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Turkey, Israel to face new crisis over Göktürk project


Oct 19, 2010
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Turkey and Israel, two countries that have had strained relations since an Israeli attack on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla killed nine Turks last year, are likely to face a new crisis over Turkey’s Göktürk electro-optical satellite project, which will pave the way for the Turkish military to gather its own intelligence.

The project will enable Turkey to acquire high-resolution images for military intelligence in Europe, the Caucasus and the Middle East. It will also strengthen Turkey’s hand in fighting the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

Concerned that the satellite will gather images of its territory, Israel has pressured France, which is working on the construction of the satellite in cooperation with the Italian-based company Telespazio, to stop the project. Given the possibility that its efforts in France may yield no results, Israeli officials are also lobbying in Ankara.

Once the satellite is launched in 2012, Turkey will be able to sell the images it obtains to other countries as well. Israel is currently attempting to negotiate with Turkish officials in order to ensure Turkey does not sell images of Israel to other states and Palestine. However, the response from Turkish officials was clear: “We will decide how to use the images taken by our satellite.”

Speaking to Today’s Zaman, high-level officials from the Turkish Defense Ministry said: “For years, Israel has obtained images of our territory. For the first time, we will have a satellite for intelligence. Reciprocity is essential in international relations. If they observe Turkish soil, Turkey has the same right, too.”

Turkey’s defense and procurement authorities completed the deal with Telespazio for the construction and launch of the country’s first military satellite, Göktürk, in 2009. The 250-million-euro contract was signed on July 16, 2009 at a ceremony attended by representatives of Telespazio and top Turkish officials, including Defense Minister Vecdi Gönül and Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM) head Murad Bayar.

The agreement includes the provision of an Earth-observation satellite equipped with a high-resolution optical sensor, the building of an integration and test center for satellites in Turkey and the entire ground control system that will carry out in-orbit operations, data acquisition and processing.

In September, Ankara slammed Israel with sanctions that include reduced diplomatic ties and a hold on all military agreements in the immediate aftermath of details being leaked of a UN report on the Gaza flotilla attack. Turkey has demanded an apology from Israel, compensation for the families of the flotilla victims and the removal of the Gaza blockade before the countries can normalize relations. The UN report revealed it considers the Israeli navy’s blockade of Gaza to be legal.

source: Turkey, Israel to face new crisis over Göktürk project

We've had this discussion in an earlier thread, so I'd like to ask people to only write, if they can keep it civil.

My first question is, if Israel, france, USA, China and others can have their own recon satellite why shouldn't we have one as well. I know Israel likes to use the argument "they'll give the information to Hamas or Iran", but why would we do that ? Is it because Israel themselves give such information to PKK ?

When facing arguments like the one I mentioned above, I am thinking maybe Israel really is using the PKK to a certain point. I know they IDF made a mess on mavi Marmara and they have chosen to let it spiral out of control. But this project was on the run long before the incident at mavi marmara. Another thing to remember is that the mavi marmara was an NGO initiative, but that's a different topic.

Lastly I think that many countries who harbour ill will against Turkey don't want to see her win against the terror because a Turkey in constant turmoil on the eastern part is beneficial to their cause. Which literally tells us their true standing, their hand of friendship is a dobble edged sword.

It was like that in the past, and they're trying to hold on to that method today.

Please refrain from provocative responses, i'll ask a mod to remove it. (should be possible since I've given a fair warning and this is a thread I've started :) )
zaman & todays zaman :tdown:

we should forget about Arabs, Israel or Iran! and just walk one our way!!! ( guess we are doing it anayway)

may be some PR thats it!! appealing to ME audience once in a while!

they are all in deep sh..
source: Turkey, Israel to face new crisis over Göktürk project

We've had this discussion in an earlier thread, so I'd like to ask people to only write, if they can keep it civil.

