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Turkey, Russia work on new plan for Syria

Sir please wait for arab help and our help, it is coming, be patient, have faith.

Turkey work with Israel, dont trust them. trust your arab brothers, they are the best

You mean like your atta turk? who ignore us and our arab friends? turkey is a turkey, work with Israel.

Don't use Atatürk in your trollings mister.

What's your point should al-Assad take help from his Arab "brother" from Qatar and S.A.
I think those "brother" are already in Syria.
He just needs to ask kindly.

Please don't be disrespectful against other country's other wise it will backfire and it all will be a big troll fest in this threat.
Thank your beautiful Pakistani flag otherwise I've would have responded to you as you deserved. TROLL
Troll go away.

It is an insult to our Baba i Qaum that I mention a atta turk turkey.

you admit you turkeys work with Israel. the truth is out, what more proof we need that this turkeys are bad for arabs and us? please tell me.

Well like I give a ****, do what you want. Its not like we have any commitment to you or any other human in the world. If you don't like it, then why the **** are you here? You have your proof now go and let yourself out. You seem to be one of those who believe in something as the Ummah.

I don't get you people, you are so blind. You say that Turkey is bad for you. I will tell you whats bad for you (Pakistanis) and Arabs, you self and no one else is to blame.
Your countries are fu.cked up because of you, not because of Israel, Zionists or because Turkey was once good witht the Israelis. Your problems did not start with Israel and will not stop if Israel suddenly stops existing.

Take down the Pakistani flag from your profile and I will tell explain you my opinion in detail.
HAHAHAHAHAHA u should understand the media, u have had nearly 20 month of verbal condamnation but nothing real, now the FSA is on damascus gate pouding the airport, and the fuss abt the chemical weapons, means assad is finished.
The question now is only who will replace him, otherwise u should consider him a dead man moving

FSA wont get any sh*t. People that act and handles barbaric will never reach victory and especialy when they are financied and organisated by Jews. Official army of Syria is well coordinated by Iran and Russia and will not lose agains a bunch of people with no legitimation.
Note that the chemical weapons 'fuss', is an excuse to invade your nation. Whether you support the FSA or not, I know you don't support an invasion of your homeland by another nation.

He is not Syrian.... even if he was... he sold his country and his dignity and became a western puppet.. but again he is not Syrian... and the administration have done nothing about his duplicate accounts...
No matter what happens in Syria it will be bad.

Scenario 1: Assad manages it to get the country under control
No war at our borders but an enemy more.

Scenario 2: Assad loses, the FSY wins
Instability everywhere: PKK in the North, Islamists everywhere, probably mass-slaughter of Alawites. Probably an Sunni government, closer ties with us.

Pre Arabspring:
Assad was secular, the country had stability, the PKK was almost non-existent in Syria and trade was booming. Turkish influence was growing.
So what Assad was Alawite and does not represent the majority of the population? The way I see it, as a Turk, it was heaven on earth compared to whatever happens next.
Assas wasnt SECULAR, it was a shia dictatoship with shia minority having all the jobs and the influence, the others second class citizen and sunnis were slave.
Al Assad father is responsible of helping, developing PKK and to this day, you have a lot of syrian kurds PKK fighting in SE turkey.

FSA wont get any sh*t. People that act and handles barbaric will never reach victory and especialy when they are financied and organisated by Jews. Official army of Syria is well coordinated by Iran and Russia and will not lose agains a bunch of people with no legitimation.
Sunnis are 75% of the population in syria, get it
Sunnis are 75% of the population in syria, get it

Do the shias believe in 6 pilars of Imaan? Did the prophet Sallallaahu aleyhe wa sallam speak about sunni - shia or he speaks about a Ummah? Ask yourself what kind of Ummah are we that cant do anything about that little Israel.

Ask yourself why the our Iraqi brothers didnt fight till they die for their independence agains Americans. Ask yourself why Arab countries are the number one buyers from America in terms of weapons. Ask yourself why 80% of the oil in middle-east is in control of the kafeers.

Get it why i dont see this FSA operation as a good operation?
FSA wont get any sh*t. People that act and handles barbaric will never reach victory and especialy when they are financied and organisated by Jews. Official army of Syria is well coordinated by Iran and Russia and will not lose agains a bunch of people with no legitimation.

Assad is o-v-e-r. He is probably looking for a country to run away right now. But I don't think Russians are too stupid to accept him.
Turkey have been hosting and supporting terrorists....... just this is another thing to see


This was the plan behind it. Remember the western media how they rised up the FSA in first place and gived AKP some self-confidence and showed them as a model? But now suddenly FSA is an terror organisation and the reason they killing so many innocont people is because of the support of Turkey.. Now Turkey is targeted as a supporter of terror organisations..
This was the plan behind it. Remember the western media how they rised up the FSA in first place and gived AKP some self-confidence and showed them as a model? But now suddenly FSA is an terror organisation and the reason they killing so many innocont people is because of the support of Turkey.. Now Turkey is targeted as a supporter of terror organisations..

Sadly, yes Turkey is supporting those terrorists.... Turkey have made a big mistake by making enemies with its neighbors to please the west... and if there is no peace in Syria, Iraq there will be no peace in Turkey.. because Chaos brings chaos; its contagious







is it just me or does anyone else sees Turkey going down the same way Pakistan did 11 years ago?
is it just me or does anyone else sees Turkey going down the same way Pakistan did 11 years ago?

You mean the 80s. Remember the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and Mujahadeens camp in Pakistan? Yep the Turks are going that Road. Replace General Zia with Edogon and you have a recipe for disaster....
You mean the 80s. Remember the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and Mujahadeens camp in Pakistan? Yep the Turks are going that Road. Replace General Zia with Edogon and you have a recipe for disaster....
yea that, Turkey really needs to be careful
What we are doing is wrong but we are so deep in it, there is no turning back now.
As long the Syria war longer than expected, the Al Qaeda terrorists will be growing and safe havens inside Turkey. Once the war is over, these same terrorists will stay home in Turkey, don't think US or western allies will help you to get rid of them. Who know, these terrorists will join on PKK or maybe get support by Israel to retaliate Turkey. Free Syrian Army (FSA) soon will be painted as terrorists or militants and it will turn out to blame on Turkey. Bad news coming.

A big lesson learn from Libya, got sense?
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