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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
led by ERDOGAN Turkey received $193 billion in investments between 2003 and 2017 ( 15 years )

led by other politicans Turkey received only $15 billion in investments between 1973 and 2002 ( 30 years )



Source : http://www.invest.gov.tr/en-US/investmentguide/investorsguide/Pages/FDIinTurkey.aspx

Why would a US destroyer transiting the Bosphorus want to hit a bridge there? How is that logical?

to block China's OBOR Project
the US doesnt want Turkey to join to China's OBOR Project

Turkish government and Intelligence service thought that was a message by implication path to Turkey in official website of the US Navy

New Bridge which was opened in 2016 connects rail line from Beijing to London through Istanbul
led by ERDOGAN Turkey received $193 billion in investments between 2003 and 2017 ( 15 years )

led by other politicans Turkey received only $15 billion in investments between 1973 and 2002 ( 30 years )



Source : http://www.invest.gov.tr/en-US/investmentguide/investorsguide/Pages/FDIinTurkey.aspx

You are swimming in the water with your young self-confidence and without any knowledge; therefore, the tolerance reins others on you.

The industry, agriculture, education, innovation etc. policies of the current government in Turkey still cannot answer how to pay the debt back.
You are swimming in the water with your young self-confidence and without any knowledge; therefore, the tolerance reins others on you.

The industry, agriculture, education, innovation etc. policies of the current government in Turkey still cannot answer how to pay the debt back.

belki sen gencsin 2001 i hatırlamazsın

merak etme Bu hukumet 2001 de onlarca bankayı batıran basiretsizlerin bile devlete yükledigi 110 milyarlık borcu ödedi

ne borcu ? 15 yıldır Türkiye battı batıyor bir türlü batmadı ki sizlerde rahatlayın
Turkiye Avrupa da kamu borcu en az olan ülke
Ozel sektor borcunun cogunlugu ise Bankalardan millete kullandırdıgı kredi ve enerji-ulaşım-vs yatırımları yani geri dönüşü var

mutlaka Hukumetinde hataları vardır fakat 2013 den beri iç ve dış saldırıları görmezden gelmek iyi niyet göstegesi olamaz bilakis yangına odun tasımaktır
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Can you guys tell me that when did Türkiye get investment from a global giant company in 17 years?
Why would a US destroyer transiting the Bosphorus want to hit a bridge there? How is that logical?

Are you really looking for any logic in the brain of a troll working for the AKP? :D
All he does is just to post the same crap/fairy tales over and over again in different threads. At least I hope he gets some money for the work he does because if does it for free I have some pretty bad news for his mental health and capacity.
without Poland and Turkey ( both are allies with the US in NATO ) China's OBOR Project is nothing in Europe

The current BRI development and the existing 8000/per year rail freight trips between China and East and Western Europe do not say so.

Of course, I would not object Turkey being part and parcel of the BRI. The more trade connectivity, the better for all. WIN-WIN is China's philosophy. But, there is still lack of trust on part of China toward Turkey.
Of course, I would not object Turkey being part and parcel of the BRI. The more trade connectivity, the better for all. WIN-WIN is China's philosophy. But, there is still lack of trust on part of China toward Turkey.

there are 2 critical points for OBOR Projects ( Poland and Turkey )
and Turkey - Poland absentees from the BRI summit

without American permission Poland can not do anything

and since 2013 The US attacks Turkey , because of

-- to block China's OBOR Project
-- to block good relationship between Turkey and Russia ( Nuclear Power Plant - Turkstream Gas Pipeline - S400 )
-- to create terror corridor in N.Syria

and Turkish Economy lost over $500 billion since 2013

Turkey really wanted joing to OBOR Project
Turkey is among the most important countries of the Modern Silk Road project (from China to London)

Turkey play a key role in the Modern Silk Road with its recently attracting mega investments like
-- Marmaray .... ( completed )
-- Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge .... ( completed )
-- Eurasia Tunnel .... ( completed )
-- Çanakkale 1915 Bridge ... 2022
-- 3rd Airport in Istanbul ... ( completed )
-- Strategic Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railway ( 838 km ) .... ( completed )

and The Edirne-Kars High-Speed Railway line, which is carried out together with the Chinese, is one of the important steps taken within the scope of the project

China was financed Ankara-Istanbul high-speed train project 533 km with a loan of $ 750 million
and project was completed in 2014

also Turkey planed to build 2.000 km Edirne-Kars High-Speed Railway line project with China
China's wanted to take part in some high-speed train lines subject of the G20 Summit ( in 2015 ) was signed with the agreement and a huge high-speed railway line will be built to connect Beijing to London is worth 30 to 40 billion dollars

the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (Middle Corridor) ... China-Kazakhstan-the Caspian Sea-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey to Europe

also Economic land corridor ( China-Kazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Turkey to Europe )

and ( goods will be able to reach Europe heading from China , South Korea, and India within 15 days .... considerably less time than a journey by sea )

Turkey did everything for OBOR Project ... but China only watching how the US blocks OBOR project everywhere
Turkey did everything for OBOR Project ... but China only watching how the US blocks OBOR project everywhere


Just think about this:

From 2013 to 2017, there were 7000+ rail trips between China and Europe. In 2018 alone, there was 8000+ rail trips between the two sides.

