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Turkish and Pakistani defense industries to intensify cooperation.

Yes, as did Indonesia back then. I consistently maintain that Pakistanis are stuck in the past unwilling to face realities of today.

Go and ask if Indonesia or Turkey would even give a single bullet today in a war with India.

I don't doubt that Pakistanis would be all eager to go to any Muslim country's war, but know that no one would be coming for you.

An Indian is free to live in the stated delusion.
An Indian is free to live in the stated delusion.
I have nothing to add if you feel this way. In the end its your country, I can only ask you to look at realities instead of wishes.
I have nothing to add if you feel this way. In the end its your country, I can only ask you to look at realities instead of wishes.

Its our country and our friends, unlike you we are not lonely. There will be countries standing up for us no matter what. Pakistan's role and position in the Muslim world is growing, not declining. All of OIC members voted for us when we had a bid going on for a seat at the UNSC.
PK can benefit from Turkey if there is TOT, otherwise turkish equipment is expensive. close to european prices. in comparison chinese equipment is much cheaper.

milgem system is one example which was dropped by PN for cost reasons.
Its our country and our friends, unlike you we are not lonely. There will be countries standing up for us no matter what. Pakistan's role and position in the Muslim world is growing, not declining. All of OIC members voted for us when we had a bid going on for a seat at the UNSC.
Sure thing!
Sounds Good
May be this bonding will help us in future.
Our sniper training programs/simulators which are in use by SSG @ Nowshera were inducted from Turkiye.

For Air Force, we inducted the Electronic Warfare Test and Training Range (EWTTR)-- produced by Havelsan of Turkiye. Offers testing facility for the onboard electronic warfare gear & pilot training. State of the art systems.

They have a huge edge on this, we should expand further.

In 2010 there was ToT with Aselsan for software based multi-band radios which are in use now.

lots of room for further cooperation with the Turks - a reliable mutual partner, and friend
Yes, as did Indonesia back then. I consistently maintain that Pakistanis are stuck in the past unwilling to face realities of today.

Go and ask if Indonesia or Turkey would even give a single bullet today in a war with India.

I don't doubt that Pakistanis would be all eager to go to any Muslim country's war, but know that no one would be coming for you.

be rest assured - our cooperation especially with the latter goes well beyond "a single bullet"

you say "stuck in the past" which is quite idiotic of you. The wars were also in the past. To determine the levels of cooperation, just wait for the next war then. Quite frankly, we have enough at our disposal to deal with you on our own.
be rest assured - our cooperation especially with the latter goes well beyond "a single bullet"
You misunderstood. Your cooperation is just like the cooperation between India/US or India/Russia. Yes, weapons are purchased, codeveloped and traded, but they will no longer aid you physically in war, just like Indonesia will no longer aid you in a war with India.
you say "stuck in the past" which is quite idiotic of you. The wars were also in the past. To determine the levels of cooperation, just wait for the next war then. Quite frankly, we have enough at our disposal to deal with you on our own.
And that is how it should be.
Unfortunately, many of your compatriots have a false understanding of 'ummah' and 'cooperation' to think they would be aided physically in war. When reality does not match up to their expectations it leads to bitterness - exactly how Pakistanis assumed that US would physically intervene in a war with India and how bitter they turned when that did not happen.
Yes, as did Indonesia back then. I consistently maintain that Pakistanis are stuck in the past unwilling to face realities of today.

Go and ask if Indonesia or Turkey would even give a single bullet today in a war with India.

I don't doubt that Pakistanis would be all eager to go to any Muslim country's war, but know that no one would be coming for you.
Yes, as did Indonesia back then. I consistently maintain that Pakistanis are stuck in the past unwilling to face realities of today.

Go and ask if Indonesia or Turkey would even give a single bullet today in a war with India.

I don't doubt that Pakistanis would be all eager to go to any Muslim country's war, but know that no one would be coming for you.

I hate, Indians like you...what do you know about Turkey or the bond between Pakistan and Turkey.

You absolutely know nothing, and just talking because you have a mouth.
I hate, Indians like you...what do you know about Turkey or the bond between Pakistan and Turkey.

You absolutely know nothing, and just talking because you have a mouth.
Sure. Let us know of the bond next time Pakistan is in a war. For sure the last time in 1999 Turkey did not help Pakistan.
You misunderstood. Your cooperation is just like the cooperation between India/US or India/Russia. Yes, weapons are purchased, codeveloped and traded, but they will no longer aid you physically in war, just like Indonesia will no longer aid you in a war with India.

first of all - how are you so sure?

second of all - we dont need outside support during a war.....we possess the deterrents to keep india in check in every way possible

Unfortunately, many of your compatriots have a false understanding of 'ummah' and 'cooperation' to think they would be aided physically in war. When reality does not match up to their expectations it leads to bitterness - exactly how Pakistanis assumed that US would physically intervene in a war with India and how bitter they turned when that did not happen.

some Muslim countries provided materiel or logitstical support during 65, 71....the same way we lent a hand to Muslim countries like Turkiye and others during their time of need (Arab-israeli wars also come to mind)

As for the US - they dont fight others' wars unless it suits their strategic goals and objectives.

We can deal with india on our own - should the war-bells ever be rung

Sure. Let us know of the bond next time Pakistan is in a war. For sure the last time in 1999 Turkey did not help Pakistan.

it was not a conventional war genius - it was a covert operation
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