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Turkish language mother of Urdu : اردو کی ماں ترک زبان: اگر یقین نہ آئے تو آزما لیجیے

o bc
abey oye
teri bc mc
abe chal
oye idhar aa
yaar sutta de
oye yeh to meri bandi hai
oh na kar yaar sehwag ki batting chal rahi hai

lovely turkish and persian :P


A lot of words have been adopted from Turkish and Persian languages. The grammar comes from Hindustanis (a mix of sanskrit, urdu and hindi).

Now even a lot of words are being adopted from English.. so much so that English translator examination of Australia approves using English words in English/ Urdu translations in the answer sheets.. They have given this leverage to very few other languages.

So what I meant, Urdu is sadly not a language by itself, it is a mixture of many languages..


We will Import Turkish Kurdish Swahili english words. We will eat Grass but will Not become pro Arab.

Please keep in line with Forum rules.


We will Import Turkish Kurdish Swahili english words. We will eat Grass but will Not become pro Arab.

Please keep in line with Forum rules.
It's not about becoming pro arab.. I am writing the facts here.. The title suggests that Turkish is the mother of Urdu.. I can assure you that there are at least 5-6 mothers of urdu and the mothers are increasing..
It's not about becoming pro arab.. I am writing the facts here.. The title suggests that Turkish is the mother of Urdu.. I can assure you that there are at least 5-6 mothers of urdu and the mothers are increasing..

Whatever just dont include arabs or arabic language or any reference to arabs.
Doesn't matter from where it came. I speak this, and I love it.
Who are these gandus that keep saying Urdu comes from Prakit. WTF is this Prakit BS? And Urdu does not come from Turkish either. And for all the love for Urdu, where is it in Pakistan? You people mix your bullshit english words into Urdu all the time.

Absolutely. In virtually every country in the world, to speak your own language well is the mark of social status. The social status of a spaniard, frenchman or Italian is defined by how well he speaks his own language. In Japan forget religion, language is virtually divine. It is humiliating to see these slave Pakistanis trying to speak three words of English in every sentence.
Are most of the foreign words in Urdu not of Farsi and Arabic origins?

Urdu, like Hindi, is a form of Hindustani.[17] It evolved from the medieval (6th to 13th century) Apabhraṃśa register of the preceding Shauraseni language, a Middle Indo-Aryan language that is also the ancestor of other modern Indo-Aryan languages, including the Punjabi dialects. Around 75% of Urdu words have their etymological roots in Sanskrit and Prakrit,[18][19][20] and approximately 99% of Urdu verbs have their roots in Sanskrit and Prakrit.[21] Because Persian-speaking sultans ruled the Indian subcontinent for a number of years,[22] Urdu was influenced by Persian and to a lesser extent, Arabic, which have contributed to about 25% of Urdu's vocabulary.[18][23][24][25][26][27][28] Although the word Urdu is derived from the Turkic word ordu (army) or orda, from which English horde is also derived,[29] Turkic borrowings in Urdu are minimal[30] and Urdu is also not genetically related to the Turkic languages. Urdu words originating from Chagatai and Arabic were borrowed through Persian and hence are Persianized versions of the original words. For instance, the Arabic ta' marbuta ( ة ) changes to he ( ه‬ ) or te ( ت‬ ).[31][note 1] Nevertheless, contrary to popular belief, Urdu did not borrow from the Turkish language, but from Chagatai, a Turkic language from Central Asia. Urdu and Turkish borrowed from Arabic and Persian, hence the similarity in pronunciation of many Urdu and Turkish words.[32]

Arabic influence in the region began with the late first-millennium Muslim conquests of the Indian subcontinent. The Persian language was introduced into the subcontinent a few centuries later by various Persianized Central Asian Turkic and Afghandynasties including that of Mahmud of Ghazni.[33][34] The Turko-Afghan Delhi Sultanate established Persian as its official language, a policy continued by the Mughal Empire, which extended over most of northern South Asia from the 16th to 18th centuries and cemented Persian influence on the developing Hindustani.[citation needed]

