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Turkey - Libya Military Cooperation | News, Updates, and Discussions


Feb 9, 2014
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Turkey - Libya Military Cooperation Thread


Some info to get the thread started off.​
  • During a joint press conference with Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul, Zeidan said Libya was looking to buy 20,000 military uniforms and 20,000 weapons of various types from Turkey. "We have reached a preliminary consensus with Turkey on the purchase of the above-mentioned arms," he said.
  • Libya was interested in buying Turkish assault boats for its coastguard and his country also requires helicopters. (On 3 January 2013, the Libyan delegation visited the facilities of Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) in Ankara and inspected the T129 attack helicopter)
  • Around 1,000 Libyan soldiers trained in late 2013 at the Egirdir Mountain Commando School in Isparta province in southwestern Turkey. Another 2,000 will be training in Isparta under an earlier agreement. "Turkey is the most suitable place for the training of our security forces," Zeidan said.
  • Libyan armed forces are reportedly in touch with Turkey's Otokar for the purchase of an unspecified number of Arma and Cobra armoured vehicles.
  • In terms of a defence and security co-operation agreement signed between the two government in April 2012, Turkey will train nearly 3 000 Libyan troops in line with a EU-led mission to rebuild the Libyan Army and strengthen national defence and security institutions
  • Commander Mustafa al-Majbri, who is responsible for communication in the NTC (National Transitional Council), and Commander Ibrahim al-Brigti, were pleased with the training by former Turkish special ops officers in Benghazi. Around 3,000 members of the Libyan opposition's military force, including those who are in volunteer groups affiliated with the al-Majbri tribe, were reportedly trained by the Turks.
  • 2014 268 Libyan Commando Graduate in Turkey
Libya Sent 34 Air Force Student to Turkish Air Force
268 Libyan commandos graduate in Turkey
Libya and Turkey continue to expand defence ties - IHS Jane's 360
Turkey, Libya sign high-level strategic cooperation agreement - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Turkey to train Libyan military, NTC's Abdul Jalil says - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

@xxxKULxxx @Sinan @xenon54 @T-123456 @usernameless @olcayt0 @Neptune @cabatli_53 @revojam @Casus Belli @ozi2000 @damm1t @MrTopal27 @LegionnairE @Bubblegum Crisis @Yzd Khalifa @BaybarsHan @BLACKEAGLE

can you guys help me out? Maybe add some pictures from other threads or full articles.:bounce:
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İ love how people keep mentioning the wrong Olcayto :)
İt's time to find me a profile picture, so that people don't confuse me with that.
Accoding to Defence Minister İsmet YILMAZ delivery of T-129 ATAKs will start next month...

First export deal of T-129 is expected to be with Libya...

Look last part of news for statements about defence industry...


Interesting !!!
Did Libya describe such a requirement before? Atak is quite complicated product which is able to change the strength balances of countries. If Libya purchases some, I think Some other countries will follow.


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Turkey - Libya Military Cooperation Thread


Some info to get the thread started off.​
  • During a joint press conference with Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul, Zeidan said Libya was looking to buy 20,000 military uniforms and 20,000 weapons of various types from Turkey. "We have reached a preliminary consensus with Turkey on the purchase of the above-mentioned arms," he said.
  • Libya was interested in buying Turkish assault boats for its coastguard and his country also requires helicopters. (On 3 January 2013, the Libyan delegation visited the facilities of Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) in Ankara and inspected the T129 attack helicopter)
  • Around 1,000 Libyan soldiers trained in late 2013 at the Egirdir Mountain Commando School in Isparta province in southwestern Turkey. Another 2,000 will be training in Isparta under an earlier agreement. "Turkey is the most suitable place for the training of our security forces," Zeidan said.
  • Libyan armed forces are reportedly in touch with Turkey's Otokar for the purchase of an unspecified number of Arma and Cobra armoured vehicles.
  • In terms of a defence and security co-operation agreement signed between the two government in April 2012, Turkey will train nearly 3 000 Libyan troops in line with a EU-led mission to rebuild the Libyan Army and strengthen national defence and security institutions
  • Commander Mustafa al-Majbri, who is responsible for communication in the NTC (National Transitional Council), and Commander Ibrahim al-Brigti, were pleased with the training by former Turkish special ops officers in Benghazi. Around 3,000 members of the Libyan opposition's military force, including those who are in volunteer groups affiliated with the al-Majbri tribe, were reportedly trained by the Turks.
  • 2014 268 Libyan Commando Graduate in Turkey
Libya Sent 34 Air Force Student to Turkish Air Force
268 Libyan commandos graduate in Turkey
Libya and Turkey continue to expand defence ties - IHS Jane's 360
Turkey, Libya sign high-level strategic cooperation agreement - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Turkey to train Libyan military, NTC's Abdul Jalil says - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

