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Turkey did not invite India to appease Pak


May 31, 2010
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Turkey did not invite India for meet on Afghanistan to appease Pak: WikiLeaks

India was deliberately kept out of the Turkey-sponsored meeting on Afghanistan earlier this year to address the “sensitivities” of Pakistan, according to the documents released by WikiLeaks.

Reflecting Islamabad’s insistence at every international fora that New Delhi be kept out of any meeting on Afghanistan, a top Turkish diplomat told U.S. officials early this year that India was kept out to address the concerns of Pakistan, WikiLeaks said.

At a meeting with the U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, William Burns, Rauf Engin Soysal, who then was the Turkey’s Deputy Under-Secretary for Bilateral Political Affairs responsible for the Middle East, South Asia and Africa, said Turkey had not invited India to the Afghan neighbours summit in deference to Pak sensitivities.

Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari and Afghan President Hamid Karzai met in Istanbul for a Turkish—sponsored talks to discuss cooperation against extremists in Afghanistan earlier this year.

“He (Soysal) said Turkey had not invited India to the neighbours summit in deference to Pakistani sensitivities; however, he claimed, Pakistan understands attempting to exclude India from the nascent South Asian regional structures would be a mistake,” says the confidential State Department cable dated February 25, 2010.

Mr. Soysal, a former Turkish Ambassador to the Pakistan from 2007 to 2009, and his country’s Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan in September was appointed by the U.N. Secretary General, Ban Ki—moon, as the Special Envoy for Assistance to Pakistan.

“He (Soysal) reported Indian Prime Minister Singh had requested (Turkish) President Gul’s assistance with Pakistan during the latter’s visit to New Delhi the previous week.

Acting on that request, Gul had phoned Pakistani President Zardari, who was sceptical of Indian intentions. Gul is planning to visit Pakistan later this year,” the cable said.

“Soysal said Iran is proposing a quadrilateral summit, which would include Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan, but that proposal had yet to generate enthusiasm,” it said.

Mr. Soysal, according to the cable, said the Pakistani military, though displeased with the President, Asif Ali Zardari, remains unwilling to intervene; nevertheless, senior officers’ patience may not be infinite.

“Zardari needs to increase the democratic legitimacy of Parliament. Soysal offered. Nawaz Sharif has become a much more constructive player,” said the State Department cable as released by WikiLeaks.

The Hindu : News : Turkey did not invite India for meet on Afghanistan to appease Pak: WikiLeaks
well saying this is very early
u can see how much uproar 220 odd docs have created
now think about the whole 2.5 lakh
huh.....i for that matter am very very excited
whether its sumthing bad against india or not
India isnt the only one with political clout, Pakistan has its own as well and we have started to flex our political muscle as far as Afghan theater is concerned.
Big deal --- Afghans and US (the two parties that matter) want us there.

Turkey can take a hike.
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India isnt the only one with political clout, Pakistan has its own as well and we have started to flex our political muscle as far as Afghan theater is concerned.

When it comes to spreading its political clout, I am sure most of your countrymen disagree with you. They frequently complain of too much American interference, decreasing sovereign writ in some area and supposedly old friends (Saudi etc.) paying more attention to India.
Turkey,forcefully trying to act like a major players.
But i think it should understand that the world doesn't give a D@mn to it.
It is of a small global importance.
It is the same thing as India not inviting Turkey to discuss peace process in Congo, Namibia or Somalia. Doesn't make a squat of a difference.

By the way I am bit skeptical about how authentic the WikiLeaks info is. How does one know if it was not manipulated before it was released?
actually it was the US initially that kept you out of there..as per wikileaks

Then that means they have realised their fault as Obama explicity asked India to play an 'important' role in re-constructing Afganistan while he was on his honey-moon here.
Turkey,forcefully trying to act like a major players.
But i think it should understand that the world doesn't give a D@mn to it.
It is of a small global importance.

Thats what u think, I can understand the pain that you would be in that they chose us over you guys. And mind u when it comes to Afghanistan Turks have as much say in whats and whats not of it like any other country involved.
Then that means they have realised their fault as Obama explicity asked India to play an 'important' role in re-constructing Afganistan while he was on his honey-moon here.

look man im not really trying to make India look bad or affirm that Pakistan got a score there or something. Its just the way it is, one thing you will find among pakistani and indian people is that they care too much about their image..That blinds us to some hardcore realities, you can take Obama's words of appeasement and feel happy but if a country cant seem to win a war with a country which is fighting with literally just AK-47's against their mighty Raptors and Hornets then you have to admit that they really don't know what the f**k they are doing there..Di**k measuring contests are good but Afghanistan is a wrong place to do it no matter who you want to score a point against
India isnt the only one with political clout, Pakistan has its own as well and we have started to flex our political muscle as far as Afghan theater is concerned.

"however, he claimed, Pakistan understands attempting to exclude India from the nascent South Asian regional structures would be a mistake"

Then that means they have realised their fault as Obama explicity asked India to play an 'important' role in re-constructing Afganistan while he was on his honey-moon here.

Logistically speaking we lost in 71 because it was separated from us with u in the middle. Now same is the case in Afghanistan. Say what you guys may and no matter how loud you scream indias intentions in Afghanistan have more to it then the reconstruction label that you guys put on it. Afghanistan is a logistical nightmare for you to handle. And after the allies cut down on their activities it wont be easy pickings any more.

Also note that I am all for a stable Afghanistan, and I am sure that if we had a choice Pakistan would have not wanted to get involved, But they had to because of the happenings, like I had always said we were the victims of our surroundings. It had more to do with the choices that we were forced to make then the ones that we could have made. That said, I would still support all kinds of actions by the PA if some others want to destabilize us and use Afghanistan as a base for their actions.

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