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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

Yup. For years Turkey played passively, giving next to no effort to fight back Russian and Iranian influence but this should be a proper message to anyone who fvcks with Turkey. We downed Russian jets, and we will day anyone's else.
dude who is fu/cking with turkey?you paranoid or something? this jet was over syrian border its proven based on the borders su24 couldn't be on turkish air space for more than 30 seconds. your gov just made a mistake and you are trying to say you did the right thing. remember your economy is based on security. anything threatens that is not going to be good for you.
SU-24 also twin engine and quite capable aircraft before quote kindly at least check Wikipedia.

Oh yes. if SU-24 was = SU 30 then there was no need to make Su 30 in the first place, isn't it ?

and Su30 is an sir superiority fighter not a bomber like Su 24. SU 24s are not supposed to operate in Contested air space SU 30 are supposed to fight in a Contested airspace very different aircraft. It was dumb of Russia to not to have any Air Superiority Aircraft in the area.

about reading Wikipedia, read roles of aircraft too..
dude who is fu/cking with turkey?you paranoid or something? this jet was over syrian border its proven based on the borders su25 couldn't be on turkish air space for more than 30 seconds. your gov just made a mistake and you are trying to say you did the right thing. remember your economy is based on security. anything threatens that is not going to be good for you.

They was waiting for this moment ... and base of NATO immediate reaction , I assume this incident was planned before hand ...
There won't be war between Turkey and Russia over this. And people talking about nukes are either trolls, or just plain stupid. We can expect a lot of diplomatic outrage, maybe some economic measures, and harder airstrikes from Russia (but this time with heavy fighter cover for their bombers).
The passive aggresive butthurt behavior of the childish members shows their retarded mindset, especcially the Chinese and Iranian members(not all).

I think you Turkish poster behave more like butthurt and a bit hysteric. Calm down, we all want to know the truth.
If you and your freinds behave then there is no problem but if you show ISIS mentality expect a proper reply.
More info revealing.

As far as i understood. Russian aircraft violated Turkish airspace 2 times.

It violated, circled and violated again despite warnings.


Missile fired by Turkish F-16 at "HH036-180" when it entered the Turkish airspace for the second time, missile hit the Russian aircraft at "HH037-203"

First of all i love Turkey and you are brother to me.
With respect to you. The map given above, there were two jets which violated Turkish airspace and both of them left the air space and the plane was targeted when it left the airspace a while for quiet a time. if Turkey wanted to down the plane it should have been done when they entered Turkish airspace and before they left it.
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Turkey has right to defend it's airspace. Russia didn't listen several warning many times. It happened in past too.
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