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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

Just a question brother. Why cant Pakistan do anything about these shia terrorists from pakistan going to syria to kill sunnis? It seems pakistan is oblivious to this problem/threat?

if I would be pakistan I would be happy to lose these scum.. send tehm away and dont allow them to reenter!
I believe it's too early for anyone to claim victory, we don't know & we simply cannot foresee what kind of developments might happen in the future no matter how much one side or the other appears prepared & confident, that is why personaly I believe for Russia/SAA one can only claim victory if the SAA retakes the entire Idlib, while for Turkey/HTS/rebel they can only claim victory if they drive the SAA out of Idlib completely, anything less than that (ie: capturing some towns) should be viewed as nothing more than minor developments.

Your point is obvious and rational.
My take on this is turkey is going for massive military buildup its seems. It doesn't make military sense to deploy such huge force and not protect it with air cover. There is definately something puzzling here or something cooking behind the scene and only erdogan and his military generals will know about it. Perhaps they're waiting for russian or regime to make a rash move like killings tens of soldiers thereby pushing turkey to invoke declaration of war with support from nation and allies. Turkey don't want to show their NATO allies as oppressor and invaders rather peace keepers and protectors of civilains.

It could even be that turkey don't find russia as untouchables as they themselves are an undeclared nuclear power despite having control of half (45) of the US nukes stored in incilik. Deploying such massive military force proves confidence in erdogan that russia can be defeated. Erdogan probably thinks war with russia can be contained within syria however there will be a risk of the war escalating beyond syria if russia is humiliated. If war cannot be contained within syria then turkey will declare or test nukes and that will militarily and psychologically demoralise russia and limit their behaviour in expanding the war elsewhere.

What happened with pakistan and india last year is a good example. India who is much bigger power ended up humiliated after having plane shot down and then cowardly backpedalled without retaliation because pakistan can nuke them

if I would be pakistan I would be happy to lose these scum.. send tehm away and dont allow them to reenter!
thats exactly what the west did when isis where travelling to syria.
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When true time comes , then TURAF also will be in action

also 120-150-280km Turkish TRG-300 MLRS , J600T and KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles to hit S300 and S400s in Syria

Without Turkish air force it'll be highway of death 2.0. So for sure they need to be involved but Turkey doesn't want them involved for some reason.

Those Chinese licenced M20 Missiles are useful for static tactical targets in Syria not useful for mobile S-300/400's, or crippling Syria strategically.

No mate i dont think so. There is a reason why so much loads are coming into syria despite sporadic attacks here and there. if im not wrong i think they are here to battle against assad and russia. Maybe erdogan and his military advisors have a plan in place. Russia might think they are untouchable but Erdogan might bring a surprise in the last minute and that surprise is kept as a last resort. Erdogan knows all of the regime and russian forces are no match for the turkish army and doesnt want to ruin relation with russia and wants to avoid if possible. Erdogan cant do anything against russia is a narratives built up here on the PDF by enemies and turkish traitors but massive turkish mobilisation of military gear make no military sense if erdogan cannot do anything to the untouchable russia.

What I'm assessing so far that erdogan is buying time to get ready for something. If there is no war with Russia in the end of it then the assadist will just get pounded while russia watches.
Also its seems that russian aviation will attack turkish troop and turkey don't have any air defence. However no one seem to realise that the source of russian aviation which is latakia could be turned into ashes in a matter of few minutes if the turkish military wanted. They're all within range of Turkish artillery and missiles

The problem with Turkish users on this forum is they don't seem to understand the value of air defense in conventional warfare. The Turkish army could theoretically be wiped out from the air in a matter of days if not protected by Air force or Air defense assets. A little look on history will tell you that. YOU NEED F-16's FLYING IN IDLIB.

test nukes and that will militarily and psychologically demoralise russia and limit their behaviour in expanding the war elsewhere.

Where do you make this absolute nonsense up!
No mate i dont think so. There is a reason why so much loads are coming into syria despite sporadic attacks here and there. if im not wrong i think they are here to battle against assad and russia. Maybe erdogan and his military advisors have a plan in place. Russia might think they are untouchable but Erdogan might bring a surprise in the last minute and that surprise is kept as a last resort. Erdogan knows all of the regime and russian forces are no match for the turkish army and doesnt want to ruin relation with russia and wants to avoid if possible. Erdogan cant do anything against russia is a narratives built up here on the PDF by enemies and turkish traitors but massive turkish mobilisation of military gear make no military sense if erdogan cannot do anything to the untouchable russia.

What I'm assessing so far that erdogan is buying time to get ready for something. If there is no war with Russia in the end of it then the assadist will just get pounded while russia watches.
Also its seems that russian aviation will attack turkish troop and turkey don't have any air defence. However no one seem to realise that the source of russian aviation which is latakia could be turned into ashes in a matter of few minutes if the turkish military wanted. They're all within range of Turkish artillery and missiles
IMO the Russians overestimated themselves. Yes, Erdo'an sincerely wanted a good relationship with Russia, and was ready to incur some hits from the West like F-35s, $ coup etc. But, Russia is no strategic ally/partner of Turkey. The West still has serious dominance over the rest of the world. And, it's the reality. Look at the Chinese situation. And, what'll happen if the gas price goes down below $60/barrel?!? The USSR engagement in Afganistan ruined them. And, the West engineered it perfectly. They smell the Russian blood in Syria...

