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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I think our airforce fails here. They have to back those tanks, constantly check the area and attack. They dont do that..
Honestly I think its easy to sneak up with 2 guys and hit a tank. How are you supposed to tell them apart from ordinary guys from the air?
Wouldn't dozens of sniper teams positioned in regions about to be invaded by us help minimize risks and eliminate hostile atgm teams before fsa and our tanks start rolling in? Tanks are seriously sitting ducks, especially in regions that are not under full control. I don't even want to think about our tanks entering big urban areas like Al-Bab and Munbic. We shall nonetheless overcome this operation successfully too, wish all the best for our brothers.
Wouldn't dozens of sniper teams positioned in regions about to be invaded by us help minimize risks and eliminate hostile atgm teams before fsa and our tanks start rolling in? Tanks are seriously sitting ducks, especially in regions that are not under full control. I don't even want to think about our tanks entering big urban areas like Al-Bab and Munbic. We shall nonetheless overcome this operation successfully too, wish all the best for our brothers.
We need aerial surveilance in large scale, Anka and Bayraktar must be produced in masses.
Wouldn't dozens of sniper teams positioned in regions about to be invaded by us help minimize risks and eliminate hostile atgm teams before fsa and our tanks start rolling in? Tanks are seriously sitting ducks, especially in regions that are not under full control. I don't even want to think about our tanks entering big urban areas like Al-Bab and Munbic. We shall nonetheless overcome this operation successfully too, wish all the best for our brothers.
This is why we need those recon and armed drones.
We have those capabilities which are belong to protect our MBTs

Mars 5 to detect threats

ACAR Ground Surveillance Radar to detect threats

Malazgirt Mini VTOL to detect threats

Mac Milan AMR in hand of SF

Korkut 35 mm against ATGMs and humans

multispektral kamuflage against thermals and day/night optics

But we dont use them on the battlefield ?!
I told you guys ... we shouldn't go with tank to advance position in syria we will lose our army..we can help FSA from back..sorry but we will lose more :(
Well, Army planners know this better but they are still going because Armour is needed. They probably already estimated casualty and equipments losses according to operational objectives.

TAW can destroy an advance tanks not only our tanks.TAW has destroyed T-90(one of the best russian tank)
Well, if you are saying for Feb 2016 attack than that T-90 survived however sensors etc and armour on side of attack damaged.

See here (Just match No)
Article link
Still I don't like any country's Soldiers die fighting Terrorists.

It is clear from a number of reports/incidents Syrian and Iraqi army do not guard their Assets well.
Syrian and Iraqi Army are now getting shot by their own equipment.

It's funny how before 2011 Syrian Army ordered so many ATGM's knowing full well they could once day easily fall in the hands of regime opponents if an insurrection was to occur.
ISIS is not the main target for Turkish incursion into Syria. It is Kurd who are primary target. But additionally Turkey is arming and empowering FSA terrorist. That is very dangerous move Turkey made. If this continues Turkey essentially pitted itself against interest of Russia, US and Iran, not to mention Syria. Looks like Erdogan turned his back right after Russia helping Erdogan to recover from coup.

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