So, the total is now over 15000 rail trips over the past 5 years.

Think about the value generated through this trade.

The US is acting like a madman, but, their teeth is blunted when it comes to major powers that are of equal size and ability with it.

there are 2 critical points for OBOR Projects ( Poland and Turkey )
and Turkey - Poland absentees from the BRI summit

I think both countries joined the BRF but at a lower scale. Still, both sent representatives.

This map is interesting, showing where most of the global growth is going to be in 2019.

Turkey is one of the few that is expected to grow very low, or perhaps contract.

I wonder why? There is not an economic war on Turkey by the US. The region is more or less more stable than it was in 2014-2017 thanks to Russia.
Currency flactuation, inflation, private sector debt, S400. All of that and the refusal of the government to do something about all that because they want to win elections.
Turkish economy is shrinking. First quarter of 2019 Turkish economy shrank 2.6%.
We were predicting this for quite a while.
If our government won't change it's economic policies, Turkey has a risk of bankruptcy. This can trigger a global crisis.
I have no hope as long as Albayrak is in charge. He is nothing but a clown. Has no capacity to fix fundamental problems of Turkish economy.
The rich people selling their assets out and fleeing Turkey. Koç and Sabancı families for example.
Well tough times are gone for Turkey thanks to Allah and the toughest times are awaiting.. .
Currency flactuation, inflation, private sector debt, S400. All of that and the refusal of the government to do something about all that because they want to win elections.

Elections are pointless akp are acting like sore losers. There are bigger problems that have to be solved but nope.

All the best to you my Turkish brothers and sisters.

I hope the problems wont get too bad Ins Sha Allah.
Half of Turks are still not working
Güven Sak
In 2018, the Turkish Lira depreciated by 39 percent against the U.S. dollar. That was followed by steep increases in unemployment and inflation, the combination of which yields a 60 percent increase in Turkey’s so-called “misery index.” In other words: People are hurt.

What oil pump prices are for Americans, lira depreciations are for Turks. We take it as a measure showing that something is wrong with the Turkish economy. Considering that Turkey is deeply dependent on international markets, this is not a bad way to assess the health of the economy. Since last year, it’s clear that depreciation is not a momentary lapse. There is something very wrong with the Turkish economy.

“But why?” someone asked me the other day. “Isn’t that good for Turkish exports? Is Turkey not an exports-based economy?” The simple answer, of course, is no. Turkeyhas never been an exports-based economy. It exports $157 billion worth, but its economy is not based on that.

Exports have only been created by a few thousand of Turkey’s 1.5 million companies. Our economy is much like the American economy in this sense. The contribution of exports to growth is rather limited in both. It’s domestic consumption that counts. The higher Turkey’s misery level, the lower its domestic consumption, limiting growth substantially. That’s how it happened in recent history, and that’s what appears to be happening once again. Rebalancing – however impressive – won’t stop that.

The figures have come in, and it’s official: The Turkish economy is still in a recession. This is despite rising budget deficits and public sector banks’ loans in the first quarter to fuel domestic demand and growth. I’m afraid it did not work as much as expected. Just an Indian summer maybe. No way for one-off measures at this stage. Loss of exchange rate stability has a very negative impact on consumer confidence. The country is still in a recession with two consecutive quarters of negative growth. You just wait for the second quarter of 2019, I presume.

On the other hand, GDP is no longer a good indicator of Turkish economic performance. To understand why, it’s worth taking a quick glance at those who are not working, the other cause of Turkey’s “misery.” Turkey’s labor force participation rate is still around 52 percent. This means that the country’s wellbeing depends on the performance of the working half of the population. The low level of female labor force participation and children are the main culprits here.

Here’s a little thought exercise for you: If you were to distribute the country’s entire economic gains to the working half of the population only, it would nearly triple the existing per capita GDP, raising it to the territory of $30,000. It would certainly make for happier voters.

The double sword of a weak currency! exporters are making money, importers are loosing money and so on and on the cycle goes.

Can someone explain to us why the TL fell so low against the USD?

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