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Turkey gets culled from US defence program in warning sign for India.

LOL you know very well why the Yanks treat its slave India with silk gloves. I have already explained this in my previous posts.

I will give this much to India. They are playing all sides pretty nicely until it lasts. The Indians are obviously using the China card in their favor. The Yanks are going along for the moment and buying the Indian narrative. Remember that these are the same Americans that turned a blind eye to our nuclear program when they needed us against USSR. The Americans look at the bigger picture and right now containing China is a much bigger goal than curbing India to aqcuire sensitive Russian weapons systems.

Like I said, the US is very much cognizant that providing India with continues exemptions undermines their own interests. For the time being the Americans are willing to turn a blind eye.
PRC is going to live forever and US would continue favouring Bharat.They won't press Bharat.
PRC is going to live forever and US would continue favouring Bharat.They won't press Bharat.

We will see about that. Judging by history the Yanks have a habit of disposing nations. I won't bet against things turning sour eventually.

The Americans don't care about India. They only care about their interests. As long as American interests dictate that India is required to contain China, India shall continue to receive preferential treatment.
No doubt India is appeasing both sides for the moment. Of course the Yanks fully know this, but are forced to accept the Indian duplicity. The Yanks need India in our region. Otherwise no poodle "ally" will be left for the US.

I love it how the US keeps making empty isolation and economic threats to various nations and provide exemptions to her slave India. The US keeps undermining her own sanctions.
India may get special dispensation. Turkey is USA's enemy so they stood no chance of any such leeway.
india will buy u.s junk at high price to be able to get s400 from russia.Actually india is required to pay same amount to u.s for each weapon it buys from russia in order to keep u.s satisfied
India may get special dispensation. Turkey is USA's enemy so they stood no chance of any such leeway.

The Americans are applying double standards because they weigh all the pros and cons.

If some believe that India is smart, just wait till you see how cunning the Yanks are.

The Yanks are turning a blind eye because it serves their purpose. They are not providing exemptions to India because they are in love with Modi. They are doing it because they are looking at the bigger picture. Like I said, the bigger picture is to contain China. The US cannot contain China all alone even though they are trying with all their might. They need an accomplice and a Golum like slave. India fits the description perfectly.

I also think that eventually the honeymoon fever between US and India will die down. Especially when the US is going to realise that China is not USSR. China is smart and calm. China learns from history. China won't repeat the same mistakes as previous superpowers made against the US. The US can gang up with as many India's as it likes. It won't have the desired effect.

Besides, the US is in a lot of trouble with Trump. The US has lost an incredible amount of standing in the world. Internally it is weaker and divided as ever. China is watching calmly from the sidelines. The amount of damage Trump has inflicted in the past 4 years is colossal. US state institutions are divided. The US security apparatus is clueless and playing the wait game. The US has burnt many bridges including with their European allies. The US status quo is waiting for elections and praying for change.
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We will see about that. Judging by history the Yanks have a habit of disposing nations. I won't bet against things turning sour eventually.

The Americans don't care about India. They only care about their interests. As long as American interests dictate that India is required to contain China, India shall continue to receive preferential treatment.
Not only Yanks...Every Self respecting nation care about their national interest only...
The Americans are applying double standards because they weigh all the pros and cons.

If some believe that India is smart, just wait till you see how cunning the Yanks are.

The Yanks are turning a blind eye because it serves their purpose. They are not providing exemptions to India because they are in love with Modi. They are doing it because they are looking at the bigger picture. Like I said, the bigger picture is to contain China. The US cannot contain all alone even though they are trying with all their might. They need an accomplice and a Golum like slave. India fits the description perfectly.

I also think that eventually the honeymoon fever between US and India will die down. Especially when the US is going to realise that China is not USSR. China is smart and calm. China learns from history. China won't repeat the same mistakes as previous superpowers made against the US.

Besides, the US is in a lot of trouble with Trump. The US has lost an incredible amount of standing in the world. Internally it is weaker and divided as ever. China is watching calmly from the sidelines. The amount of damage Trump has inflicted in the past 4 years is colossal. US state institutions are divided. The US security apparatus is clueless and playing the wait game. The US status quo is waiting for elections and praying for change.
Your butt hurt is very visible in all your posts. We are not slaves of US like you.

Apply Burnlol. LOL!
LOL you are more than a slave. Your role is to contain China. Try denying that.
Containing China is in our mutual interest..Specialy after Chinese policy of Strings Of Pearls.So their nothing slave about that..We are doing what is good for OUR National Interest...

Btw that has been our policy since 1947..National interest before anything else...
We made a mistake and paid the ultimate price. No doubt Pakistan was a client state of USA. If you have a pair of functioning eyes you would know that by now instead of asking rhetorical questions.

Now it is your turn. The roles are reversed. Don't be irked. Call center jobs, generous visas, advanced weapons, nuke tech and all other goodies are not freebies. They are bribes because your nation has to deliver. You know the job which is to contain China.

Remember that you are using the China card to milk the Yanks. The Yanks won't forget. They always note down names.

Any alliance is based on mutual interests, it is in our interest to create a counter balance to the Chinese military strength.
Jobs, visas, investments were happening a few decades ago, business as usual. China recived lot of support from USA with all US companies moving jobs(manufacturing) to China. Doesn't mean its bribe or some grand scheme.
India always maintains its independent policy, US can't dictate its will, we won't allow their drones to bomb our people unlike some.

Remember it was US in past now it's China who is using you guys. The aim is to contain India. If anyone has potential to challenge China its India. Not that we are anywhere near them at present. But once China was decades behind US and it proves things can change real fast.
You will pay the ultimate price to China too.
You guys think CPEC is great for your nation, I hope it is, best of luck to you guys.

But there are reasons that the information about its details or structure is not public. It won't ever happen in India.

Our democracy is too strong to let anyone else decide our fate but us.
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