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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

I see. Russians have a different view I see. No offense meant but what use is being in the US camp? Look what they did to Pakistan and we were their foremost allies.
Turkey can't be in the Russian camp we clash in too many areas: Syria, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Balkans. They are orthodox Christian so automatically they hate us and are friends with all other orthodox who also hate us.
Not only them...also Pakistani "Think Tanks"..... other elite users...this is just comedy. I mean if you don't know anything on the subject, just don't claim things...at least you won't look stupid that way.

Well, this might be opportunity to set them all straight by sharing your point of view on the subject.
Like NATO gives its solidarity to Turkey which supports Terrorist Groups like the Turkmen Militia, FSA and ISIS, some members gives its solidarity to Russia which bombing those Terrorists.


These are the Turkmen Guys killing one of the pilots.

Is the guy on the left Erdogan himself?o_O

You mean the same NATO members you accuse of supporting rebels and ISIS aswell? You people really dont know what the actual **** you are talking about, you're an eyesour. It cant be more obvious that you people have double standards. Russia got their arze handed to them, now piss off.
Our relationship with China is same, no change. I just want to inform our Chinese brothers that in this case, we support Turkey, militarily if needed against Russia. Just for this case we cannot support Chinese demands.
does any chinese demand you? we all know you have your muslim brotherhood with turks, we don't mind. you do yours, we do ours, fair enough?
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You don't engage a foriegn aircraft and risk a major international incident for "pay back"- that would be entirely improper and unprofessional. IF this is what has happened then Turkey needs to be removed from NATO, we can't have ourselves be at risk or liable for the mistakes of a few cowboys in the TuAF. I'm not having article 5 imposed for such pettiness.
Ok ok Turkish leaders are dumb and have no experience. Russia fan boys on forums know better, they have access to all of the Intel available to Sultan Erdogan and his grand vizier davutoglu. Turkey supports Isis, kills Kurds, and Armenian genocide. Russia will nuke Turkey. Kick out of NATO.
Notice how Iranians, Chinese, and Russia fan boys haven't even been accusing U.S or Europe of supporting ISIS for at least one year now. They focus all attention on Turkey. They must be planning something....
You don't engage a foriegn aircraft and risk a major international incident for "pay back"- that would be entirely improper and unprofessional. IF this is what has happened then Turkey needs to be removed from NATO, we can't have ourselves be at risk or liable for the mistakes of a few cowboys in the TuAF. I'm not having article 5 imposed for such pettiness.

Turkey downed this plane and literally rushed to NATO instead of explaining this incident with Russia,as if they downed one of their jet.
We almost created an alliance with Russia to battle ISIS and someone had to topple our projects...
Pakistan will not do anything , except few statements cause its not in any position to drag itself into , stupid proxy battle grounds .
No it won't , just few months back when KSA was hell bent on Pakistan to send it troops against yeman , Pakistan bravely said no , we don't go at war against any Muslim state ?
Here case is the same , sirya +RUSSIA+IRAN vs ISIS+TURKEY+KSA +ISRAEL +USA +EU ?
NO Pakistan has its own full plate of problems , take care yourself bro ?lolzz
you forget to add china to the left side of the equation, it is not fair. while we are relatively silent right now, we just buy our time. it will be on more than 5 years we will take the showdown with US, the rest of its pawn will begin to suffer.
You don't engage a foriegn aircraft and risk a major international incident for "pay back"- that would be entirely improper and unprofessional. IF this is what has happened then Turkey needs to be removed from NATO, we can't have ourselves be at risk or liable for the mistakes of a few cowboys in the TuAF. I'm not having article 5 imposed for such pettiness.
It seems you dont get Turkish ROE in Syrian borders. Turkey changed ROE completely after Syria shot down a turkish f-4 from Russian base. Russia was harrassing Turkey by locking radars on F-16s and crossing borders with their UAV.Turkey said this will not tolerated no more and did not.
Ok ok Turkish leaders are dumb and have no experience. Russia fan boys on forums know better, they have access to all of the Intel available to Sultan Erdogan and his grand vizier davutoglu. Turkey supports Isis, kills Kurds, and Armenian genocide. Russia will nuke Turkey. Kick out of NATO.
1) I'm not a Russian "fan boy"
2) I made no reference to Erdogan
3) I made no reference to or call for Turkey to be nuked- that would be absurd

I am talking about logic and established norms. No proffesional military would shoot down a foreign plane and risk such an international incident for "payback" as you put it. If this is the case then some very hard questions need to be asked of the Turkish military.

It seems you dont get Turkish ROE in Syrian borders. Turkey changed ROE completely after Syria shot down a turkish f-4 from Russian base. Russia was harrassing Turkey by locking radars on F-16s and crossing borders with their UAV.Turkey said this will not tolerate no more and did not.
Then explain the ROE to me! I am openly saying I don't get Turkish ROE and have been asking for over 100 pages for someone to provide me with the answer. Who exactly has the authority to shoot down a foriegn aircraft along the Turkish-Syrian border?
No aircraft shot down in east China sea. But in this scenario. Some foolish idiot pull the trigger and dig its own grave.

When China tell Abe that even firing tracer rounds is an act of war. Abe drop any idea of firing.

But mad Erdogan is digging grave for all Turkish.
its called balls! You should zoom in on you to see what im mean..
sometims, i feel sorry for you... )
Well with the S-400 being deployed in Syria, in a matter of a week the entire air space will be under lock down pretty much to everybody other than Russia. Pantsir-S-1 will be placed closer to borders to prevent low level intrusions. Next time TUAF F-16s enter Syria, they'll be toast. The Turkmen camps will be slaughtered by week's end.
Turkey downed this plane and literally rushed to NATO instead of explaining this incident with Russia,as if they downed one of their jet.
We almost created an alliance with Russia to battle ISIS and someone had to topple our projects...
I never really scrutinused Turkey's actions in the anti-ISIS program, I suppose I naively assumed that as a NATO member who likes to project itself as moderate,democratic and law abiding that they were on "our" side and doing the "right" thing. It seems nothing could be further from the truth.
Syria is in quasi state of war with Turkey, but Russia is not. Turkey is transferring armed people to Syria to overthrow its gov, no country in the world tolerates that, so you can't complain about Syria downing your jet.

But Russia has good relations with you (or had) and Erdogan tried to play the smartass role. Now we will see who stands to lose more from this, Turkey or Russia. I'll ask your opinion about this in few weeks.

The Turks on this forum, seem to be on a ego boost trip. They downed a Russian plane. Yes, it lead to the TuAF being grounded. Any Turkish plane flying close to the border of Syria will now be shot down if Russian planes are in the air. With the deployment of the S400 and the Moskva, the TuAF is as good as grounded. And if they try going after the Moskva or the S400, its good bye Turkey! No NATO will be able to save them.

And it will not be the Russian forces. For now, I think, PKK will see increased arms flow into them. France is not coming in to help. Neither will the US. The Israelis will watch the show while Erdogan goes down.

They buy gas from Russia and wanted to buy from Iran. They can say good bye to this. Which means the Arabs will now have a stranglehold on Turkey.

These guys really need to get their heads checked. What were these idiots thinking????

To the Iranians on this forum. There are laid down rules of engagement. You increase air patrols and escort the opponent out. You do not fire missiles on a fighter which is not attacking your citizens. And Turkmen are not Turkish citizens? They are Syrian citizens.

The last time I saw Putin this mad led to Georgia and then to Ukraine. This time is going to be the same. Except with proxies. Turkey just sped up the creation of a Kurdish state. All Hail Turkey.

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