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Turkey's AKP & CHP race to promise social improvements

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Turkey's AKP & CHP race to promise social improvements

Social policies focusing on the improvement of people’s quality of life will likely be the focal points of this year’s general election campaign, the main draft statements by both the ruling and opposition parties have revealed.

The main opposition Republican People’s Party’s, or CHP, promises to improve the lot of women, the young, the elderly and the poor through projects such as “Family Insurance,” which also pushed the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, to move in a similar direction, as outlined in its drafted election proclamation, titled “The 2023 Vision.”

The two parties will also compete in promises to reduce compulsory military service, something that could be seen a populist move to attract millions of youth votes.

The AKP’s proclamation, prepared by a committee headed by party spokesman Hüseyin Çelik, will list the party’s political, economic and social goals, backed by concepts such as an “advanced democracy,” a “strong nation,” a “strong economy” and a “great Turkey.”

The slogan for the AKP’s 12-year game plan is: “We did it once, and we’ll do it again.”

Both parties are expected to announce their final election manifestos within the coming days.

Half a million new houses

In terms of economic goals, the AKP government will project “$2 trillion in gross domestic product” and “yearly exports of $500 billion” by 2023, with the volume of foreign trade targeted to reach $1 trillion by that date.

Social plans will be topped by promises under the slogan “We built 500,000 houses, we’ll build 500,000 more” – a total that includes 50,000 dwellings to be given to the poor.

Transportation will also be highlighted, including both the 14,000 kilometers of double highways built in the past year by the AKP and the 15,000 additional kilometers it plans to add by 2023. The party also plans to introduce high-speed trains to 25 new provinces, with every province being promised an airport no more than an hour away from all residents.

According to reports, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s “major project for Istanbul” may also make it onto the AKP’S proclamation. Erdoğan is reportedly working on a new “civilizations city” concept for Istanbul.

CHP & AKP differ on military service

In terms of education, the AKP will promise to increase the number of universities in the country to 250 by 2023, increase mandatory education to 12 years and allow citizens over the age of 30 to take the university entrance exam free of charge.

Compulsory military service will also figure into the AKP’s proclamation so as not to leave this crucial subject to the CHP, which has posed a set of innovative suggestions on the issue.

In response to the CHP’s suggestion of letting men do their military service during summer vacation, the AKP has promised to reduce short-term service to four months and long-term to 12 months.

No presidential system promised

Though a civil constitution will figure heavily in the 12-year plan outlined by Turkey’s ruling party, the proclamation is not expected to include a shift to a presidential system unless a last-minute change is made.

The manifesto describes the current Constitution as hindering “rights and freedoms” and promises a brand new charter that promotes high participation from citizens.

Turkey's AKP, CHP race to promise social improvements - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review
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