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Turkish Foreign Minister: 'We intend to protect the rights of Crimean Tatars'

Russia detaining free thinking people and anyone who is a Tatar who expresses free thoughts is branded a 'terrorist', by these Russian terrorists.

Putin is a Nazis like Netanyahu.

This would be like May criminalizing any opposition. Rounding up free thinking British. This is completely unacceptable. If you seek to bring down the leaders through the pen or through verbal communication to educate, you are called a 'terrorist', by the terrorists.

Putin is the first trial by the zionists for a 1984 hellish system.

The zionists offer Soros or Putin. trump or hillary. bombed by Bush or bombed by Obama. zionist Washington or zionist Moscow. And the Tatars are caught in the middle of this. Putin is a thug and a terrorist.


Russia detaining free thinking people and anyone who is a Tatar who expresses free thoughts is branded a 'terrorist', by these Russian terrorists.

Putin is a Nazis like Netanyahu.

This would be like May criminalizing any opposition. Rounding up free thinking British. This is completely unacceptable. If you seek to bring down the leaders through the pen or through verbal communication to educate, you are called a 'terrorist', by the terrorists.

Putin is the first trial by the zionists for a 1984 hellish system.

The zionists offer Soros or Putin. trump or hillary. bombed by Bush or bombed by Obama. zionist Washington or zionist Moscow. And the Tatars are caught in the middle of this. Putin is a thug and a terrorist.

I would imagine that if someone plots terrorist attacks they should be detained and arrested which that goon is lucky he is getting a trial; he is lucky Russia has no death penalty. Hundreds of thousands of people in Russia freely demonstrate the government, and no one arrests them or prevents them from voicing their opinions unless they break laws.

Ironically Russia is accused of "systematically abusing Tartars" yet thousands are happily living in Crimea and do not wish to return to Ukraine. Even more ironic is that the wife of the terrorist is free and not under arrest, in fact she is freely talking to journalists that publish this propaganda and Russia is accused of silencing Tatars....what a joke :lol:

In other countries such as gulf states, there would be no trial, the wife would be arrested for speaking to journalists, the journalists would then be dismembered and or arrested. Most likely the husband would be beheaded or hung in public. In Ukraine thousands of people have been murdered and arrested for criticism of the government. Even innocent People in eastern Ukraine like my grandfather which was just an old man was murdered by indiscriminate Ukrainian neo Nazi battalions and soldiers....i wounder why you don't bring up these facts, maybe because it doesn't fit your narrative? But crusty poorly put together propaganda and conspiracies do.

You post Ukrainian and Al-Gezeera stories which is known to spread absurdly bad propaganda (calling it propaganda is putting it lightly). Al-Gezeera is know to have terrorist links, spread anti Semetism, anti Russia propaganda and in general put out propaganda of all types. Ukraine is known to also spread propaganda and anti Russian hate and sentiment as well as open semetism, in fact Ukrainian authorities encourages targeting Russians and have incorporated Neo Nazi battalions and openly Nazi palitcians. That is really besides the point, Ukraine claimed Russia dropped nukes on them so those goons have no credibility.

All things considered these clowns don't exactly have a stellar reputation. The moral of the story is no random Tatars get arrested....99% of them are living freely, if you plot terrorist attacks you deserve more then being detained. Usually if the FSB knocks on your door you did something.

In closing you are an open bigot in which you openly post discrimatory comments about Christians and Russians, you are openly anti Semitic and openly post fringe propaganda and wild conspiracies. You came in here made inflammatory comments, when I changed you, you refused to answer my simple questions then went off topic into bigot filled conspiracies in which you keep digging yourself into a deeper and deeper pit. You are dismissed.
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The Russian Empire invaded Estonia 70 years prior to taking Crimea. And Finland was taken before Crimea. Yet the Russians believe they own Crimea. One of the last places to be taken was Chechnya, around the year 1860. Russia can't claim Crimea, which was part of a SSR - Ukraine. And then cry and rage and genocide 25% of the civilian population of Chechnya, in a false flag war.

Putin and most Russians are genociders. The worst sort. A good thing is many Russians are onto Putin's lies for wars.

Putin may be a thug. Genocide is not a word I associate with him
Ukraine literally gave up Crimea without firing a bullet if Crimean Tatars still associate themselves with Ukraine because it was the Ukrainians that betrayed the Crimean Tatars.
It seems that Turkey has many countries and peoples to protect around the world all across from Russia, China, EU and US, what a hyper power the country is.
It seems that Turkey has many countries and peoples to protect around the world all across from Russia, China, EU and US, what a hyper power the country is.

This does not have to do with imperialism, but with basic human rights.

The UN is not helping these minorities, UN is easily blackmailed. The Washington regime supports their oppression, joined with Russia.

Messing with US, EU. Russia and China, that's Turkish government becomes so entertaining.
Putin may be a thug. Genocide is not a word I associate with him
Genocide is an abused word used frequently by the western media on China and Russia, but rarely being used in the regions where it is truly happening.
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