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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
As I said, I'm neither trying to compare them nor say that Erdogan is a dictator. But you can't deny the fact that their economic policies look similar...
that how you develop the country, every successful person shpuld be like that, they both push the production, science, military, which a smart person need to do...
that how you develop the country, every successful person shpuld be like that, they both push the production, science, military, which a smart person need to do...
It is sure that Erdogan pushed the military industry but not the science and the civilian economy. You don't become an advanced economy with only building infrastructure; thanks to that, we are out of money today...
It is sure that Erdogan pushed the military industry but not the science and the civilian economy. You don't become an advanced economy with only building infrastructure; thanks to that, we are out of money today...

I really dont know why some people says we are out of money ,, because that is a lie pure and simple

- major defense industry Researching projects worth billions ( where is the money coming from if we dont have it )

- Coronavirus response with a health system that proved more capable than that of first world countries not only did we have advanced infrastructure ( hospitals etc ) but also the Material and equipment which the whole world suffered a shortage off we had no shortage also the money to produce the equipment meeting local demand and even sending aid to dozen of countries )

- mega projects like istanbul airport or kanal istanbul or the metro lines or petrochemical plants or nuclear plants ( yes there is private sector funding but such projects must have state control and funds so it sure looks we have money )

- military campaigns all over the Mediterranean

In libya / in syria (( including 4 ops )) /
In Iraq / In Aegean and Mediterranean

Military ops abroad are very expensive but it seems we have money to pay for them

- oil exploration where we already bought several exploration ships ( how many countries can buy these ships at this amount this fast bcs as soon as we needed them no problems attached we got them and all within days payments were done )

- how did we pay the IMF and are currently one of very few countries that are not asking the IMF for help under coronavirus impact

Even the world bank is offering loans and assistance yet turkey is in no need

- Its barely been weeks and we are already looking to mass produce local ventilators / hand sanitizers ,,etc

- unemployment recorded a downturn and still even now with Corona we are no where near as bad as the US that already registered 3 million unemployed claims in two weeks and the US is #1 economy Turkey is not

So stop saying we dont have money if you yourself are broke then that is a problem in your financial management and it is your problem it is not the whole country's fault
It is sure that Erdogan pushed the military industry but not the science and the civilian economy. You don't become an advanced economy with only building infrastructure; thanks to that, we are out of money today...

You should be able to look how much Turkey spend on Research and Development. Just compare the past 10 years.
that how you develop the country, every successful person shpuld be like that, they both push the production, science, military, which a smart person need to do...
You cant develop a country by depleting its national treasure because you spent the money on useless mega projects that nobody uses...
Thats actually one of the things you dont wanna do if you want a real and sustainable development in the long term.

So in that sense he is right, Hitler was also obsessed with mega projects that were absolutely crazy and unneccesary like the world capital Germania.
You cant develop a country by depleting its national treasure because you spent the money on useless mega projects that nobody uses...
Thats actually one of the things you dont wanna do if you want a real and sustainable development in the long term.

So in that sense he is right, Hitler was also obsessed with mega projects that were absolutely crazy and unneccesary like the world capital Germania.
akp also built so many new university in Turkey..you would argue about quality of it but dont be expect it like oxford cos they are brand new .i live small farming town in gaziantep .akp built one dam for farming also project started for second one.. also build brand new hospital before everyone has to go to city .built 2-3 brand new school and
waste water treatment plant..this year natural gas is coming to my town like miracle:)
It is sure that Erdogan pushed the military industry but not the science and the civilian economy. You don't become an advanced economy with only building infrastructure; thanks to that, we are out of money today...
Nah.. erdogan didnt push the military industry it was all planned before akp came to power. It was ataturk and all the progressive secularist Republicans who pushed defence industry.

You cant develop a country by depleting its national treasure because you spent the money on useless mega projects that nobody uses...
Thats actually one of the things you dont wanna do if you want a real and sustainable development in the long term.

So in that sense he is right, Hitler was also obsessed with mega projects that were absolutely crazy and unneccesary like the world capital Germania.
It is only you and people similar to you who say these mega are waste. Majority of people dont say they are waste but needed like the nuke plant. Project like nuke plant was always secretly sabotaged by the secularist when turkey was under kemalist military tutelage, fearing the prospect of turkey becoming a future nuclear power and risking their secret agenda of keeping tukrey weak and dependable to their western creators.

I really dont know why some people says we are out of money ,, because that is a lie pure and simple

- major defense industry Researching projects worth billions ( where is the money coming from if we dont have it )

- Coronavirus response with a health system that proved more capable than that of first world countries not only did we have advanced infrastructure ( hospitals etc ) but also the Material and equipment which the whole world suffered a shortage off we had no shortage also the money to produce the equipment meeting local demand and even sending aid to dozen of countries )

- mega projects like istanbul airport or kanal istanbul or the metro lines or petrochemical plants or nuclear plants ( yes there is private sector funding but such projects must have state control and funds so it sure looks we have money )

- military campaigns all over the Mediterranean

In libya / in syria (( including 4 ops )) /
In Iraq / In Aegean and Mediterranean

Military ops abroad are very expensive but it seems we have money to pay for them