@xxxKULxxx @Sinan @xenon54 @T-123456 @usernameless @olcayt0 @Neptune @cabatli_53 @revojam @Casus Belli @ozi2000 @damm1t @MrTopal27 @LegionnairE @Bubblegum Crisis @Yzd Khalifa @BaybarsHan @BLACKEAGLE

can you guys help me out? Maybe add some pictures from other threads or full articles.:bounce:

Turkey should help out Libya, Algeria and Tunisia in making ship/Sub building complex, Mechanical complex, Electrical/Electonic Complex and Aero nautical complex.
Turkey and china had billions of dollar investment before military intervention in Libya, so it will be save our interests and investments if we co-operate with new management and maybe we replace the gap where chienese have left.
Turkey Sees Promise in Libyan Market

Turkey’s procurement officials are hoping to penetrate into the emerging Libyan arms market, especially with aerial platforms Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) is developing.

“We are hopeful about a powerful entry,” one senior procurement official said. “The Libyans are keen to explore possibilities of cooperation.”

Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan visited TAI production facilities on Jan. 3, the company announced. It said that he was briefed on the possible sale of the T-129 ATAK attack and tactical reconnaissance helicopter and the Hurkus basic trainer aircraft.

A TAI official said the company hoped to launch talks on potential sales of both platforms to Libya.

“Libya could be a promising market soon,” he said. “Especially in view of the fact that political relations are excellent.”

TAI has been developing the T-129 in partnership with the Italian-British AgustaWestland. Earlier, TAI launched talks on potential sales to Pakistan, Jordan and Azerbaijan.

The initial T-129A is being used for flight testing while the full specification T-129B is still under development. For any sales deal, however, Turkey must obtain US permission to export the LHTEC CTS800-4N engine powering the T-129.

The TAI official also said that Libya, which is still trying to improve its Air Force after a revolution toppled former leader Moammar Gadhafi, could be a potential buyer for the Hurkus trainer.

The Turkish government Dec. 26 signed a contract for the serial production of two versions of the Hurkus, an indigenous trainer aircraft developed by TAI. TAI has said the Hurkus-A, an analog cockpit-base model, made its maiden flight Aug. 23. It has flown a total of 800 hours in 15 sorties since then.

The contract involves the production of 15 Hurkus-Bs, an advanced version with improved avionics. Turkey’s military electronics specialist, Aselsan, will be tasked to produce military avionics for the aircraft.

TAI also said the contract involves conceptual design work for the Hurkus-C, an armed aircraft with aerial support, reconnaissance and surveillance roles.

The two-seat Hurkus will have a maximum lifespan of 10,500 flight hours, or about 35 years. The turboprop has a single 1,600-horsepower engine and can fly at a height of 10,577 meters at a maximum speed of 574 kilometers per hour.

The Hurkus will be equipped for day and night flying, as well as for basic pilot training, instrument flying, navigation training, and weapons and formation training. It will have good visibility from both cockpits, with a 50-degree down-view angle from the rear cockpit, ejection seats, an on-board oxygen generation system, an environmental control system, an anti-G system, and shock-absorbing landing gear for training missions. ■

Turkey Sees Promise in Libyan Market | Defense News | defensenews.com
Libyan Soldiers Graduate From a Commando School in Turkey.
Meanwhile, militia leaders says it's all empty talk.

