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Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

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*Syrians (Men 15-44 old) in Turkey: 933.000 +/-

*The source: https://www.haberturk.com/turkiye-deki-suriyelilerin-demografik-yapisi-cikarildi-1800174#

One of those Syrians men in the city of Bursa/Turkey says: ''I will behead, Turks are honourless...''

Meantime, Erdoğan and The AKP:


The source: https://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/...yedirmeye-icermeye-devam-edecegiz-230962h.htm

The Syrian is taken in custody says the public prosecutor in the city of Bursa.

Apparently, the Turks' reaction to Syrians and therefore the AKP and Erdoğan in the countrywide is very high even in the city of Bursa that voted for the AKP and Erdoğan by 46% in 2018 election and 49% in March 31; otherwise, no such action would have taken for such behaviour.

The Syrian is taken in custody says the public prosecutor in the city of Bursa.

Apparently, the Turks' reaction to Syrians and therefore the AKP and Erdoğan in the countrywide is very high even in the city of Bursa that voted for the AKP and Erdoğan by 46% in 2018 election and 49% in March 31; otherwise, no such action would have taken for such behaviour.
If the situation didn't win a public attention I would guarantee you that nothing would happen to him. Not even an arrest or a police warning.
If the situation didn't win a public attention I would guarantee you that nothing would happen to him. Not even an arrest or a police warning.

It does not matter as the perception of regular Turks against the Syrians at first phase, and The AKP and Erdoğan at the second phase is growing faster after the financial conditions in streets deteriorate day by day.

Syrians' settlement in Turkey is strongly encouraged by the west for their own interests, and unfortunately so is by the AKP. Everybody can say the AKP support it for their dream of ''Ummah'' and being Araperest; the disturbing part is what intersts the west has to strongly support it is now shed some light on by such cases... in matter of weak time as in after WW1 and independence wars period with Armenians, K.rds, Rums; what could happen will be bigger than 6-7 October ''protest''.

Funny how people are using this as a way to throw mud at Turks and Turkey.

Ataturk inspired Hitler??? How come nobody mentions his love of Islam??? Is Islam to be blamed for the Holocaust??

How come nobody mentions Prussian militarism that inspired Hitler??

Aliester Crowley a well known satanist basically the most famous satanist even named his son after Ataturk does this make Ataturk a leader of satanists.

Literally bullshit this article is nothing more than to blame Turkey for everything while the Nazis are innocent. Nazis came out of no where because they were inspired that statement literally absolves the Nazis on what they done.

This is another attempt to make Germans innocent while us Turks as the evil ones.

Ataturk inspired and was admired by everybody how does this make him the inspiration for the Holocaust?

When Ataturk's and Hitler's nationalism both contradicted each other.
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Second peace policy had started already guys. It seems first one wasn't enough to turn South and southeastern Anatolia in war zone and thousands lives of soldiers and thousands lives of civilians.
Tayyip's thorn is shaking so they have to do somethings...

If the government suggests autonomy!!!

The government should be taken down i normally wont support military coups for this matter I would.

Because granting Eastern Turkey autonomy status is one stepping stone to Turkey being ripped apart and the kurds getting their own country.

Give them their own laws even their own military once that happens we have a Peshmerga in our country which will be backed by the USA and the West or whichever country is willing to back them.

Worst case scenario is American troops building a base there.

No to autonomy!!!
If the government suggests autonomy!!!

The government should be taken down i normally wont support military coups for this matter I would.

Because granting Eastern Turkey autonomy status is one stepping stone to Turkey being ripped apart and the kurds getting their own country.

Give them their own laws even their own military once that happens we have a Peshmerga in our country which will be backed by the USA and the West or whichever country is willing to back them.

Worst case scenario is American troops building a base there.

No to autonomy!!!

even dogs and pimps wouldn't do that, giving autonomy is like selling your own mother..

someone should take out the politicians if they desire such a thing.. many bullets into their filthy body..

if they start a new peace policy than erdogan is really worser than his second name BOB he should than be taken down then..
even dogs and pimps wouldn't do that, giving autonomy is like selling your own mother..

someone should take out the politicians if they desire such a thing.. many bullets into their filthy body..

if they start a new peace policy than erdogan is really worser than his second name BOB he should than be taken down then..

It will start with appeasement then it will become autonomy. After autonomy the Kurds will now be embolden to demand more and in the future they will get an independant state.

This has happened in Turkic history many times everytime the Seljuks or the Ottomans granted autonomy it led to an independant state.

Artik no more Turkey has been built with a unitary structure. One rule for all. One law for all.

People think once autonomy is granted it will stop there and peace will happen people who believe this are deluded. Look what happened with Catalonia?? The Spanish gave the Catalans an autonomous state guess what they still were not happy and wanted independance.

Doesnt matter if its AkP, chp whichever party it is whoever thinks or wants to do such a thing needs to be taken down because doing this Turkey will be in dangerous waters.
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even dogs and pimps wouldn't do that, giving autonomy is like selling your own mother..

someone should take out the politicians if they desire such a thing.. many bullets into their filthy body..
Well. You don't know people well ....
And who wish risk his life to take down a traitor ?! Will you do this ?!

No to EDUCATION in Kurdish.
No to SPECIAL RIGHTS for Kurds.
No to a SECOND "peace" process.

A politican in Turkey who even thinks about this, deserves a bullet right in his head.
Well , USA and the west still didn't sanction you and you can't resist them ....

I remember years ago , I and my country warned you about Syria civil war and the consequence for you ....

Just cooperate with Syria government to clean Idlib , then as recognised government of Syria they can reclaim all of their land ....

