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Turkey women MPs break headscarf taboo

Most who convert don't leave they stay in Islam forever

I was talking about western converts and the western converts themselves say they leave.

It's a fad for misfit westerners, like how Hindu mysticism took off after the Beatles came to India.
This is a milestone for turkey , I remember back in 90s when a Turkish mp had headscarf , she said she hated Iranians too , not this time ...
This is really amazing - a modern islamic state is emerging - watchout CIA will do all it could to undermine it now that Turkey has started brow beating Israel

For the hundred time in PDF..... Turkey is not an Islamic state, It's a Secular state.
For the hundred time in PDF..... Turkey is not an Islamic state, It's a Secular state.

Are you trying to say Islam can not be secular?
Say to uninformed, please - whether a woman can hold leading positions in an Islamic state?
If she can not - what's the difference, what she's wearing?

Ever heard about Benazeer Bhutto?
Are you trying to say Islam can not be secular?


There has been secularism in Middle Eastern empires for centuries.

One could even cite the Ottomans as an example.
There has been secularism in Middle Eastern empires for centuries.

One could even cite the Ottomans as an example.
Ehh no, ottoman empire had sharia law, but it was very liberal, also to other religions, compared to other states in its time.
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There has been secularism in Middle Eastern empires for centuries.

One could even cite the Ottomans as an example.
LOL, even dinosaurs were secular until there hunger kicked in. So converts born from an uttopian gene will justify there existance as long as they seem fit fot there purpose.
I was talking about western converts and the western converts themselves say they leave.

It's a fad for misfit westerners, like how Hindu mysticism took off after the Beatles came to India.
I was also talking about converts most don't leave few do and most those who leave are those who convert for marriage
I was also talking about converts most don't leave few do and most those who leave are those who convert for marriage
Think about it, Apostasy is punishable by death in all abrahamic religion, and is still followed by Islamic countries..
As long as it exists people will be scared to convert back due to fear of backlash from the community even if they live in secular countries
Most who convert don't leave they stay in Islam forever
Due to Life threats..........
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Due to Life threats..........
O death threats wow another dumb post sir Mr those who convert are living in Non Muslim countries Mr and they enter Islam after research Sir first do some research on an issue before talking crap
Equality? I dont see Erdogan walking in Arab clothes around. For some strange reason AKP men prefer to wear Western clothes, but want their women to wear Arab clothes. Is that equality?

Hijab isn't an Arab-only dress though :undecided: unless you mean something else of course...
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