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Turkey Likely To OK Indigenous Fighter Program


Sep 24, 2010
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Turkey Likely To OK Indigenous Fighter Program | Defense News | defensenews.com

ANKARATurkey’s government, procurement and industry officials widely expect Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to approve an ambitious program to build the country’s first indigenous fighter aircraft, amid doubts that Ankara could afford to buy it alongside the F-35 joint strike fighter.

A senior procurement official said the three draft models, one of which would become the first Turkish indigenous fighter jet, have been finalized.

“If and how we proceed from now on will be discussed and decided at the next committee meeting,” the procurement official said Jan. 20. “We expect the prime minister to rule in favor of going ahead to the development phase.”

The “committee” is the Defense Industry Executive Committee, chaired by Erdogan, which oversees top procurement decisions. The committee does not have a scheduled meeting, but sources say the next gathering is likely before local elections March 30.

The committee’s other members are Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz, Chief of General Staff Army Gen. Necdet Ozel and chief procurement official Murad Bayar.

Turkey has been in talks with Sweden’s Saab for pre-conceptual design work for the first Turkish national fighter jet. Saab produces the JAS 39 Gripen, a lightweight single-engine multirole fighter.

But industry sources say other foreign players could get involved in later stages. “It is not a secret that [Korea Aerospace Industries] is seeking to have a slot,” said one Western company source.

Turkey hopes that the indigenous TF-X will fly by 2023, the centennial of the republic. Turkey’s aerospace powerhouse, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), has been debating three designs.

“We have submitted our report on the three designs without delays. We hope that the government will give the go-ahead for [the next stage of] the program. We aim to sign a development contract this year,” said Ozcan Ertem, head of TAI’s aircraft group, in remarks carried by the semiofficial Anadolu news agency.

Another procurement official said all parties involved with TF-X met this month “to iron out differences between the procurement authorities and the Air Force over what ... TAI’s role should be.”

A government official said Erdogan could endorse the TF-X development contract. “I cannot speak on the prime minister’s behalf at this stage. And the findings of TAI’s report are not yet on his desk. All I can say is that this is one of his ‘prestige projects,’ ” he said.

But industry sources and experts have said that developing and building the first made-in-Turkey fighter while buying F-35s could be too costly for Turkey.

They say Turkey could face a US $50 billion bill in the next few decades if it decides to build an indigenous fighter jet and order scores of the US-led, multinational F-35 in a parallel move. Ankara intends to buy around 100 F-35s.

Industry experts say a number of Turkish companies, with experience earned as part of the US-led JSF program, now look more competent: Ayesas and KALE in aviation; TEI in engines; TAI in fuselage, design and integration; Aselsan in avionics, radars and electronics; Roketsan and MKEK in weapons systems; Ayesas and Milsoft in data software; and Meteksan in national data links.

As an earlier indication of a positive decision on the TF-X, former Transport Minister Binali Yildirim said in September that a plan for the design, development and production of a Turkish civilian aircraft, with 60 to 120 seats, already had been submitted to the Cabinet for approval
Conceptional Designs of TF-X

Likely it will be the twin Engine Configuration. We will see it in next few weeks after the SSKI session.
Likely it will be the twin Engine Configuration. We will see it in next few weeks after the SSKI session.

All the new 5th generation fighter jets are twin engined. Are there other conceptual configurations available for twin-engined jet for Turkey?
If this is the first time Turkey is building a jet fighter, it should build a 4.5 generation plane like Rafale or Typhoon. South Korea tried to build a 5th generation plane as well but then it realize that its way over their head as they had never build a plane. So they change the requirement to make it a 4.5 generation plane. Since Turkey is about as developed as South Korea if I'm being too generous, this would be the best step to take to ensure success.
If this is the first time Turkey is building a jet fighter, it should build a 4.5 generation plane like Rafale or Typhoon. South Korea tried to build a 5th generation plane as well but then it realize that its way over their head as they had never build a plane. So they change the requirement to make it a 4.5 generation plane. Since Turkey is about as developed as South Korea if I'm being too generous, this would be the best step to take to ensure success.
Why build something which is available now and will be ready in 2023 when all others have 5th/6th gen fighter-jets?
Doesnt sound logical,invest $120 bil.for a 4.5 gen fighter with engine,dont you think?
Why build something which is available now and will be ready in 2023 when all others have 5th/6th gen fighter-jets?
Doesnt sound logical,invest $120 bil.for a 4.5 gen fighter with engine,dont you think?

