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Turkish Anti ISIS Operations | Updates & Discussions

As you said it in other thread Turkey is literaly supporting everyone fighting isis and even hit them directly but some peoples skull is so think that no logic can reach it.

Posted it here since that thread is killing my brain cells.


I gave up on that thread , let them believe whatever they want
Europe Media announces that INCIRLIK based US jets attacked and attacks IS in Syria.
@Bismarck Most People will shout CONSPIRACY and UNBELIEVABLE :

In the 90's after reunion of Germany I had the Chance to interview some German officers, who were in the Tank Evaluations for Türkiye. Some were actice some were from KM.
I asked them why Germany decreases his Forces so rapidly. They said that they Need much Money for Reunion and the first victim is Bundeswehr. They claimed that in 21 century Germany will Need Bundeswehr to protect its boarders but in Germany politicians have their own plans.
They expected at that time 100 Million refugees from Afrika in 21 Th Century !

Now I have my own Thesis, Politicians failed with ARAB-Spring and now there is CHAOS and the boarders to EUROPE are almost open.

Is it not possible that IS is their BABY, to have a argument to intervene in North Africa ?

IS is emigrating to NORTH AFRICA , in NE Türkiye is too strong and can protect his boarders and will do it much better in short time.

I that theory worth to think about ?

Flüchtlinge: Eine erfolgreiche Flüchtlingspolitik beginnt in Afrika

"100 Millionen Afrikaner warten...": Regierungstreffen Serbien - Ungarn und neue Tiefpunkte der Flüchtlingspolitik
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Former DIA Director Gen Flynn Says Obama Created ISIS, Supposedly To Overthrow Syrian Government

In support of the General’s claims, Peter Vincent Pry, a former CIA analyst who is now the director of the Congressional Advisory Task Force on National and Homeland Security and the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, describe Flynn, saying, “Gen. Michael Flynn is very honorable and honest, indeed, courageous; so I credit what he says.” In other words, he’s everything that Hussein Obama is not, so who are you going to believe?

Former DIA Director Gen Flynn Says Obama Created ISIS, Supposedly To Overthrow Syrian Government | ConstitutionRising.com
Former DIA Director Gen Flynn Says Obama Created ISIS, Supposedly To Overthrow Syrian Government

In support of the General’s claims, Peter Vincent Pry, a former CIA analyst who is now the director of the Congressional Advisory Task Force on National and Homeland Security and the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, describe Flynn, saying, “Gen. Michael Flynn is very honorable and honest, indeed, courageous; so I credit what he says.” In other words, he’s everything that Hussein Obama is not, so who are you going to believe?

Former DIA Director Gen Flynn Says Obama Created ISIS, Supposedly To Overthrow Syrian Government | ConstitutionRising.com

This story leads back to WorldNetDaily which I can't read without a subscription. WND is not a credible source at all, but maybe another news organisation will confirm it. I doubt it though.
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Brother. We are waiting to eliminate all those " BATIL" - GAVUR; they are for sure !
[QUOTE="ای ایران, post: 7529359, member: 25845"[/QUOTE]
What hes basically saying is dont be slaves of west be our slaves...
You gotta have some nerve to talk about ''crusaders'' raping women when you even have female slave market.
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@xenon54 Please listen detailed , he Claims in 00:24 Atatürk is a MÜRTED (DINSIZ) and an ally of the GAVURS
, that means ( Katli vacip) !

That's a F. GÜLEN parallel Propaganda, unfortunately I can't listen original ARAB voice !
@xenon54 Please listen detailed , he Claims in 00:24 Atatürk is a MÜRTED (DINSIZ) and an ally of the GAVURS
, that means ( Katli vacip) !

That's a F. GÜLEN parallel Propaganda, unfortunately I can't listen original ARAB voice !
This is the original voice it has nothing to do with gülen.
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@Bismarck Congratulation bro. For the first time I read that :

"German officer strongly refused: “He has committed no crime; here, he is a free man.”


