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Turkey offers alternative to Iran pipeline



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Jan 24, 2008
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NEW DELHI: For India, looking to diversify its energy sources, Turkey has just offered an exciting and potentially viable alternative that could get Central Asian and Caucasian oil to India's doorstep - and without breaking the bank.

During his visit to India, Turkey's foreign minister Ali Babacan (the first visit by a Turkish foreign minister in 30 years) has proposed that oil from Central Asian countries like Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and even Georgia be transported through Turkey's massive pipeline infrastructure to Ceyhan port. Traveling through the Mediterranean Sea in super tankers, the oil will then be fed into Israel's Ashkelon-Eilat pipeline, while super tankers pick it off from the Gulf of Aqaba port of Eilat and back again on super tankers to India.

"According to our calculations, this will give India a unique opportunity to access Central Asian oil, and will be quicker and, according to our energy experts, even cheaper," said Babacan in an exclusive chat with The Times of India.

"It will also bypass the crowded Suez Canal route, which only takes very small ships. Most important, for India's booming economy, it gives India an alternative source of oil," he added.

The proposal, which has been made to the Indian government, is currently being "examined" by New Delhi. But energy officials are quietly excited about the prospect of this new route.

Currently, none of India's imported oil travels through the Suez Canal. Most of it comes from the Persian Gulf (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and Dubai) and the rest that comes from Venezuela, Nigeria and Colombia travel around southern Africa's Cape of Good Hope.

But two important considerations have made it imperative for India to seek alternative sources and alternative routes for its oil - first, the persistent instability in the Persian Gulf area means that any conflict say, with Iran, will see a virtual collapse in oil supplies to India. Second, India needs to source as much energy as it possibly can, because power, or lack thereof, could become the greatest hindrance to India's economic story.

This route also opens up the vast Central Asian oil reserves for exploitation by India, which is otherwise locked out by geography.

Politically, the most important consideration here is it offers India a golden opportunity to significantly upgrade ties with a major Muslim country like Turkey. This could offset whatever ambivalence India might feel about Israel. India already has very deep relations with Israel, so this would not be a political challenge.

Turkish officials pointed out that none of the pipelines will have to be built. They are already in existence. The Ashkelon-Eilat pipeline is a functioning one, as is the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline which started work in 2006. Tel Aviv and Ankara have announced plans to carry water, electricity, natural gas and oil to Israel by way of a proposed Ceyhan-Ashkelon-Eilat passage. So, its not difficult to imagine gas coming through this passage, though this will need liquefaction and gasification terminals, which are a longer term investment.

IOC is one of the companies involved in building the Samsun-Ceyhan bypass pipeline in Turkey as well, which actually gives India a presence in Turkey's energy infrastructure.

Both Turkey and Israel are positioning themselves as relevant players in the global energy market by becoming secure providers.

The Iran pipeline is not going anywhere, neither is the Turkmenistan pipeline after Turkmenistan announced that most of its gas would be sold to Russia's Gazprom. Iran's Chahbahar port is not yet accessible to India and likely to make much longer.

India is now taking a new look at the energy equations in the region.

Turkey offers alternative to Iran pipeline-India-The Times of India
Insecure worthless project. A US offer through Turkish govt, just to neutralize IPI project.
Insecure worthless project. A US offer through Turkish govt, just to neutralize IPI project.

Economically speaking such proposals are welcome as they provide alternatives to India, As India is prone to arm twisting and uncertain political future of Pakistan.
India just dosen't want to rely on a pipeline that goes through Pakistan lol
Should be nice & expensive

Still might be cheaper than what India currently buys oil at, considering that they are offering such a possibility means it is economically feasible.

"According to our calculations, this will give India a unique opportunity to access Central Asian oil, and will be quicker and, according to our energy experts, even cheaper," said Babacan in an exclusive chat with The Times of India.
India just dosen't want to rely on a pipeline that goes through Pakistan lol

Yes this is a fact India does not want to rely on pakistan.But what can it do.

It's energy has to go through pakistan.
Even the Tankers of this oil from Turkey will have to pass infront of Gwadar port.:P

After all more than 40% of worlds oil and more than 80% of India's oil passes from Gwadar.Thats why Indian navy chief said that Gwadar has strategic implications for it.:P

But I think both countries should solve their disputes and instead of being suspicious they should build trust.INDIA's energy cannot cannot go over the TOP OF PAKISTAN .It has to go one way or the other.Land or Gwadar.It be Cent asia or ME.:pakistan:

But pakistan has played a gamble that .US cannot OCCUPY IRAN .It can strike Nukes but occupation of iran is impossible .:hitwall:So I think for pakistan even if Iran is attacked GAS SHOULD COME.Thats what I hope .If AMERICANS DONT BOMB IRANIAN GAS FIELDS.But Lol that would CHOKE HORMUZ and not pakistan alone but whole world will have its oil :cheesy:
I again say:

Why is the report being compared with IRAN PAKISTAN INDIA GAS PIPELINE..........

