KAPLAN 10 cant carry 5-6 personal. Cabin crew of KAPLAN 10 consists of 4 people.
KAPLAN 20 can carry more person.
Why do you think this platform is not succesfull and effective.
If you use completed reloading mechanism on this kind of vehicle, they wont be cheap,simple and reliable.
Long range missiles with 10km range are hard to use. In order to accuracy launcher vehicle has to have good sensors , even radars.
KAPLAN 10 is very smart. Light, simple, fast, has anti-think missile, has STANAG 4 armour and the most important cheap.
Tank Fights take maximum 45 minutes in combat scenarious.
If a tank or IFV survives 45 minutes, it will complete its mission.
Do you think this girl with her anti-tank missile less effective than your complicated infantry fighting vehicles
Or this guys wont be able win the fight?
KAPLAN Geleceğin Hafif Paletli Zırhlı Araç Konsepti
KAPLAN, hafif ve düşük siluetli, yol ve arazi koşullarında üstün hareket yeteneğine sahip bir araçtır. Araç arka kısma yerleştirilmiş, en az 25 BG/ton güç-ağırlık oranını sağlayan, dört zamanlı bir dizel motora sahiptir.
Motorun arka kısımda olması sayesinde, aracın ön kısmında şoför ve araç komutanı yan yana oturmaktadır. Ön kısımda bulunan sekiz adet periskop personele çok geniş bir görüş alanı sunmaktadır. Motorun arka kısımda bulunması aynı zamanda araca düşük ısıl ve ses izi avantajını sağlamaktadır. Bu sayede aracın tespit edilebilirliği önemli ölçüde azaltılmıştır.
Why did they put the engine in front?
When they first time showed the KAPLAN 10, they were proud of place of engine.
They said front engine causes more IR signals and noise.??
Now driver and commander dont seat near. Commander behind of driver. Large tower with 8 window was in front of the vehicle.
Now two towers. One little for driver at the right side in front of the vehicle. Behind it the second tower for commander.
Turret is not middle of the top. Turret is based on the left of top.
Because of that Big 25mm cannon can not be mounted. We should forget 25mm gun with this vehicle.