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Two Americans among 5 killed in Peshawar suicide blast

The U.S. ambassador to Pakistan, Richard Hoagland, says that the report of people dead in this attack is false and praises "Pakistani security forces for their heroic life-saving of BOTH Pakistanis and Americans." link
By the way, what are Americans doing in Peshawar? Issuing visas? I highly doubt it. They should be kicked out of the city. Only creating mischief there.

Ask the Pakistanis that was wounded in the vehicle with the Americans. Perhaps they know. Perhaps there was a reason why the Taliban targeted them. Maybe to kill more Taliban I guess...
If Americans are not killed, its a good thing. Why few people are making it look like as if its a bad thing. Do you people realize that killing of a foreign national and that too under diplomatic deployment, puts Pakistan's image (which is already worst) to a new low. If we do not want them here then we should start asking this question to our government who is allowing them in the first place but once they are here, then its our job to protect them and Thank God we did our job.
If Americans are not killed, its a good thing. Why few people are making it look like as if its a bad thing. Do you people realize that killing of a foreign national and that too under diplomatic deployment, puts Pakistan's image (which is already worst) to a new low. If we do not want them here then we should start asking this question to our government who is allowing them in the first place but once they are here, then its our job to protect them and Thank God we did our job.

Confirmed Two American's were killed in the explosion. Nobody can survive the blast which ripped the armored jeep into pieces.
American's here in Pakistan are mostly involved in planning terrorists activities. You dumb heads dont get it..What else are they doing here.This is the reason we are suffering because we donot accept these facts. Why these bastards always roaming around in armoured jeeps going to tribal areas and areas which are prohibited to them.Whats there business in those areas. And for the fact that we should ask our gov..There are people like you sitting over there who thinks its there job to protect these bastards.
Confirmed Two American's were killed in the explosion. Nobody can survive the blast which ripped the armored jeep into pieces.
American's here in Pakistan are mostly involved in planning terrorists activities. You dumb heads dont get it..What else are they doing here.This is the reason we are suffering because we donot accept these facts. Why these bastards always roaming around in armoured jeeps going to tribal areas and areas which are prohibited to them.Whats there business in those areas. And for the fact that we should ask our gov..There are people like you sitting over there who thinks its there job to protect these bastards.

First of all you need to calm down and watch your tone.
Did you bother to read my post or were you in a hurry to press the reply button. Before critizing the americans, do you realize that from your government to your higher officials of the armed forces, all are in bed with the US establishment. If you want to raise your voice, you should start by doing it against people like Rahmin Malik and others like Hussain Haqani who issued visas even when ISI objected.
And yes people like me just don't see everything in black & white, there are grey areas too and yes people like me do have sense to realize that when the government issues visa to any foreign national, it becomes their duty to provide protection and specially if they are on official business like with the UN unless you want Pakistan to be declared a terrorist state.
Pakistan has an embassy and consulates here, does it not? Perhaps their lives should be forfiet if they go where some citizens feel they have no right to be?
First of all you need to calm down and watch your tone.
Did you bother to read my post or were you in a hurry to press the reply button. Before critizing the americans, do you realize that from your government to your higher officials of the armed forces, all are in bed with the US establishment. If you want to raise your voice, you should start by doing it against people like Rahmin Malik and others like Hussain Haqani who issued visas even when ISI objected.
And yes people like me just don't see everything in black & white, there are grey areas too and yes people like me do have sense to realize that when the government issues visa to any foreign national, it becomes their duty to provide protection and specially if they are on official business like with the UN unless you want Pakistan to be declared a terrorist state.

I am Calm
You still didnt get my point.Leave our gov aside. I know they are full of **** and we have been criticizing them for five years now.My point is about you , me and the general public and bastards Americans. These Americans as i said before are carrying terrorist activities in our country by supporting TTP etc..etc..Now why at the first place you say that killing them is not a good thing while they are killing our innocent people.Are you scared to say in public???Do you know what they do with us people in their own country if charged with even slight mishap,,not talking about terrorism (for that they attack other countrys)..or you want to close your eyes on it. If gov is doing nothing, at least we should not be saying that we will protect them..

Pakistan has an embassy and consulates here, does it not? Perhaps their lives should be forfiet if they go where some citizens feel they have no right to be?

Do our diplomats carry weapons in their SUV's, Do our diplomats plan and carry out terrorists activites there,do our diplomats risks your citizen lives and do they break laws of your country,do they go in no-go zones...
I am Calm
You still didnt get my point.Leave our gov aside. I know they are full of **** and we have been criticizing them for five years now.My point is about you , me and the general public and bastards Americans. These Americans as i said before are carrying terrorist activities in our country by supporting TTP etc..etc..Now why at the first place you say that killing them is not a good thing while they are killing our innocent people.Are you scared to say in public???Do you know what they do with us people in their own country if charged with even slight mishap,,not talking about terrorism (for that they attack other countrys)..or you want to close your eyes on it. If gov is doing nothing, at least we should not be saying that we will protect them..

