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Turkish ship shelled off Libya coast, officer killed, several crew injured


Apr 28, 2011
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Reuters/Amir Cohen

Libya, Turkey, Vessels
A Turkish dry cargo ship has been attacked near the Libyan port city of Tobruk, the Foreign Ministry in Ankara says. A ship officer was killed and several crew members injured.

The ship was first shelled from the shore as it was approaching the area, the Turkish ministry said Monday. It was then attacked twice from the air as it was trying to leave the area.

The MV Tuna 1, sailing under the flag of Cook Islands, was carrying a cargo to the Libyan port from Spain and came under attack when it was in international waters, the ministry said. The man killed in the incident was the ship’s third officer.

The ministry condemned the assault, but did not specify who was behind it.

"We condemn strongly this contemptible attack which targeted a civilian ship in international waters and curse those who carried it out," it said.

A Libyan military spokesman responded to condemnations from Ankara, saying the vessel came under attack after ignoring a warning not to approach the city of Derna, some 145 km west of Tobruk.

"A ship was shelled about 10 miles from Derna coast. We have warned before about approaching Derna port," Mohamed Hejazi, a spokesman for forces with Libya's internationally recognized government, told Reuters. He confirmed one member of the crew was killed, but said that only one other sustained injuries.

A military source also told Reuters the vessel caught on fire and was towed in Tobruk terminal.


Screenshot from Google Maps

Libya remains in turmoil after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi in the popular uprising of 2011 and NATO bombing campaign. At the moment, two separate governments both claiming to be legitimate exist.

The country has been riven by factional fighting and impoverished by the economic decline that followed the hostilities. It has also become a hotbed of international terrorism, with Iraq and Syria-based group Islamic State sending its fighters to Libya.

Back in January, a Libyan warplane attacked a Greek-operated oil tanker anchored off the coast. The attack by forces loyal with the internationally-recognized government of Libya was motivated by factions fighting for control over Libya’s oil export. Two crewmembers of the ship were killed.
Turkish ship shelled off Libya coast, officer killed, several crew injured — RT News
Condemned the attack........ :disagree:

I'm so sick of the this "condemn" word.
Me, too but who knows how those will turn out to be? I expect a 'once and for all' in the end.
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Me, too but who knows how those will turn out to be? I expect a 'once and for all' in the end.
- Israelis killed 9 Turkish citizens
- Syria shot down our jet
- Syrian artillery killed 5 Turkish citizens
- Bomb exploded and killed over 50 Turkish citizens in Reyhanlı (El-Muheberat's doing)

And it always turned to "comdemning" at the end....current government is the most coward government in Turkey's history....
- Israelis killed 9 Turkish citizens
- Syria shot down our jet
- Syrian artillery killed 5 Turkish citizens
- Bomb exploded and killed over 50 Turkish citizens in Reyhanlı (El-Muheberat's doing)

And it always turned to "comdemning" at the end....current government is the most coward government in Turkey's history....
It is a good trait not being hot headed and not reacting to provocations. This is written in the art of war but you are also right. Nobody is taking us serious because they know there is no reprisal. If you were commander officer what would you have done?
Send the Turkish Navy to the international waters off of Libya. Let's see these pricks try and execute their Egyptian and UAE masters orders then.
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Libya conflict: Turkish ship 'bombed near Tobruk'
A Turkish freighter has been attacked near the coast of Libya, leaving one crew member dead, Turkey's foreign ministry has said.

The ship came under artillery and aerial fire near the eastern port of Tobruk late on Sunday, the ministry said. Several crew members were hurt.

Turkey criticised what it called an "atrocious" act.

But Libya said it had issued warnings about not approaching parts of the coastline.

Libya has been in chaos since its long-time leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, was overthrown with Western military help in 2011.

The internationally-recognised government is based in the port city of Tobruk and in al-Bayda, having been expelled from the capital, Tripoli, by militias in 2014.

Turkey's foreign ministry said the ship, which was carrying gypsum from Spain to Libya, came under attack 13 nautical miles (24km) from Tobruk, its destination.

The Turkish third captain was killed.

But a spokesman for forces belonging to the Tobruk government said it was destined for Derna, a port city 106 miles (171km) further west.


Militias have battled for control since Muammar Gaddafi's fall
"A ship was shelled about 10 miles from Derna coast. We have warned before about approaching Derna port," Mohamed Hejazi told Reuters news agency.

Turkey said the Cook Islands-registered ship was in international waters when it was attacked, something Libya denies.

In January, Libyan air force jets bombed a Greek oil tanker, killing two crew members, after saying its movements in Derna had raised suspicions.

Reports say no tankers unloaded in Derna between the bombing and two weeks ago, when a Maltese-flagged ship docked there.

Islamist militias have established a strong presence over the last two years, and some militants have pledged of allegiance to the Islamic State militant group.
Libya conflict: Turkish ship 'bombed near Tobruk' - BBC News
It is a good trait not being hot headed and not reacting to provocations. This is written in the art of war but you are also right. Nobody is taking us serious because they know there is no reprisal. If you were commander officer what would you have done?

we need some special forces doing the same..

or arm some rebels with made in turkey weapons not small thing give them real stuff..
We are waiting any Turkish action against Libya and wait Turkish navy to sunk it and get easy victory from Turkish
We are jealous of Greece and Israel and Syria, all of them beating Turkey and why not Egypt, which were driven her hit Ottoman Caliphate State must renew punishment for Turkey to be deterred, and you know that the Arab taboo on Alsoadl supporters terrorists and criminals
Do we know which one of the 10.000 different armed factions in Libya did this? And to all of those who want 'punitive actions', stop being delusional. Turkey has nothing to gain by shelling some positions. It will only make Turkey look bad. Even though I hate that thug street fighter Erdogan and his destructive, always wrong foreign policy, I do agree with his Gaddafi stance. Look at this mess. If only he could see the same thing happening in Syria, with a huge *** border with Turkkey. Anyway, I will fully support him not doing anything back. It's just another Yemen over there. Just send the ships to Egypt and hire some poor Arabs to truck the goods into Libya. Their risk.
A Libyan military spokesman responded to condemnations from Ankara, saying the vessel came under attack after ignoring a warning not to approach the city of Derna, some 145 km west of Tobruk.

"A ship was shelled about 10 miles from Derna coast. We have warned before about approaching Derna port," Mohamed Hejazi, a spokesman for forces with Libya's internationally recognized government, told Reuters. He confirmed one member of the crew was killed, but said that only one other sustained injuries.
Great FP of AKP at work... How did they manage to fvck up the relations with Libya?
Erdogan is doing wonders in this field i tell you.

Do we know which one of the 10.000 different armed factions in Libya did this? And to all of those who want 'punitive actions', stop being delusional. Turkey has nothing to gain by shelling some positions. It will only make Turkey look bad. Even though I hate that thug street fighter Erdogan and his destructive, always wrong foreign policy, I do agree with his Gaddafi stance. Look at this mess. If only he could see the same thing happening in Syria, with a huge *** border with Turkkey. Anyway, I will fully support him not doing anything back. It's just another Yemen over there. Just send the ships to Egypt and hire some poor Arabs to truck the goods into Libya. Their risk.
Read the part that i quoted, it was Libyan military, i think rebels are hardly able to attack from Air.
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