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Turkish Missile Programs

Thales Lightweight Multirole Missile (LMM) and Aselsan Missile Launcher System (MILAS) have completed a successful qualification firing exercise by engaging a naval target representative of a fast inshore attack craft.



Aselsan new gyro stabilized naval turret with Thales LMM

ODTÜ developments in the 70's. Now , where is Türkiye now ?

  • Indigenous Vertical Launch System
  • GEZGIN Land Attack Vertical Launch Cruise Missile
  • SAPAN Surface to Air Missile (Turkish RAM)
  • ATMACA Surface to Surface Missile
  • Supersonic Anti Ship Missile
  • TEMREN Blk:1 ASM ~18km
  • Temren Blk:2 ASM ~30km
  • AKYA Heavy Weight Torpedo
  • Aselsan Light Torpedo
  • Tork Anti torpedo torpedo
  • Hisar Naval Low/Medium/Long Altitude Surface to Air Missiles

@Combat-Master Bro, Do you have anything about Sapan Missile ?
  • Indigenous Vertical Launch System
  • GEZGIN Land Attack Vertical Launch Cruise Missile
  • SAPAN Surface to Air Missile (Turkish RAM)
  • ATMACA Surface to Surface Missile
  • Supersonic Anti Ship Missile
  • TEMREN Blk:1 ASM ~18km
  • Temren Blk:2 ASM ~30km
  • AKYA Heavy Weight Torpedo
  • Aselsan Light Torpedo
  • Tork Anti torpedo torpedo
  • Hisar Naval Low/Medium/Long Altitude Surface to Air Missiles
@Combat-Master Bro, Do you have anything about Sapan Missile ?
Are the ✗'s still in development and ✓'s in inventory or something? I mean what do they mean?
  • Indigenous Vertical Launch System
  • GEZGIN Land Attack Vertical Launch Cruise Missile
  • SAPAN Surface to Air Missile (Turkish RAM)
  • ATMACA Surface to Surface Missile
  • Supersonic Anti Ship Missile
  • TEMREN Blk:1 ASM ~18km
  • Temren Blk:2 ASM ~30km
  • AKYA Heavy Weight Torpedo
  • Aselsan Light Torpedo
  • Tork Anti torpedo torpedo
  • Hisar Naval Low/Medium/Long Altitude Surface to Air Missiles
@Combat-Master Bro, Do you have anything about Sapan Missile ?

No bro, navy is tight lipped with anything that is related to them.. Perhaps, in 4 years we'll see something :)

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