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Turkish PM pays final respects to mother in widely participated funeral


Sep 5, 2011
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08 October 2011, Saturday / TODAYSZAMAN.COM,

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Saturday paid his final respects to his mother, who died on Friday at the age of 88, in a funeral held in İstanbul and attended by thousands, including top state officials.


PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan lost his mother on Friday. Mrs. Erdoğan will be laid to rest at the Karacaahmet Cemetery in İstanbul following the noon prayers on Saturday.

Tenzile Erdoğan died in a hospital on Friday, days after a gall bladder operation.

Thousands of people filled the courtyard of Fatih Mosque in İstanbul where funeral prayers were held before the burial Saturday, and spilled out into the street.

Erdoğan, who helped carry the coffin along with President Abudullah Gül, was seen weeping.

The Turkish prime minister is known for his affection to his mother. He used to pay regular visits to his mother in her İstanbul house despite his heavy schedule.

Turkish PM pays final respects to mother in widely participated funeral
Israel's Peres, Netanyahu send letters of condolence to Erdoğan

10 October 2011, Monday / TODAY'S ZAMAN, İSTANBUL


Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (L),and Israeli President Shimon Peres during a plenary session on the Middle East peace at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2009. Erdoğan has stalked off the stage at the WWF later, red-faced and agitated after verbally sparring over Gaza with Israeli President Shimon Peres.

Israeli President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have sent separate condolence letters to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan over the death of his mother, Tenzile Erdoğan, Israeli media reported on Monday.

“From personal experience I know the deep sense of grief of feeling like an orphan and the boundless sorrow of your loss,” Peres was quoted as having written in a letter to Erdoğan on Sunday by the English-language Israeli daily Haaretz.

Saying the news of Erdoğan's mother's death was received with much sadness, Peres asked Erdoğan to accept his “profound condolences and sympathy,” Haaretz reported.

Tenzile Erdoğan, who was 88, died in a hospital on Friday, only days after a gall bladder operation.

Netanyahu's condolence message was sent on Friday via diplomatic channels, The Jerusalem Post reported, without elaborating on the content of the message or the identification of the channels.

Turkish-Israeli relations were badly damaged following a lethal Israeli raid on the Mavi Marmara in 2010 that left nine Turkish civilians dead. Turkey has demanded an official apology, but Israel has only expressed regret over the flotilla deaths. Israel says its soldiers acted in self-defense. Last month, Turkey imposed a set of initial sanctions against Israel to push the Jewish state to address Turkey's demands.

In late September, Israeli media reported that the US has restarted its efforts to repair the badly damaged Turkish-Israeli ties, concerned about its two most important allies in the Middle East.

At the time, Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronot reported that a senior Israeli official confirmed that meditation has been undertaken by the US to restore Turkish-Israeli ties. The report also claimed that the US has tried in vain to convince Erdoğan and Peres to talk over the phone.

Israel's Peres, Netanyahu send letters of condolence to Erdo
The most written comment written in saudi sites I read at the time of the news was "Inna lillah we inna elaih raje'un she gave a real man to the world" And I agree.


i dont think other men are without D**ks
Assalam alikum

انا لله وانا اليه راجعون

May Allah forgive her sins and give her place in alfardos and we all ameeen


ina lillah he wa ina ilaye rajeoon.
May Allah forgive her sins and raise her darajat in jannah.(Ameen)

---------- Post added at 12:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 PM ----------


i dont think other men are without D**ks

this thread is of condolence and you are making fun of others?
A mother of a great Muslim leader pass away Inna lillah we inna elaih raje'un
we pay our respect to this great mother who gave birth a novel son, may Allah forgive her sin and place in jannath ameen
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