My first question is, if Israel, france, USA, China and others can have their own recon satellite why shouldn't we have one as well. I know Israel likes to use the argument "they'll give the information to Hamas or Iran", but why would we do that ? Is it because Israel themselves give such information to PKK ?

When facing arguments like the one I mentioned above, I am thinking maybe Israel really is using the PKK to a certain point. I know they IDF made a mess on mavi Marmara and they have chosen to let it spiral out of control. But this project was on the run long before the incident at mavi marmara. Another thing to remember is that the mavi marmara was an NGO initiative, but that's a different topic.

Lastly I think that many countries who harbour ill will against Turkey don't want to see her win against the terror because a Turkey in constant turmoil on the eastern part is beneficial to their cause. Which literally tells us their true standing, their hand of friendship is a dobble edged sword.

It was like that in the past, and they're trying to hold on to that method today.

Please refrain from provocative responses, i'll ask a mod to remove it. (should be possible since I've given a fair warning and this is a thread I've started :) )

Hi Saithan

Your argument holds good ground, Turkey has the right to have surveillance satellite & decision to have or n't have one is Turkey's, no argument about this. Hamas & Iran pose threats to the existence of Israel (or believed by Israel), but this is not the case in terms of PKK-Turkey conflict. Israel wl to everything/anything to plan or secure itself from possible dangerous scenarios of future.

So, if Turkey want to go ahead with deployment of proposed satellite, it must take Israel into confidence before doing that.

Note: It is just my individual opinion, so no -ve commenting at my nation plz.
My first question is, if Israel, france, USA, China and others can have their own recon satellite why shouldn't we have one as well. I know Israel likes to use the argument "they'll give the information to Hamas or Iran", but why would we do that ? Is it because Israel themselves give such information to PKK ?
Erdogan planed strategic alliance with Syria and Iran (before the riots), now he wants strategic aliance with Egypt. Thats why Israel set conditions for selling its optics. Israel is a leader in small spy satellites. Turkey did not agree and bought less capable Italian optics. As you wish.

When facing arguments like the one I mentioned above, I am thinking maybe Israel really is using the PKK to a certain point.
There is no any evidence for it. We know that Erdogans people talk with PKK.
Erdogan planed strategic alliance with Syria and Iran (before the riots), now he wants strategic aliance with Egypt. Thats why Israel set conditions for selling its optics. Israel is a leader in small spy satellites. Turkey did not agree and bought less capable Italian optics. As you wish.

There is no any evidence for it. We know that Erdogans people talk with PKK.
I'm starting to get convinced that you're oblivious to international relations.
Erdogan planed strategic alliance with Syria and Iran (before the riots), now he wants strategic aliance with Egypt. Thats why Israel set conditions for selling its optics. Israel is a leader in small spy satellites. Turkey did not agree and bought less capable Italian optics. As you wish.

There is no any evidence for it. We know that Erdogans people talk with PKK.

I get your point, and of course Israel should feel secure since Turkey was one of the first countries to recognize Israel. Anyhow regarding Erdogans ppl talking with the PKK. It's a bad call from the get-go, but when EU isn't taking active steps against the terrorist organization and our neighbours are also using the PKK to a certain point. I feel that off the chart dialogue is one of the few options we have.

Personally I think 10000 ANKA, HERON, or the US bombers, with 100% reliable trustworthy commanders and soldiers in the turkish army would be all we need. I have just recently been in Turkey and spoke with my uncle who knows a great deal. He also mentioned that unfortunately there seems to be commanders in the army that are working against the country. Thus I believe you need Turkish Muslim inquisitor (in that order) who keep an eye on the commanders, and put a bullet through their skull when they have evidence of treason, no need to put them on trial. Or give MIT extended authority (aka CIA, NSA). It'll probably cost billions to have something like that, but I think we need it. just my personal opinion.

Don't get me wrong, I love my country and Allah knows that we have our mistakes, but we're working to improve them, and we've made bad calls in the past. But under no circumstances will I show mercy on anyone who's working against my country.
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