On a side note: the former President Abdullah Gul has openly stated S-400 and proximity to Russia while abandoning F-35s are mistakes. It signifies the Establishment has already taken the stance. As for Erdo'an, according to the analysts close to the regime, he's already got a "change of mind", which is the closest of accepting the "failure" from a politician. The rest are now all details...

The West is fighting for her survival. Not a pleasant scene to watch...
What I don’t understand is why Erdogan has sent so many troops into Idlib but won’t send air-cover or at least use weapons which can down Russian fighter jets?

Atm the Russians have no fear whatsoever. Erdogan cannot let 10 Turkish soldiers die every passing day, the public at home will only take so much. They need to shoot down the Russian jets or at least bring their F16’s into the theatre
IMO the Russians overestimated themselves. Yes, Erdo'an sincerely wanted a good relationship with Russia, and was ready to incur some hits from the West like F-35s, $ coup etc. But, Russia is no strategic ally/partner of Turkey. The West still has serious dominance over the rest of the world. And, it's the reality. Look at the Chinese situation. And, what'll happen if the gas price goes down below $60/barrel?!? The USSR engagement in Afganistan ruined them. And, the West engineered it perfectly. They smell the Russian blood in Syria...

On a side note: the former President Abdullah Gul has openly stated S-400 and proximity to Russia while abandoning F-35s are mistakes. It signifies the Establishment has already taken the stance. As for Erdo'an, according to the analysts close to the regime, he's already got a "change of mind", which is the closest of accepting the "failure" from a politician. The rest are now all details...

The West is fighting for her survival. Not a pleasant scene to watch...
If anything the current scenario has shown the value of the S400. Not for use against Russian but for the other MFs. Erdogan has always wanted to purchase the patriots even after the S400 because he understood that both east and west were in similar relationships to Turkey. A little like Yugoslavias relationship with east and west. The turks will eventually get systems from both i believe.
Those Chinese licenced M20 Missiles are useful for static tactical targets in Syria not useful for mobile S-300/400's, or crippling Syria strategically.

S300 and S400 are not mobile to change location in a few minutes .... and Russian bases hosts S300s and S400s

Turkish Armed Forces have great NATO technology

-- TRG-300 guided MLRS , J600T and KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles can wipe out S300-S400s in Russian Bases in Syria
-- also Turkish Army has 100 of HARPY Kamikaze Drones for SEAD role to wipe out S300-S400 Radars
-- also its time to test new Turkish KARGI anti radiation Drones for SEAD role to wipe out S300-S400 Radars
-- Turkish Navy 8 Type209 class Submarines and 4 ADA class stealth Corvettes armed with 140km HARPOON block II land attack Cruise Missiles to wipe out S300-S400s in Russian Bases in Syria
-- Turkish KORAL and REDET Radar Electronic Warfare Systems to jam S300-S400 Radars

also Turkish Airforce F-16s equiped with SPEWS-II electronic warfare system , 150km HARM anti radiation missiles and 300km SOM cruise missiles

I remind everyone , Both S-400 and PANTSIR are located at sea level in Latakia/Syria
So SOM cruise missile is capable of flying under the radar level at 2.5-3 meter above the land or sea level. ( Terrain hugging and Sea skimming )

The possible SOM attack will come from the sea to land in this scenario. and will be accomplished under the radar level. Both S-400 and PANTSIR will have no chance to detect SOM stealth cruise missiles.

So S300-S400 will be destructed completely .......

also 220+ km ATMACA land based Cruise Missile is on the way ( with RF+IIR seeker to wipe out S300-S400s in Russian Bases in Syria )

The Turkish army could theoretically be wiped out from the air in a matter of days if not protected by Air force or Air defense assets. A little look on history will tell you that. YOU NEED F-16's FLYING IN IDLIB.

in a real conflict Turkish Airforce will be in action

even Turkish F-16s can hit every hostile Fighter Jet over Idlib from Turkish Airspace

Idlib Region is only 30-40 km away from Turkish Airspace
so Turkish Airforce Boeing E7T AEWC and F-16s armed with 120km AIM-120C7 air to air missiles can block Idlib against Russian Aircrafts from Turkish Airspace

Turkish F-16s armed with 110 km KGK guided Bombs to attack hostile targets in Idlib from Turkish Airspace
and Turkiye can produce thousands of KGK guided Bombs
even by 2020 Turkish UCAVs AKSUNGUR and AKINCI will carry KGK guided Bombs

also Turkish F-16s to carry 8 SDB guided Bombs with range of 100km to attack hostile targets in Idlib from Turkish Airspace

btw Turkish Army 40km T-155 Howitzers and 40km TRG-122 guided MLRSs can hit enemy land forces with pin point accuracy in Idlib

problem is not military technology ....... problem is political decision , because of there are strategic projects with Russia as like TURKSTREAM gas pipeline , AKKUYU Nuclear Power Plant , S400

