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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

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Consultations between Assad regime&YPG to open a permanent military route under Russian protection connect #Manbij to #Afrin city

+ Military route start from Manbij &pass by Jub al-Sultan,Qaser al-Breig,Abu Jabar,Tadef,Abu Taltal, Touman,Madyoune,Tal Rahal to Afrin

Meanwhile on Ahaber: Remember the coalition governments, coup attempts by kemalists (evil)...lately also clips with nationalist songs which just 2 years ago would be a crime.

Ver mehteri.
Consultations between Assad regime&YPG to open a permanent military route under Russian protection connect #Manbij to #Afrin city

+ Military route start from Manbij &pass by Jub al-Sultan,Qaser al-Breig,Abu Jabar,Tadef,Abu Taltal, Touman,Madyoune,Tal Rahal to Afrin

Meanwhile on Ahaber: Remember the coalition governments, coup attempts by kemalists (evil)...lately also clips with nationalist songs which just 2 years ago would be a crime.

Ver mehteri.

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