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Turkey, US agree ‘al-Assad should go for a free Syria

The Sunni volunteers are an endless stream. The more bloody Assad is, the more enemies he creates. They are lining up to go into Syria to fight.

I suspect Assad can hold out for longer - but the Sunnis have the edge in a drawn out war.

Iran cannot commit too many of their forces because they are worried about an attack on Iran.

Hez cannot destroy themselves for Syria, so they cannot cope with casualties that run into thousands.

So yes, I think the rebels will eventually win - but I think there will be some sort of political or military intervention before a clear victory.

What is it with people thinking that the whole crisis is just 'Sunni vs Alawite' the majority (%65) of the Syrian Arab Army is Sunni.
What is it with people thinking that the whole crisis is just 'Sunni vs Alawite' the majority (%65) of the Syrian Arab Army is Sunni.

well , and this 65 % sunni need fighters from Lybia , Hejaz , Afghanitan , Eu , Egypt , Tunisia , Chechen , and need help from CIA , Mossad , MI6 and ..... and crying for help from Zato ( so called Nato ) ....

what brave freedom fighters they are ....
okay, i am not hating US/turkey, but they should rlly mind their OWN business for once.....
okay, i am not hating US/turkey, but they should rlly mind their OWN business for once.....
Our neighbours are our bussiness,shall we just send the refugees back?
How many times Turks have to be killed(by rockets or bombs) till its our bussiness?
Give me rational answer.
Our neighbours are our bussiness,shall we just send the refugees back?
How many times Turks have to be killed(by rockets or bombs) till its our bussiness?
Give me rational answer.

then what do you want instead? surely u do not prefer that NATO go to war with assad???

I doubt that he would have said the same thing when the u.s.a intervened between P.R.C. and Taiwan during korea war, so that taiwan was saved from hostility and possible invasion from mainland China.

I smell hypocrisy.
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Are you sure !?

losing money !?

No ! This is an investment ...

losing man power !?

No ! we don't have any soldiers in Syria ... Only advisors :)

you are not a good fortune-teller :coffee:

Investment in killing people who respresent 70% of Syria , no its a loss clown , better spend this money on your people who are escaping on boats all the way to Australia.

Remember Iran is not the soviet union , your economy is small to handle a long war of attrition , time will show how this will destroy your fragile country.
then what do you want instead? surely u do not prefer that NATO go to war with assad???
We prefer NATO to go in and clean up.
Thats the only good solution.
All the refugees from various countries can go back to their homes and try to live in peace.
There should be a UN peaceforce after the war to keep an eye on things.
Our neighbours are our bussiness,shall we just send the refugees back?
How many times Turks have to be killed(by rockets or bombs) till its our bussiness?
Give me rational answer.

Ofcourse its Turkey's business , Syria shares 900 km border with your country , the question is not only about sending refugees back but to ensure Syria will become a stable country .

Iran played the wrong cards in the " Arab spring " it lost Gaza for good , now lost Syria and lets hope they wount lose their own country when elections come up .

Iran influence is based on Religion rather than actual strength , once the clerks lose control in Iran and it turns into a secular country it will lose all the influence it has over some Shia arabs who were brainwashed by clerks from Qom .

After all the Shia only represent 10% of the whole Arab world and most of them live in Iraq .
Ofcourse its Turkey's business , Syria shares 900 km border with your country , the question is not only about sending refugees back but to ensure Syria will become a stable country .

Iran played the wrong cards in the " Arab spring " it lost Gaza for good , now lost Syria and lets hope they wount lose their own country when elections come up .

Iran influence is based on Religion rather than actual strength , once the clerks lose control in Iran and it turns into a secular country it will lose all the influence it has over some Shia arabs who were brainwashed by clerks from Qom .

After all the Shia only represent 10% of the whole Arab world and most of them live in Iraq .

i am not best expert at the middle east affairs, never been there in all my travels, though would like to visit egypt or iran, maybe, one day, i think they should be allowed to fight it out themselves, winner takes all, and survival of fittest...