Turkiye doesnt want to fight Russia but if Russia will force Turkish Army to leave Idlib and Syria , then nobody will care about strategic projects and the Turkish Armed Forces will start real fighting

still stupid idiots dont understand , Syria is national security problem for Turkey's territorial integrity

therefore over 3400 Turkish Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS , AFVs , IFVs and tens of thousands of Turkish soldiers entered Idlib in the last 20 days and still continue
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S300 and S400 are not mobile to change location in a few minutes .... and Russian bases hosts S300s and S400s

Turkish Armed Forces have great NATO technology

-- TRG-300 guided MLRS , J600T and KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles can wipe out S300-S400s in Russian Bases in Syria
-- also Turkish Army has 100 of HARPY Kamikaze Drones for SEAD role to wipe out S300-S400 Radars
-- also its time to test new Turkish KARGI anti radiation Drones for SEAD role to wipe out S300-S400 Radars
-- Turkish Navy 8 Type209 class Submarines and 4 ADA class stealth Corvettes armed with 140km HARPOON block II land attack Cruise Missiles to wipe out S300-S400s in Russian Bases in Syria
-- Turkish KORAL and REDET Radar Electronic Warfare Systems to jam S300-S400 Radars

also Turkish Airforce F-16s equiped with SPEWS-II electronic warfare system , 150km HARM anti radiation missiles and 300km SOM cruise missiles

I remind everyone , Both S-400 and PANTSIR are located at sea level in Latakia/Syria
So SOM cruise missile is capable of flying under the radar level at 2.5-3 meter above the land or sea level. ( Terrain hugging and Sea skimming )

The possible SOM attack will come from the sea to land in this scenario. and will be accomplished under the radar level. Both S-400 and PANTSIR will have no chance to detect SOM stealth cruise missiles.

So S300-S400 will be destructed completely .......

also 220+ km ATMACA land based Cruise Missile is on the way ( with RF+IIR seeker to wipe out S300-S400s in Russian Bases in Syria )

in a real conflict Turkish Airforce will be in action

even Turkish F-16s can hit every hostile Fighter Jet over Idlib from Turkish Airspace

Idlib Region is only 30-40 km away from Turkish Airspace
so Turkish Airforce Boeing E7T AEWC and F-16s armed with 120km AIM-120C7 air to air missiles can block Idlib against Russian Aircrafts from Turkish Airspace

Turkish F-16s armed with 110 km KGK guided Bombs to attack hostile targets in Idlib from Turkish Airspace
and Turkiye can produce thousands of KGK guided Bombs
even by 2020 Turkish UCAVs AKSUNGUR and AKINCI will carry KGK guided Bombs

also Turkish F-16s to carry 8 SDB guided Bombs with range of 100km to attack hostile targets in Idlib from Turkish Airspace

btw Turkish Army 40km T-155 Howitzers and 40km TRG-122 guided MLRSs can hit enemy land forces with pin point accuracy in Idlib

problem is not military technology ....... problem is political decision , because of there are strategic projects with Russia as like TURKSTREAM gas pipeline , AKKUYU Nuclear Power Plant , S400

Turkiye doesnt want to fight Russia but if Russia will force Turkish Army to leave Idlib and Syria , then nobody will care about strategic projects and the Turkish Armed Forces will start real fighting

still stupid idiots dont understand , Syria is national security problem for Turkey's territorial integrity

therefore over 3400 Turkish Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS , AFVs , IFVs and tens of thousands of Turkish soldiers entered Idlib in the last 20 days and still continue
Russian become a dummy on your keyboard, they stand still and has zero ability to return favour.:coffee:
Russian become a dummy on your keyboard, they stand still and has zero ability to return favour.:coffee:

We dont care about transexuall like you

Turkish Army is in Idlib and never will leave Idlib ... and Russia can not change this reality
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We dont care about transexuall like you

Turkish Army is in Idlib and never will leave Idlib ... and Russia can not change this reality
Be a grown man first before you trying so hard to talked like a man.
It is funny how you bragged like a kid,Khan ballistic missile..:cheesy:
Turkiye should continue arming 120.000 National Syrian Army to kill thousands of persians,russians,hezbol terrorists and Assad Regime terrorists who killed over 800.000 sunni muslim Syrians

dildo for transexuall like you ....... nothing else
nobody can use nuclear weapon .....
What a low creature, I thought you are at least better than this.
What a low creature, I thought you are at least better than this.
I notice his post is "kill this, kill that!". The problem in Syria is there are too many opposing sides, foreign actors with personal interests. Too much revenge and hatred. Democracy in Syria became a tool to divide the country. Sadly it's not about what Syrians really want.
Russian become a dummy on your keyboard, they stand still and has zero ability to return favour.:coffee:

Hehehe.as if Russian forces will wait for Turkish air force to bomb them.

In reality opposite is happening. RuAF is happily bombing Turkish forces without any retaliation and Turkish keyboard warriors are fuming on internet.
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