Considering the current status of projects and the sheer number of artillery pieces that need to be replaces(assuming Turkish army doesnt want to shrink in terms of quantity), it would be safe to assume we would have one of the most deadliest artillery force in the region if the aformentioned military products enter service.
T-155 Firtina batch I -> Total of 280 delivered
T-155 Firtina batch II -> To replace around ~530 units of M-52T and M-44T SPH's.
Boran 105mm Truck & Lighweight variants-> To replace M101, M114 and M116's in the thousands.
T-155 Panther Truck Mounted -> To possibly replace M107 and M101 SPH's in the hundreds.
Domestic 203mm howisters -> To possibly replace M115 Howitsers.
And these are just howitsers. Lets not start with the developement and induction of rockets, guided rockets, bombs, smart bombs, smart artillery shells, Multi-Barrel MLRS's, mortars and etc.