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Turkey's Erdogan says Taliban should end "occupation" in Afghanistan

There’s two halves of kashmir one of which india controls. You can tell I’m Pashtun by my ID.
why a Pashtun would want to fight for kashmir puzzles me.

It was the Pashtun tribes who fought in Kashmir cuz of Jammu massacre. They fought for Islam.

I can tell you are from Bar Pashtana cuz only Bar Pashtuns say "India controls Kashmir".

And its a national cause everyone is invested in it. Why in your view shouldn't Lar Pashtana be pro-Pakistan in Kashmir issue?
There’s two halves of kashmir one of which india controls. You can tell I’m Pashtun by my ID.
why a Pashtun would want to fight for kashmir puzzles me.
Puzzles me why the Pashtuns fought foreign invasions a 1000 times stronger.
This is how I know ur an Afghan.

India doesn't "control" Kashmir, they lost half of it to Pashtuns and the Chinese. In fact, India is crapping their pants right now to China.

“To avoid further escalations we started fencing some areas around Galwan but Chinese objected to it and we had to remove it,” said another officer.

He is not wrong. India rules over Kashmir, over your people. But you cry over Afghanistan.
Imran Khan used to be married to a Jew. He is a traitor to the world. enjoy.
It was the Pashtun tribes who fought in Kashmir cuz of Jammu massacre. They fought for Islam.

I can tell you are from Bar Pashtana cuz only Bar Pashtuns say "India controls Kashmir".

And its a national cause everyone is invested in it. Why in your view shouldn't Lar Pashtana be pro-Pakistan in Kashmir issue?
Worry about India not Afghanistan. We Turks will not be allies with Pakistan if they keep making trouble with the Muslim world @T-SaGe people like this T sage guy can cry for you people all they want, but Turks in Turkey love Afghanistan.
Champion of Islamic world, Erdoğan has no right to intervene others matter.
Turkey is going to waste its soldiers for the USA who blocked F-35 sale.
Turk action will also create hurdles for Pakistan.
Pakistan and Saudis did more damage to Afghanistan (Bin Laden which you all protected and helped commit atrocities) than any NATO state.
Maybe one day Imran Khan's Jewish children can rule over Pakistan too LOL
They murdered our first leader and tried to invade us in the 50,s
We are just giving them in return with interest
arguing over ethnicity doesn't justified anything, just like Russian can not just go to Poland's airport and says, hi, we are here to help our Slavic brother vice versa.
German doesn't have the right to take over British airport for the sack of their Anglo-Saxon germanic bros. :disagree:
They tried to invade us why do they cry when we respond?
So why cry about NATO Turkey?? Being in Afghanistan... LOL look at your fellow compatriots on this thread CRYING over an airport.
arguing over ethnicity doesn't justified anything, just like Russian can not just go to Poland's airport and says, hi, we are here to help our Slavic brother vice versa.
German doesn't have the right to take over British airport for the sack of their Anglo-Saxon germanic bros. :disagree:
You can try stop us. You will end up like Syria lol
President ERDOGAN has proposed a new joint mission involving Pakistan and Hungary to protect Kabul airport in Afghanistan
He can try but he will soon learn why it is a bad idea
and Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan share border with Afghanistan ...
Yeah and they alongwith Iran have accepted the eventual fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban
Taliban literally said that they are willing to expel ETIM folks if it means more Chinese investment
The Taliban have a gotten smart over the years
You describe the country, which is independent and internationally recognized according to UN criteria, as your backyard. If one day Afghanistan and Pakistan decide to unite, I would be happy about it. But first of all, let's clarify which political order we are talking about here.
They dont recognize the Durand Line and have tried to attack us in the past
They continue to give refuge for anti Pakistan elements in Afghanistan
Our response is totally justified
This entire forum is a arm chair general power trip mental game
Some people still think its a wise idea to dump money and troops in a place where Americans have failed
It maybe a hard pill for some to swallow but Taliban have silent approval from US to take over the countryside even during peace talks
Your feelings towards Iran and Iranians wreaks of insecurities and bias. Your govt has good relations with Iran currently and Iran actually cares about good relations with Pakistan, but reality is reality, no one is perfect. why would Iran want to cause chaos in AFghanistan when in the 1st place Iran's people in AFghanistan are a minority and are already at a socioeconomic disadvantage?Iran has even accepted the Taliban,allowed them setup offices in Iran already, because Iran considers them legitimate rulers in Afghanistan and negotiated with them, esp. when they both had US, a common enemy, colonizing Afghanistan, we are in new times, and for your innate bias towards iRanians, please seek a psychologist or something, its not natural or rational.
I think some people here dont know that but Iran is not against Taliban taking over Afghanistan
People must admit Erdogan has humour.
I think he made a bad call I expect him to do a policy reversal on this issue
No country wants to jump in the Afghan civil war right now directly
So why cry about NATO Turkey?? Being in Afghanistan... LOL look at your fellow compatriots on this thread CRYING over an airport.
By all means you are more than welcome to jump into the frying pan but be warned of the potential SIDE EFFECTS of direct involvement

The loose amalgamation of war lords that call themselves the Taliban are a group on which we have no control over and they are the group that is most likely to replace the Ghani regime in the coming months

I am sure you have seen the picture of Najib Ullah being hanged as they took over Kabul

As someone who has a positive opinion about the Turkish people and state I would advise them not to get involved right now
India rules over Kashmir, over your people. But you cry over Afghanistan.