Indian Gas requirement cannot be fulfilled without this Pipeline!
In case of an US attack on Iran .One thing is for sure its gonna choke the hormuz and it will collapse many economies.

As far as Gas pipeline is concerned .Pakistans gas would come from South Pars Reserves in South of iran.Pipeline will rum from Iran to Gwadar to Khuzadar and to Larkana and then to Multan.

Iranians have a Nuclear facility at Bushehr which is not far from South pars.

SO if the War prolongs then Americans could also hit Iranian economy and its infra structure .For that purpose they will also try to hurt Iranian economy by Targeting the gas facility in south of Pars.

Also if Americans reach out to Bushehr They can also damage south pars.


By simultaneously getting gas from Iran.We should also reach exploit our own 250Trillion Cubic feet of gas.AND HAVE EMERGENCY SITUATION .THAT IN CASE OF AN ATTACK ON IRAN WE DONT :oops::oops:
You r right it will not be a substitute for IPI gas pipeline.

But India is Putting its head in Mud like an ostrich

It doesnt realize that its energy one way or the other will have to go through Pakistan .It has to settle its disputes with pakistan.

Energy from IPI hgas pipeline is MUCH MUCH CHEAPER than this proposed thing from cent asia to Turkey then to seuz and then to India.Even then it will pass from Gwadar.

The energy problem India Faces is a grave one.FIRST it need energy for its ELECTRICITY.

Then It needs it for domestic purposes and fuel.

Unlike Pakistan which has Estimated potential of 27 billion barrels oil,250 trillion cubic feet gas,One of the largest coal reserves,potential of 50,000 MW from Hydro and 70,000MW from Wind.

India has run out of its energy potential .It has to IMPORT OIL,GAS,ELECTRICITY.

For that purpose it has to look towards Cent asia,ME,Iran and settle its disputes with pakistan as all of its energy has to Pass through Pakistan.
Unlike Pakistan which has Estimated potential of 27 billion barrels oil,250 trillion cubic feet gas,One of the largest coal reserves,potential of 50,000 MW from Hydro and 70,000MW from Wind.

Impressive figures is it true ? Source please
Impressive figures is it true ? Source please

A Prognostic potential of total endowment of hydrocarbons has been estimated as 27 billion barrels of oil and 282 trillion cubic feet of gas.

Pakistan.Gov.pk - The Official Web Gateway to the Government of Pakistan

Thar Coal reserves are estimated at 185 billion tonnes are fifth largest in the world.

Pakistan.Gov.pk - The Official Web Gateway to the Government of Pakistan

Recoverable hydropower potential in Pakistan is about 41722 MW.

Quick returns from mini hydro-power projects -DAWN - Business; 07 March, 2005

A gross wind power potential of 43000 MW in Sindh, AEDB has forecast the installation of 1800-2700 megawatts of wind power capacity by 2015, with an annual installation rate of 170-270 megawatts.

GE Energy - 2004 Press Releases
Project Phase-I
As THe figures are an estimated potential owing to the Geo location of pakistan and its position on the geographic plates.

The 43000MW potential from Wind power is only for SINDH.

While the gov has not conducted any surveys on Balochistan WInd power capacity and specially Chaghai district in which has a large area as well as high intensity of wind blowing continuously.

the 27 billion barrels oil and 282 trillion cubic feet gas may not be EXACT but the estimated potential is near .
Out of this we have so far DISCOVERED and PROVEN very LESS ammount.

Most of it lies in FAR OFF places in Balochistan,Sindh,some of them in FATA.While much of oil is OOFSHORE in north arabian sea .

Coming back to Pipeline issue.I think Proud to be Pakistani

as you asked how would it replace Gas.As it is an oil pipeline.
India can also import Gas from Central Asian countries via TURKEY in the form of Liquid Natural gas Tankers.

But I wonder India will bear such a huge cost of first of all THE PIPELINE
then the LNG in TANKERS.
then from long route towards INDIA
then back to real Gas and in the Cars of Indians.

just Because They dont want to depend on Pakistan?????????

Lol its their choice what can we say:undecided::undecided:
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