Your integrity is more important than Erdogan dream ....

In the end you should accept that you are just a pawn in the west Greater Middle East plan
belki sen gencsin 2001 i hatırlamazsın

merak etme Bu hukumet 2001 de onlarca bankayı batıran basiretsizlerin bile devlete yükledigi 110 milyarlık borcu ödedi

ne borcu ? 15 yıldır Türkiye battı batıyor bir türlü batmadı ki sizlerde rahatlayın
Turkiye Avrupa da kamu borcu en az olan ülke
Ozel sektor borcunun cogunlugu ise Bankalardan millete kullandırdıgı kredi ve enerji-ulaşım-vs yatırımları yani geri dönüşü var

mutlaka Hukumetinde hataları vardır fakat 2013 den beri iç ve dış saldırıları görmezden gelmek iyi niyet göstegesi olamaz bilakis yangına odun tasımaktır

Konu tam olarak ne ekonomi ne de siyaset; ayrıca Türkçe olması gerektiği için buradan cevap veriyorum.

Amerika'nın temel politikası:

"Büyük ölçüde politik ve askeri nüfuz garantileyecek genişlikte bir ekonomik yayılma planını Asya, Afrika ve diğer az gelişmiş bölgelerde uygulamak zorundayız.

Yardımda- birinci gruba, bizimle dost olan ve bize uzun süreli askeri paktlarla bağlanmış olan ülkeler girer...-örneğin TÜRKİYE'YE-..

Bunlarla bağlantılı olarak özel sermaye yatırımlarım da ayarlamak gereklidir.

Bu tip özel sermaye yatırımları zamanla bütün gayrı meşru muhalefeti ve politikamıza karşı mukavemeti ortadan kaldırabilmen veya nötralize edebilmelidir.''

Nelson A. ROCKEFELLER’in Başkan Eisenhower’a yazdığı mektup.

Amerika ülkelerde çıkarına uygun ''İklim'' yaratır, ki sosyal, siyasi, mali olarak düzenlemeler yapabilsin.

Amerika'nın çıkarı doğrultusunda siyasi kişiler bulur, destekler, iktidar yapar, çıkara hizmet etmediği zamanlarda ekonomi,darbe, suikast, kaset v.b. yöntemler ile cezalandırır.

Menderes, Demirel, Özal, Erdoğan, Kılıçdaroğlu, İmamoğlu,...

Amerika çıkarına hizmet etmeyen muhalif iktidar yönetimini de aynı şekilde cezalandırır.


Amerika ulvi terimler ''Demokrasi, İnsan hakları, Özgürlük, Barış, v.b.'' üzerinden meşru zemin oluşturur; çıkarına uygun ödül ve/veya ceza vermek için.

2001'deki ekonomik ve siyasi İklim Erdoğan'ı doğururken meşru görüyorsunuz; ancak bugün aynı ''İklim''i (Erdoğan'ın iktidarının neticesi olmasına rağmen) neden reddediyorsunuz?


Kişilerden bağımsız şekilde Türkiye'de kendini 1950'den bugüne yineleyen bir Amerikan ''İklim''inden bahsediyorum; ancak ne yazık ki siz Türkiye'deki bu ''İklim''i hem kabul ediyor, hem de reddedip; ''İklim''in durumunu değil Erdoğan'ın durumunu düşünerek cevap veriyorsunuz hala.

Kişilerden bağımsız şekilde bu ''İklim''den en büyük zararı Türkiye ve Türk milletinin çektiğinden bahsediyorum; ancak siz ne yazık ki milleti ve ülkeyi değil bir kişiyi Erdoğan'ı düşünerek cevap veriyorsunuz hala.


Sırasıyla bu sayfada size yazdıklarımı tekrar okumanız; sonrasında bu videoyu izlemenizi umarım.

Türkiye'de 1947'den beri bir Amerikan ''İklim''i vardır; kişiler, olaylar, ekonomi, siyaset, toplum, organizasyonlar v.b. bu ''İklim''e göre şekilledirilir ve oluşturulur, ya da dışlanır.

Some answers about USA-Turkey relation.

- Doğu Akdeniz Jeopolitiği için:

Balyoz, Ergenekon ve diğer kumpas davaları açıldı ve en gözde subaylar 1 gecede tutuklandı, amaç:

1- Türkiye'nin denizdeki etki alanları,
2- Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti,
3- Denize çıkışı olan sözde bir krdistan kurmak

- Yunanistan haydutluk yaparak 150 bin kilometrekarelik mavi vatanımızı gasp etmeye çalışıyor,

- Yunanistan 1830'da vekil devlet olarak kurduruldu, Çipras anti-emperyalist olarak geldi, ama bugün Amerika'ya üs vermek için yarışmakta,

- Türkiye'de kamplaşma arttı, ancak halde iç cephede tek yumruk olmalı,

- 2011'de Milgemi yapabileceğimizi kimse tahmin edemiyordu, bu görüldüğü için Yunanistan vekil devlet olarak üstümüze saldırtılmakta,

- Mavi Vatan tatbikatı ile ilk ikaz verildi ve sürekli basına açıktı her anı, 1000 yıllık bir uyanıştır bu,

- F35 gelmezse Deniz Kuvvetleri silahlı insansız hava araçlarını kullanacak,

- Türkiye müslümanların laik bir sistemde yaşayabildiğinin kanıtıdır; Kemalizm bunu başarmıştır


The Rtr. Rear Admiral CEM GÜRDENİZ explains the situation in Mediterrannean Sea.
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