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Turkey helped Israeli to attack Syria and Turkey base used for attack.

BS pictures,the warehouse is bombed but all the longside walls are intact?
RT is anti-Turkey and Israel at the same time. Unless a solid proof is shown, then we might understand what was going on.

On other note, Israel has the capability to hit Syria without seeking assistance from Turkey, Jordan or Cyprus, or the hellz.
This issue is not clear for many people so let me clear.

Erdogan agreed to normalize our relation ship with Israel based on 3 conditions.

1-) Apology (Accomplished)
2-) Compansate the families of the victims (Negotiations going on)
3-) Lift of the blockade to Gaza (Nothing done)

So there is no normalization going on and we don't expect any soon. Forget military reletions we don't have a ambassador in Israel.

So RT even don't know if the attack was carried on with air force or submarines, but accuses Turkey with allowing Israel to use it's bases. Anyone can see the contradiction !

PressTV and RT produces the most ridiculous news. This one is no exception.

Helped? much like it was AN ORDER.... anyways, nothing confirmed yet...

The Israelis have been bombing your Assad's Syria for ages now, and you have the audacity to bad-mouth Turkey? :lol:
RT is anti-Turkey and Israel at the same time. Unless a solid proof is shown, then we might understand what was going on.

On other note, Israel has the capability to hit Syria without seeking assistance from Turkey, Jordan or Cyprus, or the hellz.

The Israelis have been bombing your Assad's Syria for ages now, and you have the audacity to bad-mouth Turkey? :lol:

They're not strong enough to challenge Israel because Israel is actually willing to use their military. They talk crap on Turkey because our Sultan can't do anything.
They're not strong enough to challenge Israel because Israel is actually willing to use their military. They talk crap on Turkey because our Sultan can't do anything.

Sultân? He can't even be the toe of a sultan not a finger of Atatürk and he tried comparing himself, he came from the mountains officially a georgian god knows how he became PM. He's not even a man all he can do is talk unlike Israel who can act, these are the type of people Atatürk hanged, I await those days when a proper leader comes hangs these like adnan Menderes or kill him like özal. We need a proper leader like Putin a real man, patriot, nationalist not a PM who only thinks about building more mosques and think about if people are drinking alcohols or not.

Aside from the last sultans they would go into battle themselves risk their lives fight like a man, like Atatürk as well if theirs a war these AKP rats will be the first to flee.
As you can see,some walls are gone but on the Syrian picture all walls stand.
Bombs at present should be stronger then those of WWII.

This is the most pathetic thing about the Muslim world. Anytime Israel is involved, whoever is slightly aligned with them freaks out and starts bashing them just to distance themselves.

I have no problem if Turkey let Israel use our base in this instance.
Could you also explain who is freaking out?
I dont see anyone freaking out.
As you can see,some walls are gone but on the Syrian picture all walls stand.

Could you also explain who is freaking out?
I dont see anyone freaking out.

No one is "freaking out", yes but there's no reason the Turkish FM needs to even comment on something that's such a rumor.

Also. People do and have freaked out before. Remember how the USA had to restrain Israel desperately so the Gulf War wouldn't lose Arab support? @500 could probably tell you a little about it lol
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No one is "freaking out", yes but there's no reason the Turkish FM needs to even comment on something that's such a rumor.

Also. People do and have freaked out before. Remember how the USA had to restrain Israel desperately so the Gulf War wouldn't lose Arab support? @500 could probably tell you a little about it lol
You are right about the Fm,but you know how he rolls.
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All players in the Middle east are eqaully important,when people realize that then there is a chance for peace.
We should stop blaming evrything on the ''jews''.
What our ''like to be Sultan''does is making enemies where there were none.
Yes, but that isn't the whole story though. Apparently, the Russians are so made at Turkey for some reasons.

When Turkey showed more interests in the S-400 than the S-300, the Russians accuse Turkey for not wanting to do business with them.

When Turkey mobilized some Patriot air defence batteries, the Russians accuse Turkey of destabilizing the region.

When Turkey boosts up the industrialization of its military machines, we here the same comments.

When Turkey tries to take a regional role in the ME - i.e. restoring its relation with the Jews - the Russian RT says Turkey is betraying ISLAM - as if Russia was a Muslim country LoLz.

When Turkey cuts its own budget to feed the Syrian refugees, the Russians keep coming back for more stating that Turkey is escalating the situation more and more.

Do you see a pattern?

I'm sick and tired from RT's intentional propaganda aginst Turkey, and her friends. Maybe we should ask the Qataris to make Al-Jazeera Russian or do something on our own.
They're not strong enough to challenge Israel because Israel is actually willing to use their military. They talk crap on Turkey because our Sultan can't do anything.
The Israelis have been bombing your Assad's Syria for ages now, and you have the audacity to bad-mouth Turkey? :lol:

SAA have already retaliated by destroying their F$A terrorists army in Homs and all over across Syria...
As you can see,some walls are gone but on the Syrian picture all walls stand.
Bombs at present should be stronger then those of WWII.
Not necessary. Today munition is accurate, you can hit the window. In ww2 they carpet bombed cities.
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