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Turkish Land Vehicle Programs

I have read the sources that you shared. I already know there is good qualities and many uses to Boron. They contain nothing regarding my claims of toxicity. They say nothing about it.

Our world really poor when it comes to hydrogen, hydrogen on earth exist in moleculer form, they use Boron to capture hydrogen from other sources. Then they burn it, turn it to electricity, store it to a battery and last they use battery energy for the electric engine, thus creating kinetic energy. And there is pros and cons about it, that is all.

Please if you wanna convince me share some real information instead of making me read tons of writing, that is how i learn, by research.

You might wanna say if they are using it, then it must be okay.
I wanna say are we only smart person "elin akıllısı bizmiyiz"? Why more advence countries fully utilize this. Dont say they dont have Boron i am from Kütahya and here say sell literally whole mountain of it to a cheapest price.

You wrote hybrid propulsion. Do you mean diesel/electric propulsion for tanks ? Are they already examples.

Btw. @BARS

Turkey has huge Thorium reserves. India is building a thorium reactor afaik
I have read the sources that you shared. I already know there is good qualities and many uses to Boron. They contain nothing regarding my claims of toxicity. They say nothing about it.
* What isn't toxic? The process itself isn't toxic. Like I said it's hydroelectric.
Our world really poor when it comes to hydrogen, hydrogen on earth exist in moleculer form, they use Boron to capture hydrogen from other sources. Then they burn it, turn it to electricity, store it to a battery and last they use battery energy for the electric engine, thus creating kinetic energy. And there is pros and cons about it, that is all.
* Exactly.
Its all about how to create it btw hydrogen goes back to nature in H2O form. No worries.

2H+O-> (causes electrolytes transfer) energy + H2O (vapor) nothing is burning.
Please if you wanna convince me share some real information instead of making me read tons of writing, that is how i learn, by research.
* Great.
You might wanna say if they are using it, then it must be okay.

I wanna say are we only smart person "elin akıllısı bizmiyiz"? Why more advence countries fully utilize this. Dont say they dont have Boron i am from Kütahya and here say sell literally whole mountain of it to a cheapest price.

* Always that advanced countries. Yeah take the resources use technology and be advanced?
Cut the ties with 3th countries. Lets see how long those advanced ones can stand.
Thanks to brother robust.

I will try to translate

We see that the M60s will be used for a longer period of time in the Altay delays. We agree on this. In the battle of these tanks, armor attachments must be made at the level that will protect the lives of the personnel. One way to improve the already low power balance due to the extra weight is the 950hp upgrade option of the 750hp AVDS-1790. The process is reset, the new supercharger and the injection system. Going on the same engine reduces the cost of modernization. The AKS issue may be considered as an option but it may not be necessary for Syria. You mentioned that the renewal of the engine from Ukraine will bring new transmission needs, possibly necessitating a comprehensive engineering work on the tank. My recommendation is to cheaper M60s with cheaper and more cost effective solution.

Another issue is the fact that the tanks of our tanks shot in Syria are losing their sight. Now the technology is very developed and cheap, the pupils need to use the images reflected on the LCD screen instead of the target detection and diagnosis by periscope. I still believe in periscope at Altay, maybe I'm wrong. It would be beneficial to have the subunits of the AKS on the LCD.
Are you sure? so they choosed Pars?

Why not ? Turkey is brother nation as it is to Tunesia, the only in NA after Libya copllapsed.

Pakistan needs 8x8 IFV



İstanbul emniyetinin motorlu polisleri olan yunusların motorları yenilenmeye başladı.

Biliyorsunuz daha önce eski bmw leri R 1200 Gs ler ile değiştirmişlerdi. Ancak istanbul emniyetindeki yunusların oluşumunda bazı farklılıklar var.

İStanbul emniyetinde R 1200 GS lerin alındığı birim Asayiş şubesine bağlı yunus timleri. Ayrıca bazı ilçelerin kendi yunus birimleri var. O birimlerin motorları , kıyafetleri ve bilimum harcamaları o ilçe emniyete ait. İstanbul emniyeti o ilçelerdeki timlere sadece personel yetiştirmekle mesul.

Bu durumda istanbulda bazı ilçelerde kurulan yunus ekip amirliklerinini motorsiklet modelleride farklılıklar gösteriyor.

Beşiktaş grubu F 650 GS ler ile donatıldı.

Kadıköy grubunda R 1150 ler olmasına rağmen birkaç tane hurda TA ve Fzr ler çalışmaya devam ediyor.

Beyoğlu grubu , istiklal caddesinin kalabalığını göz önüne alarak Beverly 200 scooter almış durumda.

Şişli grubunda ise Yamaha XT serisi motorlar vardı. Yanılmıyorsam 400 cc lik felandı. Bu motorlar epey bi eskimişti. Her görüşümde ne zaman değiştirecekler
bu aletleri , R 1200 e paraları yetmez de beşiktaş gibi F 650 GS
alabilirler diyordum ki , bu sabah gördüğüm manzara süperdi......

source: http://www.motosiklet.net/forum/moto-sohbet/29006-yunuslar-motorlari-yeniledi.html
This post is from 2007 and doesn't say anything about the 80 bike's mentioned in my previous post. I actually also came across this link before posting. Information about these new bike's is scarce on the net, I think someone living in Istanbul has to confirm what kind of bikes these are.
This post is from 2007 and doesn't say anything about the 80 bike's mentioned in my previous post. I actually also came across this link before posting. Information about these new bike's is scarce on the net, I think someone living in Istanbul has to confirm what kind of bikes these are.
My bad sorry mate
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