The Story of a Young man who never had culture from parents, bad friends, grew up in crime, never was intergrated , was mariied against his will, searched the sense of life.......very interesting.

He is in freedom and wrote a book and made film.

I don't know if he was a criminal- decide your own and try to analyze why Muslims are going unfortunately more and more VIOLENT

SundayReview | Opinion
Notes From a Guantánamo Survivor
LEFT Guantánamo Bay much as I had arrived almost five years earlier — shackled hand-to-waist, waist-to-ankles, and ankles to a bolt on the airplane floor. My ears and eyes were goggled, my head hooded, and even though I was the only detainee on the flight this time, I was drugged and guarded by at least 10 soldiers. This time though, my jumpsuit was American denim rather than Guantánamo orange. I later learned that my C-17 military flight from Guantánamo to Ramstein Air Base in my home country, Germany, cost more than $1 million.
When we landed, the American officers unshackled me before they handed me over to a delegation of German officials. The American officer offered to re-shackle my wrists with a fresh, plastic pair. But the commanding German officer strongly refused: “He has committed no crime; here, he is a free man.”

I was not a strong secondary school student in Bremen, but I remember learning that after World War II, the Americans insisted on a trial for war criminals at Nuremberg, and that event helped turn Germany into a democratic country. Strange, I thought, as I stood on the tarmac watching the Germans teach the Americans a basic lesson about the rule of law.
How did I arrive at this point? This Wednesday is the 10th anniversary of the opening of the detention camp at the American naval base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. I am not a terrorist. I have never been a member of Al Qaeda or supported them. I don’t even understand their ideas. I am the son of Turkish immigrants who came to Germany in search of work. My father has worked for years in a Mercedes factory. In 2001, when I was 18, I married a devout Turkish woman and wanted to learn more about Islam and to lead a better life. I did not have much money. Some of the elders in my town suggested I travel to Pakistan to learn to study the Koran with a religious group there.
I made my plans just before 9/11. I was 19 then and was naïve and did not think war in Afghanistan would have anything to do with Pakistan or my trip there. So I went ahead with my trip.
Continue reading the main story

Veröffentlicht am 01.08.2015
„5 Jahre Leben“, basierend auf der wahren Geschichte des Deutsch-Türken Murat Kurnaz, der insgesamt fünf Jahre als Gefangener der USA in Afghanistan und Guantánamo inhaftiert war, ist nicht nur die Chronik eines unglaublichen Missbrauchs, sondern zeigt auch den Überlebenswillen eines Mannes, dem man alles genommen hat. Zugleich schildert der Film das Duell zweier außergewöhnlich starker Persönlichkeiten. Auf der einen Seite: Murat Kurnaz, der seinem Leben einen neuen Sinn geben wollte, als er sich dem Islam zuwandte und nach dem 11. September nach Pakistan aufbrach, um eine Koranschule zu besuchen. Auf der anderen Seite: Gail Holford, Verhörspezialist der US-Regierung, der alle Tricks von Manipulation bis Einschüchterung beherrscht und dessen Hauptziel es ist, Kurnaz ein Geständnis zu entlocken. Aber Kurnaz hat nichts zu gestehen. Er ist unschuldig. So verstreichen Monate – Monate voller psychischer und physischer Folter – bis Kurnaz begreift, dass seine Weigerung, ein Geständnis zu unterzeichnen, das Einzige ist, was ihm bleibt.

Murat Kurnaz' Geschichte wirft nicht nur große Zweifel auf an der Rechtsstaatlichkeit unserer westlichen Welt, der Film konfrontiert den Zuschauer auf eindringliche Art und Weise mit der eigenen Wahrnehmung und Bewertung. Regisseur Stefan Schaller ist mit „5 Jahre Leben“ ein packendes, beeindruckendes Porträt eines damals gerade 19-Jährigen gelungen, der es durch seine Willensstärke schaffte, dem ungeheuren Verhördruck in Guantánamo standzuhalten. 1.725 Tage inhaftiert, über ein Jahr davon in völliger Isolation.

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