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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

The info coming out from the front is one jet... but more could be possible, need to wait for crossinfo.
The info of a downed jet IS NOT YET confirmed.
Syrian regime accepted of losing two jets and for ur info just now third plane also shot down it's hattrick

SyrianGirl aka Bashars Whore is not going to like it.

I think assadists are on suicide watch.
She's hizbullah bitch
I bet MSB will not show the footage until something bad happens. Good day though.

Edit: Now, they are saying it was actually a Turkish drone again that was shot down. We getting bamboozled here.
There are many Turkish observation posts in enemy territory? Why isnt the regime trying to take them, but instead leaves them alone?
There are many Turkish observation posts in enemy territory? Why isnt the regime trying to take them, but instead leaves them alone?
First, it was a condition signed by every side. (OP out of limit)
Second, You do that... And any Chance of "Meetings/deal" is de facto over...
Third, Sochi line dream will be only the beginning...

So, neither RU nor IR wish for that... But who knows what could happen when the Rebel front is getting bigger... a sub-group will maybe act on their own, like what few did, few days ago, as a warning.
An eye for an eye, I guess :P
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