No it doesn't, they lost half of it and are currently in a standoff with China LMAO

Imran Khan used to be married to a Jew. He is a traitor to the world. enjoy.

Islamically allowed tho. And Turkey was one of the first countries to recognize Israel and is now getting close to them after publicly scolding them LOL.

Worry about India not Afghanistan. We Turks will not be allies with Pakistan if they keep making trouble with the Muslim world @T-SaGe people like this T sage guy can cry for you people all they want, but Turks in Turkey love Afghanistan.

Only thing we are worried about is having a friendly government that won't do retarded antics. Second of all, Turkey recognized Israel and is now begging for their help. Joe Biden still said he is gonna do sanctions for that S-400 missile defense system. And lastly, Turkey probably has the most fronts opened in the Muslim World.

Will there be an understanding between Turkey and Taliban or will relations deteriorate? We all have to see.
Worry about India not Afghanistan. We Turks will not be allies with Pakistan if they keep making trouble with the Muslim world @T-SaGe people like this T sage guy can cry for you people all they want, but Turks in Turkey love Afghanistan.
dude try you luck in afghanistan tham]n we will see how that pans out! secondly, we dont want to be allies with whinning turks............ you will still get sanctioned though 8-)
Iran's allies would testify otherwise though. To them Iran is in fact as loyal an ally as it gets.

From Bosnia's Sunni Muslims, whom Iran has been assisting from as far back as the early 1980's, in particular during the 1992-1996 civil war (which implied being on the opposite side of post-Soviet Russia, a newfound partner); to Syria, which Iran helped prevail in its drawn out war against a powerful NATO- and zionist-backed insurgency; to Palestinian resistance groups, which Iran has kept supplying with arms, funds, training and technological know-how uninterruptedly since 1979, even though some of them at times did not necessarily see eye to eye with Tehran on particular dossiers.

There are several misconceptions here.

The first is that arming Shia Muslims in and by itself does not imply wanting to turn a conflict into a sectarian one. Because by the same logic, one could argue that arming Sunni Muslims is akin to fueling sectarian strife...

And in effect, potential sectarian tensions in present day Afghanistan have nothing to do with Iran, nor have they been caused by Iran. For the past twenty years, Iran has hardly sought to have a major impact on domestic political issues of Afghanistan. Unfortunately Afghanistan has been a fractured society for a long time, and certainly not because of Iran.

But more importantly, there are terrorist groups in Afghanistan which practice acts like this on a regular basis:

Here Shia Muslim schoolgirls, children are being targeted for no other reason that them being of Shia Muslim faith. There was no conflict going on in that particular area of Kabul, there were no armed insurgents or military forces entrenched in buildings next to the school, which was in fact the only target. Nor could it be argued that these civilians were killed for supporting a specific organization or state: they were just random children.

As the article states:

" For much of the last 20 years, the Taliban sporadically kidnapped and beheaded civilian members of the Hazara ethnic group on highways. But with the emergence of the Islamic State in the country in 2015, attacks against the ethnic group took on a systematic shape. Islamist militants blew up two protests, one wedding hall, two educational centers, multiple mosques, multiple political gatherings, one wrestling club, one maternity hospital, and now one school — all in the Dasht-e-Barchi neighborhood. "

So no, sectarian attacks in Afghanistan after 2001 have preceded any reports of Iran arming Shias there. Hence, it's certainly not Iran that wants events to take a sectarian turn. What Iran would be doing, is to help Shia groups protect ordinary Shia Afghan civilians who have been subjected to such attacks for years and are now facing an even more acute threat, that of "I"SIS-K, a grouplet which openly declares its hatred and hostility toward the Shia community as a whole.

Iran would simply be reacting to preexisting, unilateral violence after some 20 years - not instigating anything. And even then, any groups Iran would be arming, will be tasked to go after "I"SIS-K and possible dissident, CIA-backed Taleban factions who with a policy of murdering Shia Muslim civilians out of sectarianist hatred alone. The mission of any such Shia paramilitaries will not consist in responding in kind against their Sunni Muslim brothers.

And that is because the Islamic Republic of Iran is an ideologically pan-Islamic government, not a sectarianist one (hence Iran's support for the armed resistance struggles of Sunni Muslims in Palestine, Bosnia, Iraq with local Sunni Kurds as well as the Sunni Arab units of the PMU, Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation, etc). Assuming otherwise forms therefore a second misconception.

Third misconception: it would be plainly asinine from an Iranian point of view to aim for a "sectarianization" of the conflict in Afghanistan. Simply because Shia Muslims represent no more than 15% of the Afghan population. Right now Iran has excellent relations with various Sunni Muslim Persian-speaking Tajik organizations and movements, and has established contacts with the Taleban as well. A sectarian tainted conflict would cut these partners off from Iran and thus put Tehran at an enormous disadvantage. So once again, Iran can have no interest whatsoever in furthering or instigating sectarianism in Afghanistan.

They are targeted for their ethnicity, not religion.
I did not know asking Pakistan to focus on Kashmir more is a bad thing. Pakistan's priority should be Kashmir not Afghanistan. Or Is Kashmir fine?
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