Your post is full of emotional nonsense and nothing that actually makes sense(no offense intended). Why should we leave our government aside?

"Phela apna ghar theak keroo phir aga chalna".

You, me, this nation, we are the same people who bring these corrupt people to power, so we have no right to complain. As for backing up TTP, do you have proof......yes? Uptill now our government has absolutely shown nothing in form of evidence that relates US with TTP, heck they could not even implicate India with anything despite Rehman Malik's usual babbling about foreign hand involved. I don't know which world you live in, but the world in general laughs at us and at our moronic thinking. Have you ever heard the term phrase innocent until proven guilty and here you are rejoicing the death of two Americans whom you cannot claim that they had anything to do with TTP, and they were given permission to enter in Pakistan by yours & mine government.

Your thinking resembles the intolerance which has grown in our society and is no better then that of a suicide bomber who enters in a public place and blows himself up without realizing, that the most deaths caused will be of innocent women and children who had nothing to do with anything other then the fact that they are present there.
Your post is full of emotional nonsense and nothing that actually makes sense(no offense intended). Why should we leave our government aside?

"Phela apna ghar theak keroo phir aga chalna".

You, me, this nation, we are the same people who bring these corrupt people to power, so we have no right to complain. As for backing up TTP, do you have proof......yes? Uptill now our government has absolutely shown nothing in form of evidence that relates US with TTP, heck they could not even implicate India with anything despite Rehman Malik's usual babbling about foreign hand involved. I don't know which world you live in, but the world in general laughs at us and at our moronic thinking. Have you ever heard the term phrase innocent until proven guilty and here you are rejoicing the death of two Americans whom you cannot claim that they had anything to do with TTP, and they were given permission to enter in Pakistan by yours & mine government.

Your thinking resembles the intolerance which has grown in our society and is no better then that of a suicide bomber who enters in a public place and blows himself up without realizing, that the most deaths caused will be of innocent women and children who had nothing to do with anything other then the fact that they are present there.

Again Please read my First and second post again. Dont make idiotic judgments without understanding my point. I want to comment further but not without you trying to understand my point. I will post hundreds but it wouldnt make sense to you. I can explain in detail yours thinking too but would keep it aside..
Have nice day..
Things were bit calm while the NATO supply route was shut. Looks like these attacks picking up speed once again. Not good at all.. RIP to the dead souls.

As stated above by State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland, no U.S. consulate personnel were killed, though two Americans were wounded. We wish a speedy recovery to those who were injured in this heinous act of terror. The investigation in underway, and we hope to see the culprits caught and punished as soon as possible. The terrorists obviously see our nations as a common threat to their evil mission. And attacks like these reinforce the need to stand united against our common enemies. We reiterate what Pentagon Press Secretary, George little, told reporters at a news conference yesterday: "We believe that the Pakistani government shares our view that terrorists threaten both countries, both Pakistan and the United States. Scores of Pakistanis have regrettably been killed by terrorists inside Pakistan. We, of course, have suffered losses as well, inside Pakistan and elsewhere, from al-Qaeda and from other terrorist groups operating along the Afghan-Pakistan border. So we have common cause with the Pakistanis. We're working closely with the Pakistanis on the counterterrorism issue, and we will continue to do so.”

LTC Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command
rest in peace to all those who lost their lives by cowardly act of taliban , and wish speedy recovery to injured
As stated above by State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland, no U.S. consulate personnel were killed, though two Americans were wounded. We wish a speedy recovery to those who were injured in this heinous act of terror. The investigation in underway, and we hope to see the culprits caught and punished as soon as possible. The terrorists obviously see our nations as a common threat to their evil mission. And attacks like these reinforce the need to stand united against our common enemies. We reiterate what Pentagon Press Secretary, George little, told reporters at a news conference yesterday: "We believe that the Pakistani government shares our view that terrorists threaten both countries, both Pakistan and the United States. Scores of Pakistanis have regrettably been killed by terrorists inside Pakistan. We, of course, have suffered losses as well, inside Pakistan and elsewhere, from al-Qaeda and from other terrorist groups operating along the Afghan-Pakistan border. So we have common cause with the Pakistanis. We're working closely with the Pakistanis on the counterterrorism issue, and we will continue to do so.”

LTC Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command

I can only laugh at this email, that how much your Govt. is making fool out of you people.

I live about 200 meters (yes you read it right 200 meters) away from this consulate where the incident took place. People in the street rushed to vehicle after the fire was settled, and they took out 3-Dead Foreigners (most probably Americans) out of the car. I wasn't present while this incident took place, but that's what the neighbours and people on the street talks - 3 dead foreigners... now who were they is a question, but that half burnt passport was/is American.

Anyway, to my fellow Pakistanis, be aware of what is to come after this attack... the Americans with their proxies will strike somewhere in the coming days, be prepared.
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