- oil exploration where we already bought several exploration ships ( how many countries can buy these ships at this amount this fast bcs as soon as we needed them no problems attached we got them and all within days payments were done )

- how did we pay the IMF and are currently one of very few countries that are not asking the IMF for help under coronavirus impact

Even the world bank is offering loans and assistance yet turkey is in no need

- Its barely been weeks and we are already looking to mass produce local ventilators / hand sanitizers ,,etc

- unemployment recorded a downturn and still even now with Corona we are no where near as bad as the US that already registered 3 million unemployed claims in two weeks and the US is #1 economy Turkey is not

So stop saying we dont have money if you yourself are broke then that is a problem in your financial management and it is your problem it is not the whole country's fault
Erdogan done great job so far. As for the health service, only now everyone are appreciating the mega investments akp did over the years is paying off. One thing that i feel erdogan was slow at, is civili-nising the tech industry like he did with the defence industry. Technics learned over the years thru defence industry should be applied to all aspect of the civilain economy which will have bigger impact on the economy and exports and possibly shield turkey from future sanctions when it continues to pursue its interests in foreign policy. However i think turkey have started to apply tech development in the civilain industry albeit late
hm.. I hail from Karaman, and truth be told I don't remember karaman having a university in the 1990, the university was built in 2007. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&ei=NA2UXqiiL861sAfr-KnQCA&q=karamanoğlu+mehmet+bey+üniversitesi+kuruluş+tarihi&oq=karaman+universitesi+kurulus&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgAMgYIABAWEB46BAgAEEc6BAgAEBM6CAgAEBYQHhATSgkIFxIFMTItNzlKCQgYEgUxMi0xMVCaDVipHGCgMmgBcAJ4AIABdIgB9QWSAQM4LjGYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=psy-ab

My point is, considering Karaman is an industrial city with loads of factories, how come we only get a university in 2007. My guess it, it has to do with city planning, when a city/region grows you plan for it's continued growth, you need a lot of things before you just plant a university and other things.

All these are smart considerations, you don't throw money at an airport unless there is a lot of traffic to that place. So when RTE and AKP built a lot of airports my question is this. Are these sustainable investments, by this everyone should think like this "can this airport earn it's own money without government/state support". This goes for the canal too, when there is a free canal, why would anyone pay for the second. if you want to build a canal, build it along our border with syria, and since you build it, make sure you have 100m land on the other side so you have full control over the canal.

Another thing worth noting is, Istanbul is important, more important than anyone can dream of, without control of Istanbul, government can't siphon money away to "their dreams", without privatization and without selling houses. Why else would Qatar loan us so much cash ? So many questions that need to be answered, and the lack of transparency doesn't help. Also, RTE and AKP ppl create foundations, and siphon money to these foundations and support a select few ppl or such with these money. In short I suspect that the ones getting benefits from these are AKP voters base. This is of course my suspecion.

EDIT: I just wanted to add that here in Denmark if a car 10.000 USD to buy, the additional tax people have to pay makes the final cost of the brand new car end up around 22-25.000 USD. There are additional tax for luxury cars, where you pay 150% of anything that costs over 28.000 USD. https://www.skm.dk/skattetal/beregning/afgiftsberegning/registreringsafgift-beregningseksempel
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akp also built so many new university in Turkey..you would argue about quality of it but dont be expect it like oxford cos they are brand new .i live small farming town in gaziantep .akp built one dam for farming also project started for second one.. also build brand new hospital before everyone has to go to city .built 2-3 brand new school and
waste water treatment plant..this year natural gas is coming to my town like miracle:)
Infrastructure is ok i have nothing against that, i have huge projects like 3rd bridge and kanal istanbul that cost shit ton of money but have no use in my mind...
Infrastructure is ok i have nothing against that, i have huge projects like 3rd bridge and kanal istanbul that cost shit ton of money but have no use in my mind...
iam kinda aganist kanal istanbul but iam not from istanbul so i will leave thir argument for istanbuler:) iam not gonna defend all of their works .inside the akp has many bad people who steal bribing etc..we always should look forward not to the past..so letsee they had few more years to rule..
Istanbul needs not a new Canal but new solutions for traffic or earthquake resistant buildings.

Instead building everything in Istanbul money should also flow to other parts of the country to stop migration and economic vulnerability, i live in a big central European City but Istanbul is just ridiculous compared to that.
Turkey is too much dependent on Istanbul that has to change asap.
Istanbul needs not a new Canal but new solutions for traffic or earthquake resistant buildings.

Instead building everything in Istanbul money should also flow to other parts of the country to stop migration and economic vulnerability, i live in a big central European City but Istanbul is just ridiculous compared to that.
Turkey is too much dependent on Istanbul that has to change asap.
This is the thing about us, we don't get lessons. Back in the Ottoman era, the empire was investing all of it's money into the Balkans and instead of the Anatolia; but then, we got kicked out of those lands... Ataturk wasn't trying to bring infrastructure to the cities in the Anatolia out of nowhere. There's a reason why all of the developed nations on earth has lesser gaps between their cities than we do.
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Maybe I am wrong, but AKP invest more in Anatolia then any other party.
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