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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

then you guys are on a different planet

historically Pakistan has never and probably never will support or take sides in a Muslim vs Muslim fight

Saudi asked for assistance in Yemen they also got the answer from our Parliament

fighting terrorist groups defiantly we even do that ourselves against many groups in Afghanistan

but at governmental level definitely not, a Muslim country vs another Muslim country, big no no

These Assadists are not Muslims? Which muslims murder and rape their own countrymen and expel them from their homes. As muslims it is a duty to exterminate such creatures, especially those calling themselves muslims.
1 Mar copy.jpg

Liberated areas so far.

Smart lady just telling the truth
Some lady who has no knowledge about what's happening in Syria. Like the rest of the US senators.

And nobody asked helped from US whom is busy stealling oil of Syria.
Smart lady just telling the truth
this is the truth, it is all about religion, in desperation Europe will surrender to the Trumpist Right wing ultra nationalist evangelist anti globalist movement and it will find itself Joining the US and maybe Russia on the doorsteps of the ME trying to stop the invading army , the Jews will encourage this move because their state will be crushed after Assad is defeated, we are heading towards war . EVERY ONE WILL DIE .
I know it, also Afghanistan and Pakistan/Kashmir are Iranic nomadic origin too, also Kurds, but it doesn't matter to Iranian backstabbers.

You rather support Hindu fascists, Serbian killers, Armenian genocide storymakers, Greek neo-nazis, Russians and former communists.

Then you call yourself an Islamic state, lol. If Mongols or Crusaders were here, you would bow down to them too just like your ancestors, even against your own Muslim brothers Seljuks and Ottomans.
Yeah just like you barking and cooperating with China and America against other Muslims 😂
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