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Turkish Land Vehicle Programs

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Bro, Can you take higher resolution picture of Firtina-II from Aselsan annual report ?

Bro, I got the images from document, but resolution is not that good. Seems they exported optimised PDF, so reolution is about the same as seen inside document. I'll post the images here anyway, but not much different from what you've already posted...


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It is first time that I see those vehicles so decided to share, if been posted before then apology for the repetition.

KHAN 4x4
Personel Taşıyıcı






Dönüştürülebilir Hafif Zırhlı Genel Maksat Aracı



If I were Otokar, I would buy all these small companies.
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Just my guess, theyre avoiding promotion of the companies.
I can understand to censor for "unwanted" promotion... but they are Defence companies...it's not like the Lambda Turk will be influenced to buy "things" from one of them...
I can understand to censor for "unwanted" promotion... but they are Defence companies...it's not like the Lambda Turk will be influenced to buy "things" from one of them...
Laws indicate that you can not show any brand at TV. Sometimes while you are watching the news if the reporter is in a market everything but the reporter is cencored. If you can not see anything but the reporter you know that he/she is in a market.:D :D
If I were Otokar, I would buy all these small companies.
Actually Core competitions of many Turkish MRAP producers are different.
Some of them produce excavaters, some of them hydrolics,some of them metal parts and cogs.
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