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Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

the only ones being massacred are those who take up arms against the state; it isnt an armed campaign to cleanse Turkiye of kurds!
Doesnt matter...tey took up arms because Turkey did not given them their 'fundamental, inalienable' right to self-determination.

Not to forget the Armenian genocide..one of the worst genocides in the 20th century rivalling the Holocaust.

Turkey should be the last country on earth to be speaking of any human rights..no..they should not even open their mouth.

Looks like in recent years the drama baazi of RTE has gone on a overdrive mode. Somebody needs to being him down to earth.

Actually this guy captured it pretty much lucidly,

Within the last 5 years, Turkey butted heads with:

1. Iran
2. Israel
3. China
4. Armenia
5. Iraq
6. Now India

Did someone piss in their morning coffee?
it does matter, because ''Kurdistan'' issue is only an issue made by groups like the PKK; the borders are internationally recognized. . .

if PKK militants are threatening not just the Turkish state, but also Kurds themselves ---don't you think it's within the right of the Turkish state to intervene and take action to protect its citizens?

you are being emotional only
Doesnt matter as international borders are not immutable. Also Kashmir (land) issue IS an emotional issue for us.

BTW these are just sound bytes to be used against them to make them shut their mouth and remind of their own dirty history.

I agree with S10s assertion that someone messed up their morning coffee.
J&K is disputed because your Mr Nehru took it to the Security Council - no such resolutions exist regarding Kurds.
as for Iran --- well Turkiye and Iranian intelligence and military have been cooperating in joint anti-terrorism ops to weaken the strength and offensive capabilities of PKK and PJAK/peshmerga, respectively.

their relations aren't hand in hand, but they are cordial and respectful of eachother and don't interfere in eachothers' internal affairs. Turkiye and Iraq relations aren't exactly. bad. Turkiye and China's only spat took place regarding the Xinjiang riots; there are ultra-nationalist movements in Turkiye (the Ulkucus) who belief in pan-Turkic nationalism and who have claims over ethnic Uighur lands; however that is a small issue when taken into account the fact that both countries engage in a sizeable amount of trade and lately havent had any diplomatic spats.

with israil -- well it was only inevitable to happen; there are some signs that elements in israil provide or are willing to provide covert support for groups like the PKK (Turkey FM condemns Israeli 'plan' to support PKK - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News)

furthermore, the Mavi marmara incident was the single-biggest irritant which destroyed the relations (military and civilian) between the two countries......and quite frankly, it was a bigger loss for israil since they lost a major Muslim-majority ally which is respected among Muslim nations.
J&K is disputed because your Mr Nehru took it to the Security Council - no such resolutions exist regarding Kurds.

The aspirations of the people cannot be denied because an artificial,impotent institution (UN) did not give its rubber seal to them.

Regards Mr. Nehru that plebiscite is dependent on Pakistan ding certain pre-conditions which your country has failed to do. Moreover another scchool of thought is that the plebiscite was null and void when Dr.Sheikh Abdullah validated the Instrument of Accession in the J&K Assembly.
The aspirations of the people cannot be denied because an artificial,impotent institution (UN) did not give its rubber seal.

But a Sec Council resolution makes it an official international dispute.
Good news that Turkey has gotten invloved :)
Fundamental rule of arithmetic:

0+0+0+.... = 0

Does it even matter how many of these zero value countries make useless noises.

Anyway they will be put in their place damn quick. Turks have one of the bloodiest history, their trying to lecture about human rights is incredibly pathetic.

Besides the Armenian genocide, they have killed millions of ancestors of the present Pakistanis and Afghans (mainly Pushtuns).
Whats different in Kashmir?


it's disputed territory and should be recognized as thusly --until a free and fair referendum is administered as asked by the people themselves and as suggested even by much celebrated leaders such as your Nehru.

Kashmiris (as of late) are not taking up arms against any state; at least not in large numbers. Now they seem to be employing the social media more aggresively, not deadly weapons.
Besides the Armenian genocide, they have killed millions of ancestors of the present Pakistanis and Afghans (mainly Pushtuns).

Somebody should ban Erdogan for trolling so much in diplomacy.


it's disputed territory and should be recognized as thusly --until a free and fair referendum is administered as asked by the people themselves and as suggested even by much celebrated leaders such as your Nehru.

Who decides which is a disputed territory and which is not ?

it's disputed territory and should be recognized as thusly --until a free and fair referendum is administered as asked by the people themselves and as suggested even by much celebrated leaders such as your Nehru.

Kashmiris (as of late) are not taking up arms against any state; at least not in large numbers. Now they seem to be employing the social media more aggresively, not deadly weapons.

Do you ever see India giving up Kashmir? Honestly?

The most that will ever happen, is Kashmir Valley, just the valley, getting some level of autonomous powers.

Doesn't matter if its a disputed territory or not.
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