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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

More Russian airstrikes to be expected. US have made clear it will not be involved and NATO also declined to back Erdogan. The option to pressure Europe with refugees will not work.
More Russian airstrikes to be expected. US have made clear it will not be involved and NATO also declined to back Erdogan. The option to pressure Europe with refugees will not work.

Why would anyone sane do that especially Russia? what is there to gain from a tiny strib of land like Idlib for Russia? Basically nothing. I don't see all the fuss. As for the refugees Erdogan want some promises and alertness asistance from his allies. He didn't release everything and they didn't even enter greece still in Turkey. It's a bluff! He wants the EU to see his burdens. His getting paid for holding them and showing them why keeping them in their own land is in everybodies interest. His basically just making a message come across.
I remember 2015/2016 in Mosul, the attempt to pull the same thing by erdogan, he's power hungry and wants to annex lands
This is pre-planned for the whole region. This scenario can be repeated against Iraq, those who were demonstrating, should also be ready to go to the front to save Iraq from turkish backed separatists soon.
This is pre-planned for the whole region. This scenario can be repeated against Iraq, those who were demonstrating, should also be ready to go to the front to save Iraq from turkish backed separatists soon.

This was 2015/2016, with Al Nujaifi (Muslim brotherhood representative in Iraq) working with Erdogan to establish some militia outside of Baghdad command. Those in the militia of course don't give a shit about the politics of it, they just wanted a salary.

This is why any monkey can know this is not about "saving" the people of Idlib, it's a power game to take lands.
So are you asking help from Iraq?:-)
Iraq-Iran-Syria-Lebanon and Russia and China must be aware of zionist plans. Turkey as a nato member is an intrument of international zionism and they act accordingly.

This was 2015/2016, with Al Nujaifi (Muslim brotherhood representative in Iraq) working with Erdogan to establish some militia outside of Baghdad command. Those in the militia of course don't give a shit about the politics of it, they just wanted a salary.

This is why any monkey can know this is not about "saving" the people of Idlib, it's a power game to take lands.
Soon they will try again... their puppets are already disturbing the political process in Iraq. They want a stalemate to say Iraq cannot function as an union. They separatism will start.
His getting paid for holding them
We got $6 billion for 3,5 million refugees,take 0,50 cents(only for food,not talking about the rest) a day per person a do the math for 8 years.
If you make a statement,make sure you know what you're talking about to avoid looking like a dumb idiot making stupid comments.
Iraq-Iran-Syria-Lebanon and Russia and China must be aware of zionist plans. Turkey as a nato member is an intrument of international zionism and they act accordingly.

Soon they will try again... their puppets are already disturbing the political process in Iraq. They want a stalemate to say Iraq cannot function as an union. They separatism will start.

Funny to see how an ordinary arab crying about persians in his country and now the same joker is talking to the persians he hate. The persian who litterly have stolen the land of arab is acting together:-). The only logic you can find her is no logic can be find:-).

When wilayat faqih entered Iraq it was game over, iran working together with amreecans to get rid of saddam was zionist act of course...

Funny to see how an ordinary arab crying about persians in his country and now the same joker is talking to the persians he hate. The persian who litterly have stolen the land of arab is acting together:-). The only logic you can find her is no logic can be find:-).

When wilayat faqih entered Iraq it was game over, iran working together with amreecans to get rid of saddam was zionist act of course...

Nothing is/was stolen by Iran. Iran is a strong supporter of Iraqi unity and helped to put down the barzanist dream, the guy who is very close to erdo.
As shown by @camelguy, Turkey was flirting with creating a "sunni barzanistan" in Iraq. Soon after, ISIS came into existence.
NATO turkey helped american plans in the region, Saddam himself was a US allie who attacked Iran and used chemical weapons against Iran. However US will always betray its allies/puppets. Secondly bush put Iran into "axis of evil" list after invading Iraq, and Iran supported Iraqi shia resistance.
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Nothing is/was stolen by Iran. Iran is a strong supporter of Iraqi unity and helped to put down the barzanist dream, the guy who is very close to erdo.
As shown by @camelguy, Turkey was flirting with creating a "sunni barzanistan" in Iraq. Soon after, ISIS came into existence.
NATO turkey helped american plans in the region, Saddam himself was a US allie who attacked Iran and used chemical weapons against Iran. However US will always betray its allies/puppets. Secondly bush put Iran into "axis of evil" list after invading Iraq, and Iran supported Iraqi shia resistance.

Saddam was US allies ahaha, Saddam was supported by Europe and Iran was supported by US. You are a funny member..
It wouldn’t be long if Coronvirus infection start popping up, it would be too obvious that Iran started a biological warfare given the sheer numbers of Iranians in the frontlines.
It wouldn’t be long if Coronvirus infection start popping up, it would be too obvious that Iran started a biological warfare given the sheer numbers of Iranians in the frontlines.

That's going to pop up in Turkey regardless, most likely Istanbul. It's already in western Europe
Saddam was US allies ahaha, Saddam was supported by Europe and Iran was supported by US. You are a funny member..
In the 1980s, the US and Britain backed Saddam in the war against Iran, giving Iraq arms, money, satellite intelligence, and even chemical & bio-weapon precursors. As many as 90 US military advisors supported Iraqi forces and helped pick targets for Iraqi air and missile attacks.

According to German daily newspaper Die Tageszeitung, which is reported to have reviewed an uncensored copy of Iraq's 11,000-page declaration to the U.N. Security Council in 2002, almost 150 foreign companies supported Saddam Hussein's WMD program. Twenty-four U.S. firms were involved in exporting materials to Baghdad. An even longer list of American companies and their involvements in Iraq was provided by the LA Weekly in May 2003.

I know it's difficult for a gooshderaz to understand this basic info.
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