Turkey to set up Military Academy in Libya

Nearly 300 members of the Libyan Army have returned home after successfully completing a commando training course in Turkey as part of an international military programme to train more than 15 000 Libyan troops over the next decade.
In terms of agreements signed between the Libyan government and partner nations, the troops will be trained in Turkey, Italy, France and the United Kingdom and by the US Army at selected military bases in Bulgaria.​
The Libyan Herald quoted Turkish embassy official Tufan Hobek as saying only 300 soldiers from an initial group of 440 soldiers who were recruited in Libya last year completed the gruelling training programme at a Turkish military academy near the city of Isparta.​
“One of the reasons for this was that some recruits found the training too challenging,” Hobek said. He said the graduates, who had prior military training in Libya, were taken through drills which included further lessons in martial arts, operational drills and lessons in moral and religious guidance, national and cultural awareness.​
Hobek said a second batch of Libyan Army personnel which includes 51 military cadets drawn from all army and air force units will leave for training at Turkish army schools in the capital Ankara and the commando academy near the city of Isparta. Libyan Army officials said another batch of recruits will leave for training at a British military academy this month.​
According to Hobek, the Turkish government has plans to help the Libyan government set up a military academy for the in-country training of special forces in the Libyan town of Tajoura and may establish a military hospital in Tripoli if the two governments agree on terms.
Turkey is expected to train more than 3 000 selected Libyan Army personnel in the near future. The return of the first Turkish-trained group coincided with the arrival of two of an expected 11 members of the US Army delegation in Tripoli to help the government with logistics and the vetting of recruits for the upcoming US-run special forces training programme set to begin in Bulgaria in July.​
In terms of an agreement signed last year with former Prime Minister Ali Zeidan, the US Army will train up to 8 000 Libyan soldiers as part of the international effort to rebuild the nation’s military, which collapsed during the 2011 civil war.​
Like the programme offered in Turkey, the US training programme in Bulgaria will be run by up to 300 US instructors and will accommodate small groups enrolled on a rotational basis over an undisclosed number of years.​
The security situation inside Libya has deteriorated seriously over the past six months with a surge in extra-judicial killings through bombings and assassinations targeting foreign embassies and staff, former and serving members of the security forces, government officials.​
Last month, the government appealed once more for international support in securing and stabilising the country following a car bomb which killed several military cadets in Benghazi. Justice minister Salah Marghani called on the international community to intervene and stop the killing of Libyans and foreigners.​
"The country has no army and no police force. Libyans must decide if they want a state or they want warlords. What is going on in Benghazi and Derna is terrorism and we must declare a state of emergency in Benghazi and fight back.​
“Asking for international assistance in this fight is not a violation of Libyan sovereignty. What violates our sovereignty is the killing of these youth in cold blood. What is needed is to arrest them and bring to justice and the government cannot do that because these criminals are fully armed," Marghani said.​
In its latest assessment of security assistance programmes and the general security situation in Libya, the European Union said its border security programme in Libya has started delivering results despite the fact that the situation remains very unstable.​
"In the field of security, the priorities remain (i) ensuring law and order through professional law enforcement agents, (ii) establishing a national security architecture, (iii) the establishment of state security institutions and forces, including political engagement with the ex-fighters (iv) border control and management, (v) arms control (arms and ammunitions decommission), (vi) countering terrorism, human trafficking, smuggling and organized crime," the EU said.

300 Libyan Army soldiers return from training in Turkey | defenceWeb
“Asking for international assistance in this fight is not a violation of Libyan sovereignty. What violates our sovereignty is the killing of these youth in cold blood.
Interesting !!!
Did Libya describe such a requirement before? Atak is quite complicated product which is able to change the strength balances of countries. If Libya purchases some, I think Some other countries will follow.


i hope Tunisia will be next .... i love it

the terrorists in Libya they are not just thereat for Libya ... they are thereat for Tunisia too
Turkey - Libya Military Cooperation Thread


Some info to get the thread started off.​
  • During a joint press conference with Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul, Zeidan said Libya was looking to buy 20,000 military uniforms and 20,000 weapons of various types from Turkey. "We have reached a preliminary consensus with Turkey on the purchase of the above-mentioned arms," he said.
  • Libya was interested in buying Turkish assault boats for its coastguard and his country also requires helicopters. (On 3 January 2013, the Libyan delegation visited the facilities of Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) in Ankara and inspected the T129 attack helicopter)
  • Around 1,000 Libyan soldiers trained in late 2013 at the Egirdir Mountain Commando School in Isparta province in southwestern Turkey. Another 2,000 will be training in Isparta under an earlier agreement. "Turkey is the most suitable place for the training of our security forces," Zeidan said.
  • Libyan armed forces are reportedly in touch with Turkey's Otokar for the purchase of an unspecified number of Arma and Cobra armoured vehicles.
  • In terms of a defence and security co-operation agreement signed between the two government in April 2012, Turkey will train nearly 3 000 Libyan troops in line with a EU-led mission to rebuild the Libyan Army and strengthen national defence and security institutions
  • Commander Mustafa al-Majbri, who is responsible for communication in the NTC (National Transitional Council), and Commander Ibrahim al-Brigti, were pleased with the training by former Turkish special ops officers in Benghazi. Around 3,000 members of the Libyan opposition's military force, including those who are in volunteer groups affiliated with the al-Majbri tribe, were reportedly trained by the Turks.
  • 2014 268 Libyan Commando Graduate in Turkey
Libya Sent 34 Air Force Student to Turkish Air Force
268 Libyan commandos graduate in Turkey
Libya and Turkey continue to expand defence ties - IHS Jane's 360
Turkey, Libya sign high-level strategic cooperation agreement - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Turkey to train Libyan military, NTC's Abdul Jalil says - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

@xxxKULxxx @Sinan @xenon54 @T-123456 @usernameless @olcayt0 @Neptune @cabatli_53 @revojam @Casus Belli @ozi2000 @damm1t @MrTopal27 @LegionnairE @Bubblegum Crisis @Yzd Khalifa @BaybarsHan @BLACKEAGLE

can you guys help me out? Maybe add some pictures from other threads or full articles.:bounce:
That Lybian flag is outdated.
Turkey's role in Libya and in the MENA in the general is anything but honorable.
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