The name Urdu was first used by the poet Ghulam Hamadani Mushafi around 1780.[35][36](p18) From the 13th century until the end of the 18th century Urdu was commonly known as Hindi.[36](p1) The language was also known by various other names such as Hindavi and Dehlavi.[36](pp21–22) Hindustani in Persian script was used by Muslims and Hindus, but was current chiefly in Muslim influenced society.[37] The communal nature of the language lasted until it replaced Persian as the official language in 1837 and was made co-official, along with English. Hindustani was promoted in British India by British policies to counter the previous emphasis on Persian.[38] This triggered a Hindu backlash in northwestern India, which argued that the language should be written in the native Devanagari script. This literary standard called "Hindi" replaced Urdu as the official language of Bihar in 1881, establishing a sectarian divide of "Urdu" for Muslims and "Hindi" for Hindus, a divide that was formalized with the division of India and Pakistan after independence (though there are Hindu poets who continue to write in Urdu to this day, with post-independence examples including Gopi Chand Narang and Gulzar).

There have been attempts to "purify" Urdu and Hindi, by purging Urdu of Sanskrit words, and Hindi of Persian loanwords, and new vocabulary draws primarily from Persian and Arabic for Urdu and from Sanskrit for Hindi. English has exerted a heavy influence on both as a co-official language.[39]


How correct is the above?

These kids born out side Pakistan, have picked up ''Urdu'' from parents speaking at home, actually know 50% of Urdu. They are very very limited in vocabulary.
Unless you can read and write Urdu, you have little chance of learning recognizing similarities between Arabic/Persian/Turkish with Pakistan.
Urdu indeed has more words from Arabic and Persian as compare to Turkish, but isn't its amazing how Turkish words made it to Urdu /Ordo.
It's too bad that Turkish switched to Roman characters, otherwise we Pakistanis can read the language and catch similarities much quicker.
In Urdu we have many words for same thing, it could be one from Arabia, one from Persian and one from Turkish/ Kurdish /Sanskrit. or at least we can recognize.
few examples.
Sun in Urdu books SHAMS/AFTAB/SURAJ
Moon in Urdu books QAMAR/MAHTAB/CHAND
Water in Urdu books PANI/AAB/
Sea in Urdu books BAHAR/SAMANDAR/ in persian it's DARYA which we use for river.
and there are plenty of examples
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Arabs are Bad.
Persians are good.

Simple Observation by being on this Forum.

pakistani people have romance with persian/turk people because they (indian people) have inferiority complex and its a mind slavery which is self explanatory given pakistani regions of punjab and sindh history as conquered and occupied middle eastern regions for 2000+ years. pakistanis also despise indians because of their religion, hinduism and in order to escape their own indian identity, they claim to be of persian, middle eastern origin.

persian more so because persian culture through mughals have dep impact on pakistani punjabi and sindhi culture

one of the reasons why west pakistani punjabi soldiers discriminated bengalis so much. calling them inferior hindu like people etc.

persian, afghan, turk and middle eastern invasions have been so much in pakistan that you may not separate pakistani people who may indeed share many genetic similarity with western asian people.
Whatever just dont include arabs or arabic language or any reference to arabs.
Don't worry, they day we switch to Roman characters all connections to Arabic /Persian would be lost.
I can smell the attempts are being made, where celebrities are used to make it look trendy.
Don't worry, they day we switch to Roman characters all connections to Arabic /Persian would be lost.
I can smell the attempts are being made, where celebrities are used to make it look trendy.

Meanwhile attempts are being made in Turkey to reverse theirs.

We live in glorified times bro. Be proud
When will mods remove this insulting inferiority stricken article from erdogan worshipping low IQ people. it hurts Pakistanis with little self respect.. @waz @The Eagle
Meanwhile attempts are being made in Turkey to reverse theirs.

We live in glorified times bro. Be proud

That's not possible any more and they shouldn't do it.
They should choose to teach Arabic letters in schools as a parallel.
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