I do not like the assad man much...but still unsure of what is right answer. do you think syria situation is at all like egypt, the revolution there?
We prefer NATO to go in and clean up.
Thats the only good solution.
All the refugees from various countries can go back to their homes and try to live in peace.
There should be a UN peaceforce after the war to keep an eye on things.

True , this is what the Russians and Americans will do , Alawis are mainly fighting for a separate entity in Syria something Similar to KRG in Iraq.

Alawis will end up getting an autonomous state in Syria , Russians keep their facility in Tartus and Sunnis form their own state on the remaining land .

Americans and Russians will not make a summit to Joke around , the solution will come out within few month .
i am not best expert at the middle east affairs, never been there in all my travels, though would like to visit egypt or iran, maybe, one day, i think they should be allowed to fight it out themselves, winner takes all, and survival of fittest...

I do not like the assad man much...but still unsure of what is right answer. do you think syria situation is at all like egypt, the revolution there?

Well i agree on that.

But you should consider that Turkey is a neighbouring country and that the problems are allready spilling over.
The faster the sh&t get's solved the better it is for Turkey.

Even harbouring the refugee's and supporting them in their everyday needs is taking a chunk ( i think 1 billion dollar?) of Turkey's revenue that we could spend on our economy. Not to mention the civillian life's that are lost in Turkey.
Investment in killing people who respresent 70% of Syria , no its a loss clown , better spend this money on your people who are escaping on boats all the way to Australia.

Remember Iran is not the soviet union , your economy is small to handle a long war of attrition , time will show how this will destroy your fragile country.

fragile country !!! :oops:

ooooh ...

not only a bad fortune-teller ... a bad liar :coffee:

Al-Qaeda =/= people

who is killing people ?

Army or Al-Qaeda ???

what are those chechen/tunisian/afghan/... terrorists doing in Syria ?

Jihad ???

they kill & rape syrian girls in the name of "Jihad al nikah" !!!

they destroy everything in the name of freedom ???

what is the freedom !?

Jihad al F@CK ???

foreigners fighting in Syria for freedom ???

Israel helping FSA terrorist in the name of freedom ???

sorry man ... i don't have any idea about you but i can't be a fool ...

I can't support rapist pigs ...
i am not best expert at the middle east affairs, never been there in all my travels, though would like to visit egypt or iran, maybe, one day, i think they should be allowed to fight it out themselves, winner takes all, and survival of fittest...

I do not like the assad man much...but still unsure of what is right answer. do you think syria situation is at all like egypt, the revolution there?

Egypt is no way like Syria in any shape , whats happening in Syria is a civil war while Egypt is in transition from a dictatorship to a democracy .

Egypt's economy is in recession as a result of the economic downturn in Europe and the events in middle east but there is not any civil war over there .

Remember Egypt is 90% Sunni Muslim and 10% Christians but usually problems in the middle east comes from Shia muslims not christians .

The other good thing is in egypt both Christians and Muslims are one ethnic group and speak one language which makes the country free from any ethnic conflicts .

The current challenge in Egypt is rather political between Right and left parties but by time they will mature , after all Egypt was a dictatorship for 70 years and still new in democratic game .

Egypt and Tunisia are on the right path , democracy starts chaotic at first , it happened with all countries that transformed from authoritarian regimes into democratic ones and the process usually takes 4-8 years but at the end they will have permanent stability in a system where there is a process for power transfer peacefully through elections rather than wars.

The situation in Syria is totally different , the country has various ethnic and religious sects and the country will take at least 2 decades before it can start again right .

Iran is a horrible country , I would not advise going there , it is a clerk dictatorship that supports and funds terrorism around the world . Iran could face the Syria scenario in the event of revolution, persians are a minority in Iran and it has a lot of ethnic tensions just like syria.

The only true stable and friendly country in the middle east is Turkey , this is one great country that should be visited , Israel to is a safe country .
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