
Causing a divide in the population(us versus them).
I'm not even going to qualify your post with an answer. This is getting so old, victim mentality at its absolute best. Unemployment was nonexistant, economy was thriving, military industrial complex was epic and there were no corruption pre-2003. And this is definately not the thread to discuss this subject.
I'm not even going to qualify your post with an answer. This is getting so old, victim mentality at its absolute best. Unemployment was nonexistant, economy was thriving, military industrial complex was epic and there were no corruption pre-2003. And this is definately not the thread to discuss this subject.
I gues since the AKP took over,people dont remember what being a Turk means,let me remind you.
We never play the victim role,we are a proud people,killing a couple of us doesnt make us weak,it makes us stronger.
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Evet PYD bugün AKP'nin sayesinde hayatta ve bütün sınırımızı kontrol ediyor, 2014'te Kobani olayları yüzünden toprağımızdan geçirdiğimiz peşmergeler orayı kurtarmaya gitti ve o gün dönüm noktası oldu onlar için çünkü bütün avrupa destek vermeye başladı. ABD hunharca bombardıman yaptı oraları kurtarmak için. Şuanki sınır bölgesi ortada zaten.

Burada kimin hayalci olduğunu tartışmaya gerek yok galiba.

AKP'den öncede terör var diye bu durumu savunan arkadaşlar çok merak ediyorum Ankara, lzmir ve lstanbul gibi şehirlerde o zamanlarda bu kadar büyüklük ve sıklıkta kaç saldırı gördünüz? Hala fütursuzca savunuyorsunuz ya aklım almıyor.

Kobani de ISID, kürtleri katlediyordu. Evet aralarinda cok Pesmergeci vesayre olabilir. Ama 250.000 insan, civil, kadin, coluk cocukdan bahsediyoruz. O kapiyi kapatsaydik bugün cok daha kötü duruma düserdik, artik Türkiyeyi tamamen ISID'ci bir devlet olarak gösterirlerdi ve her alanda boykot'a ugrardik. Su an bu saydiklarimin hepsinin kücük boyutunu zaten yasiyoruz, senin söyledigin gibi yapsaydik su an devlet yerinden sarsiliyordu.

PYD'yi amerika ve 36 köpegi, Iran, Rusya ve Esed destekliyor ve zorzoruna kapimizin dibine bir Rojova Kürdistani yerlestirmeye calisiyorlar. AKP olmasaydi, senin kemalin olsaydi coktan Kürdistan olusmusdu, elini üfeleyip dururdu obama'nin karsisinda. kemal olsaydi Esed'in insan katliyamini destekliyor olurduk. 300.000 insanin kanini paylasir olurduk. PYD'yi destekleyeni dogrudan desteklerdik.

Senin gibiler ne yazikki genis cerceveyle bakamiyor bu olaylara. Sadece hususu bir boyutta yorumluyor.
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