This is what S Korea is doing. And don't get me wrong, 4.5 gen fighters will be around beyond 2050. After building a 4.5 gen fighter, than they might build a 5th gen fighter.

Since Turkey never made a 4th gen fighter. Why not build a 4.5 gen fighter as a stepping stone to a 5th generation fighter? South Korea is doing it for a reason, and they probably see it as a prudent step.

Also, to go from no air plane to a 5th generation fighter is a big investment. I really doubt countries the size of Korea or Turkey can really accomplish it along.

maybe Turkey can team up with S Korea. But they would not take any one except someone being their junior partner.
This is what S Korea is doing. And don't get me wrong, 4.5 gen fighters will be around beyond 2050. After building a 4.5 gen fighter, than they might build a 5th gen fighter.

Since Turkey never made a 4th gen fighter. Why not build a 4.5 gen fighter as a stepping stone to a 5th generation fighter? South Korea is doing it for a reason, and they probably see it as a prudent step.

Also, to go from no air plane to a 5th generation fighter is a big investment. I really doubt countries the size of Korea or Turkey can really accomplish it along.

maybe Turkey can team up with S Korea. But they would not take any one except someone being their junior partner.

Thats right...Also 2023 goal is highly optimistic if you ask me...Considering we will develop(if we can) a 5th generation fighter from scratch with no experience and expertise in that field, 9 years is almost an impossible goal..
This is what S Korea is doing. And don't get me wrong, 4.5 gen fighters will be around beyond 2050. After building a 4.5 gen fighter, than they might build a 5th gen fighter.

Since Turkey never made a 4th gen fighter. Why not build a 4.5 gen fighter as a stepping stone to a 5th generation fighter? South Korea is doing it for a reason, and they probably see it as a prudent step.

Also, to go from no air plane to a 5th generation fighter is a big investment. I really doubt countries the size of Korea or Turkey can really accomplish it along.

maybe Turkey can team up with S Korea. But they would not take any one except someone being their junior partner.
The Turkish goal is to have an indigenous defence industry on par with the rest of the world.
Its like patch-work assembly i guess,bring in those who can help and move on from there.
For me the goal should be the engine,the most important thing.
Who knows maybe in a couple of years they will just stop the project.
The Turkish goal is to have an indigenous defence industry on par with the rest of the world.
Its like patch-work assembly i guess,bring in those who can help and move on from there.
For me the goal should be the engine,the most important thing.
Who knows maybe in a couple of years they will just stop the project.

I can see Turkey improve itself to match that of France, Germany, S Korea or Japan. So it need to focus on certain areas to improve itself. As of now, France, Germany and Japan are more technically more advance, so Turkey has a long way to go.

The engine field is especially difficult to over come. But not impossible. In Europe, Rolls Royce and Snecma are the leaders of the field. Turkey need to first work with them before becoming like them.

Who do you think that in couple of years, they will stop the project, the S Koreans? If this is the case, it would show how difficult that project is. And Turkey should aim to build a 4.5 gen plane if it still has no such capability. After that, it can move to a 5th gen plane.
I can see Turkey improve itself to match that of France, Germany, S Korea or Japan. So it need to focus on certain areas to improve itself. As of now, France, Germany and Japan are more technically more advance, so Turkey has a long way to go.

The engine field is especially difficult to over come. But not impossible. In Europe, Rolls Royce and Snecma are the leaders of the field. Turkey need to first work with them before becoming like them.

Who do you think that in couple of years, they will stop the project, the S Koreans? If this is the case, it would show how difficult that project is. And Turkey should aim to build a 4.5 gen plane if it still has no such capability. After that, it can move to a 5th gen plane.
The Turkish government could stop the Turkish project.
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